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Electro Recharged by Loganir and Verz (Updated 06/01/15)

Sir Ghostler

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Original Topic: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/electro-recharged-loganir-and-verz36-164186.0.html

Author's Site: http://loganir.blogspot.com/p/electro-recharged-by-loganir-and-verz36.html



For M.U.G.E.N 1.0. Electro plays very well. He has good sprite, good sounds and very good polish. If you liked Loganir's Cyclops, you'll like this. Definitely a keeper.


That One Zio said:

a furious as fuck shoto against a dictator that's supposed to be dead but came back for no raisin

The King and the Zio said:

invisible sonic booms are the way of the future

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