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This is a custom open full game made for mugen and is also a compilation. This game features new characters, stages, and a screenpack, This is not exactly a smash brothers port but it is a custom made non-profit fanart game. Some characters play like smash characters but others are more based on their original games. This game contains work from other fanart creators for mugen and all characters belong to their respective companies such as Nintendo, Sega, Namco, etc. This release contains some character updates. To see more releases like this visit our website @ http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net

Have fun and enjoy! ;)





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Cool and hey feel free to make a video to while your at it.


I'm considering maybe expanding the roster to like with Little Mac (custom version), Dig-Dug MvC sprite style, Abe Odessy (mvC sprite style), Marco (metal Slug), Ness (MvC sprite style, Peach, Banjo & Kazooie N64 (MvC sprite Style), Olimar, Ganondorf, and R.O.B.


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Why are so many characters a spriteswap of Megaman? Maybe the A.I. could be toned down a little bit as well, especially Link's, AiAi's, Mega X and Zero's. Also, please use a different font... And can you use 1.0?

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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I only used X as a base for characters that are mainly shooters by origin so tht they could play the same as shooters. The A.I. is better tough, the game has to be challenging. The font is custom made just for the game, it's a little big and only uppercase letters work. You can change them yourself in system.def.


This game is uilt on winmugen because mugen 1.0 and mugen 1.1 do not work on my current PC that i am using. Sorry. This is the best I can do. I may update this game in the future if I ever get a new PC.


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Updates? They have the same infinites as before.


Also, did you get permission to use the characters you didn't make for this? Laxxe's Kirby, Sean's Sonic, Gladiacloud's Bubblun, Kamek's Game & Watch, aperson's update to Warner's Luigi, and Mike's Yoshi.


One more thing:


Dk was left as is because he is being updated with another version by a different creator. I think DJHannibal is updating him? When he releases that one, replace it.

So you're encouraging them to replace your DK with Hannibal's after it is releases, yet you won't encourage anyone to replace your Link with better ones (I know mine's 1.0, but still)?

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Some characters have infinites because they perform them in their original games such as StarFox 64 and I based some characters more on their original games rather than 6 button traditional fighters.


Some updates were fixes for missing frames, clone issues, pallete problems, extra frames, attack reation fixes, etc. I'm sure there are still issues in there but everthing should be a little better and more compatible with characters that use throws and grab attacks.


As for permission, all character readme's and authors are intact; however this is a compilaion game so no permission is required just to bundle up a bunch of stuff that is allready made available prior to this arrangement. Compilatiosn are nothing more than a collection of mugen. All I did was bundle it up and made the download easier. Those creations are not mine and were shared with the public freely.


Keep in mind also....It's no different from what mugenfreeforall does in that it offers you links and bundles of characters together for download from variosu different authors and done so without consent or forknowledge of such actions. If there is a website to do this, then it's this one right here at MFFA.


As for Link (Zelda) issue, I like my Link the best out of all the edits out there (no offense). My new version is my favorite and I think it really carries the spirit of Link from the Legend of Zelda. Also he has way more moves, hard A.I., and a bigger sword XD


The new Dk being done, which also uses my sprite edits + Warner's original edit, and MvC2 Son Son, will be likely prefered over my old one because it will have what mine has except it will have extra new stuff on top of that. I'm encouraging it because it will offer more to.


I don't encourage kingcarz version because the colors are kinda flat and don't blend all that well with the rest of the roster visually, even though it plays really well and has good attacks + a good number of them. ErmacOne and Micromers version is probably one I should encourage, it's very original and fun, though I just prefer an adult Link over a young Link; So I went with my latest version.


Just to clarify, this is not exactly a smash bros game, everything is mixed or completely different. Some characters are 4 button, others 6, some are shooters, while others are fighters. I edited some characters to function like how they did in their original games rather than super smash bros style or whatever. It's a compilation to so no hitsparks match or anything like that. If anything the release from me is actually just the screenpack by itself as well as a few new stages; including 3 new characters.


Again the characters are just bundled liek this together just to give them a home to a fullgame, just for fun, in mugen since there hasn't really been a smash project done yet for mugen other than a few online ones that didn't get completed or go anywhere.


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