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The shrine maiden with the rifle, seems to hold her stance, still aiming at Hikari while keeping an eye on Meimu.


"On the ground... nice and easy now, you youkai..." she mutters.


*Reimu holds readies spell cards in her hands*

Just one second...Who are you? It's bad enough a fight is going to happen within the shrine, but no one is to be threatened here. At least....not in here. We always have a underground battle arena for that. Sit down and let's have a chat first....unless you can take us all on.

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The shrine maiden with the rifle, seems to hold her stance, still aiming at Hikari while keeping an eye on Meimu.


"On the ground... nice and easy now, you youkai..." she mutters.


"You're hopelessly outnumbered against people that dodge bullets on a regular basis and even then I doubt a rifle like that would be enough to kill any of them."

"The human youkai kept mentioning details about her supposed timeline. I wonder..."


"But I suppose you knew those details already, Hakurei."

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*the gun maiden points her rifle at Meimu*


"I have no idea what details you're talking about, and it probably doesn't concern me. But I see you've heard of me at least."


*she then turns her attention to Reimu*


"Another shrine maiden? No... a thief I see."


*points her gun at Reimu*


"You'll return the Hakurei Yin-Yang orbs to my shrine, post haste."

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So, I was right after all.Meimu_zps1d86d2b9.png"Well, I've always wanted to know if shooting an alternate timeline version of yourself was considered suicide."

Wow Meimu, no faith in me? *chuckles*

Now, I would stop pointing that gun if I were you.


Be warned....you might get destroyed by the thing you seek. So go ahead and try, though I might kill you in the process. *gives an evil grin*

"What came over me just now?" Reimu thought

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*the gun maiden points her rifle at Meimu*


"I have no idea what details you're talking about, and it probably doesn't concern me. But I see you've heard of me at least."


*she then turns her attention to Reimu*


"Another shrine maiden? No... a thief I see."


*points her gun at Reimu*


"You'll return the Hakurei Yin-Yang orbs to my shrine, post haste."




"What's this about alternate timestreams?"




"It means she's also Reimu Hakurei. Or some equivalent."


Sasuke turns toward the alternate Reimu.


"A fight would be suicide - for you, that is."


Sasuke knew a one-sided fight. It'd be more one-sided than his 'fight' against the five kages.

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Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine


BGM: Autoroute L'enfer



"An alternate Reimu? Now things are getting interesting."


"And he's right. Attack her and you'll hurt yourself. Unless..."


"Necrox, what's with the unless? Isn't she the future of Reimu? If she knows about the Hakurei Yin-Yang orbs..."


"I guess he meant about the connection of their Fates. If she is truly the future of Reimu, then their Fate must be the same."


"I'm going to check the Chains of Fate now. You guys, hold her the maximum possible."


Necrox opened a red portal and entered it. Lilly looked at the other shrine maiden.



"Alright... we tried the easy way, so I'm going to be serious with you. Low that gun or else you're getting hurt!"


(Wow, she's trying to impose force. How unexpected.)


Chains of Fate


Necrox crosses the portal on the other side, arriving at a black space filled with red, glowing chains. Those were the Fates of every single person on the Multiverse



"Alright, now let's do a search. Let's see if I can find Reimu's Fate and see if the other shrine maiden is equal..."


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*the gun miko scoffs*

"At least get the name right. Its Yume Hakurei. Besides, only the Hakurei shrine maiden like myself can control the Yin Yang orbs. That power is too much for thieves such as yourself. Now I won't ask again... Hand them over."

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*the gun miko scoffs*

"At least get the name right. Its Yume Hakurei. Besides, only the Hakurei shrine maiden like myself can control the Yin Yang orbs. That power is too much for thieves such as yourself. Now I won't ask again... Hand them over."


*She walks closer*

"Hey, relax, maybe you both are related and that's why you have the same type of or-"

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*the gun miko scoffs*"At least get the name right. Its Yume Hakurei. Besides, only the Hakurei shrine maiden like myself can control the Yin Yang orbs. That power is too much for thieves such as yourself. Now I won't ask again... Hand them over."


"Yume Hakurei?"

Come to think of it, I overheard her say 200 years. A human doesn't have such a long lifespan. i also recall Yukari once mentioning that the orbs only respond to someone of the Hakurei bloodline. Therefore..."


"I don't know what I find more surprising. The fact that you're too stupid to recognize your own ancestor or the fact that Reimu will have a descendant to begin with."

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*Yume looks at Meimu with a look of contempt*"And I'm supposed to believe that my ancestors who have been dead for hundreds of years are suddenly walking the earth? You'll have to try harder than that, youkai"


News flash: You aren't in your time period. In your case, it's the past. And descendant or not, how the hell could you not know who I am? And then have the audacity to point to hold me at gun point?

Last chance: drop the gun or you will feel some pain. And I'll tell you, I will take my sweet time taking your life, if I have to. *Gives an evil giggle*

*Reimu thought to herself* "What the heck is going on? Why am I suddenly getting so hostile?"

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Meimu proceeded to open a gap and use it slap Reimu in the back of her head.


"Are you getting possessed by a demon? I would expect far better from a shrine maiden such as yourself."

She turned toward Yume.


"She's right about one thing. I assume you're from the same timeline as the youkai you're holding at gunpoint."

She then looked toward Reimu.


"When you're back to your senses, you mind using your ying yang orb? Anything that shows you can use it will do, I doubt she'll reason without proving that first."

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*Rubs the back of her head*


Thanks Meimu. However, it's not a demon....it's probably a dark entity created from all the dark thoughts I sealed away within myself in order to become a shrine maiden. And Yume, as for you...


I gave you a warning. *summons the Yin-Yang orbs, holding 2 spell cards* Fantasy Orb!! *She shoots the orb outside, causing a small explosion*

There, was that proof enough? Choose wisely...the next one won't miss. Hehehehe

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*Yume looks at her predecessor with a curious look on her face, as she begins to put her gun down.*

"I see... It would appear that you are who you claim to be. But how is this possible? How could, no, why would those from the past be appearing here and now?"

*She looks at Hikari suspiciously*

"This woman bears a very strong resemblance to the youkai the elders once talked about. The one who created Gensokyo and sought to ensure that mankind would stay enslaved to meet the needs of the youkai. Why would my ancestor ally herself with youkai such as her? Why would the previous Hakurei shrine maiden assist in the enslavement of mankind like this?"

*Hikari began to answer, only to be cut off by Yume*

"I was asking my ancestor, not you..."

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It's rude to interrupt people, Yume. Especially when they might hold some important information....and are friends with your ancestor. Did you think some sort of relationship between people and youkai was impossible. Despite her trickery and occasional winter stealing of food, Yukari has been a dear friend of mine. She's helped make the shrine what it is today, so whatever she's done in the future.....that's her fault.

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Meimu was rather disturbed at what she just heard.

That's not the Yukari I know....



Meimu looked at Hikari


"You said this all starts with Yukari's apprentice, right? If that's the case..."

She proceeds to open a gap to the SDM.


"I still have questions that I want you to answer. But I suppose that will have to wait until we can be sure history won't repeat itself."

She proceeds to jump into the gap.

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