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Saber Alter by Hato & Pre-To released (11/18/2014)


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Excuse me, a cool what?


?? What?b2928b49fa408e1ef0bd3bbcd84864e42g.jpg?s


He was talking about the alt link Glavatron posted, Trini.


I know...

It's just that he did...well, let's say "a poor choice of words".


bad english is bad.


That's not nice...

LOL! All of you!  X-D


Anyways just to get things back on topic I tryed out the updated Saber_Alter she starting to feel more better However:


- she still stiff on some of her moves and animations (then again she wears armor so I believe thats the whole idea the author has in mind. :-P)

- Her "D,DB,B, a" special move doesn't Hit her opponent sometimes. (could be a missing attack collision on the animation)

+Her AI has improved a little

+She now has a new grab move using the "Force" (referring to Star Wars LOL! XD  )

+She has more better link-combos with her motions and special attacks considering she is only a three button character.


I say with some more updates she going to be a very solid character. :goodmood:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Ai better how? Is she actually beatable now? I've learned not to trust updates in my life so that's why i'm suspicious!

Well you already know if the A.I of the character is too difficult you can always make adjustments or disabling it by editing the A.I. coding in statedef -3.  :-P


Also check your Mugen.cfg file and look on the Arcade portion of the data for example:




 ;Set to 0 for computer to choose color 1 if possible.

 ;Set to 1 for computer to randomly choose a color.

AI.RandomColor = 1

 ;This option allows the AI to input commands without

 ;having to actually press any keys (in effect, cheating).

 ;Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable.

AI.Cheat = 1 <--------------------(some of us forgets that this causes the CPU to be more aggressive regardless if the character have A.I coding or not)

 ;Arcade Mode AI ramping. For both parameters below, the first number

 ;corresponds to the number of matches won, and the second number to the

 ;AI difficulty offset. The actual difficulty is the sum of the AI

 ;difficulty level (set in the options menu) and the value of the offset

 ;at a particular match.

 ;  AIramp.start = start_match, start_diff

 ;  AIramp.end   = end_match, end_diff

 ;The difficulty offset function is a constant value of start_diff from

 ;the first match until start_match matches have been won. From then the

 ;offset value increases linearly from start_diff to end_diff. After

 ;end_diff matches have been won, the offset value is end_diff.

 ;  e_d            /----------

 ;               /

 ;  s_d _______/

 ;     ^      ^     ^        ^

 ;   1st_m   s_m   e_m     last_m

 ;For example, if you have:

 ;  AIramp.start = 2,0

 ;  AIramp.end   = 4,2

 ;For 6 matches at level 4, the difficulty will be (by match):

 ;  4,4,4,5,6,6

arcade.AIramp.start = 2, 0

arcade.AIramp.end   = 4, 2

 ;Team Mode AI ramping

team.AIramp.start = 1, 0

team.AIramp.end   = 3, 2

 ;Survival Mode AI ramping

survival.AIramp.start = 0, -3

survival.AIramp.end   = 16, 4




What I do I usually disable the A.I of the character and leave the 'AI.cheat' enabled in mugen.cfg so that characters in mugen will be still be aggressive but not broken.



But if anyone has trouble with disabling The A.I of this character you can always count on Laharl in MFFA right here:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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