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Is spriting more important than gameplay?


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When looking at the critique at a certain Mugen author's characters, most of them only talk about how bad the sprites are even though they looked fine and spot on to what the characters are from the show (No, not Beanfan.) however the animation were very 16-bit esque for it givingthem a new and old school like vibe. Other people would say that the sprites were ugly AND then talk about the balance of the character Because of this, some people hated the character overall. Is the M.U.G.E.N community very judgmental with sprites and animation so much? Just asking, also I am afraid to release my character when it's done since the animation is choppy and the sprites are the same exact sprites from the game it's based on only with 100% frankenspriting and I don't want to end up being the next person who gets followed around in the Internet and harassed (Sorry for acting like a 9 year old in that part.) because my character had a mistake in the sprites.

W.I.P (Will only do one at a time. Sorry.):2qcjoy8.gif Status: Currently having someone test it out and fix the mistakes (Besides the missing sprites) I missed.

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Here are some words of advice; first off never be afraid to release something if you honestly feel you did a good job on it. 2nd, don't take critique of your creations personally and always try to use it to try to improve your characters. At most, you should show that you appreciate the feedback you received no matter how harsh or damning it looks. It may not feel good that people don't like what you put out, but it feedback will be extremely in helping you to become a better creator. 3rd, there are only a handful of members in the Mugen community who will say something is bad without sufficient reason or harshly criticize a creation beyond feedback which are usually just blatant personal attacks. Thats life, some people are just knuckleheads and theres nothing that can be done about it. 


TLDR; Don't be scared to release something you believe is good, take comprehensive feedback and use it become a better creator, ignore the elitists. Those who you say are extremely judgmental, are not the bulk of community, atleast not in this era of Mugen.


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My view is this: Ugly sprites can hurt a character. However, even the nicest sprites can't save a character if it plays like complete shit.

I'd rather have something that looked bad but played well than something that looks stunning but plays like a polished turd.

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both play an important role in making the character

I understand that sprites are the first thing people see in a character, but whwen people hate the character overall because of the sprites when they don't talk about the gameplay and the sprites are intact to how the show's graphics but the animation isn't the best rather bothers me.  So, yeah they do play an imporant role for some reason but I just don't understand why it seems to be a huge thing for Mugen characters to have. What if I make an Atari ET character using the sprites from ET for Atari?

W.I.P (Will only do one at a time. Sorry.):2qcjoy8.gif Status: Currently having someone test it out and fix the mistakes (Besides the missing sprites) I missed.

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listen, what makes a good character, is consistent smooth sprites, with cool interesting gameplay.


literally nothing else.

joke characters and characters that are not meant to be beaten are not classified as mugen characters they are classified as the end of arcade mode.


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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listen, what makes a good character, is consistent smooth sprites, with cool interesting gameplay.


literally nothing else.

joke characters and characters that are not meant to be beaten are not classified as mugen characters they are classified as the end of arcade mode.

In that case, my first character sucks ass and I'm not gonna lie about that. She has choppy sprites, and unfinished broken gayplay. In fact, I just got a video out about her... Ew. Makes the character I bashed in the video look decent.

W.I.P (Will only do one at a time. Sorry.):2qcjoy8.gif Status: Currently having someone test it out and fix the mistakes (Besides the missing sprites) I missed.

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>> What if I make an Atari ET character using the sprites from ET for Atari?

You tried DJ HANNIBALROYCE's and RoySquadRocks' MUGEN stuff?  If you can be creative like both of them, then I think it does not matter what source games you take to make for MUGEN.


>> but whwen people hate the character overall because of the sprites when they don't talk about the gameplay and the sprites

It can not be denied that the first-impression of everything (not just MUGEN) is some ticket to any entrances.
If the sprites look great but the gameplay is not cool, then there is still a hope of fixes by other decent MUGEN creators/authors who care.
If the sprites look not cool but the gameplay is great, then the hope of fixes can only be put up to by the spriters/spriter rippers who make/rip.

So, the case #1 seems to be a one-to-many relations, while the case #2 seems to be a one-to-one relations.  Of course different spriters/spriter rippers might work together to make case #1&#2 have a many-to-many relations, yet its probability of happening is quite small.....for example, I don't know how to draw sprites, I only do sprite-ripping by my own if the sprites are not available anywhere anyhow.  When I release a hard-to-rip-and-sprites-quality-not-cool MUGEN stuff, it is normal for people to say, "hey your ripped sprites look like craps."  I don't quite mind that.  What I mind more is, when people say, "hey your MUGEN ideas suck dinosaur toe forever, I don't accept your fixes and you should stop your MUGEN'ing now!".  I can never understand why some people love to intentionally discourage the others like that.  These people are worse than those germs that make people suck.  What do they gain by doing that?  What if they receive the same discouragements?


By the way, IMHO sprites are involved in a kind of like a subjective judgements, while gameplays are involved in a kind of like an objective judgements.  It is kind of like Arts vs Sciences.

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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Nowadays, people tend to prefer a certain sprite-style in a character rather than gameplay. If the style is not what they hoped for, they won't get it despite how well the character plays.


Wondering by any chance that certain sprite-style could it be the one starting with the big "C" and follows by two (2) more alphabets?  04a97f13.gif

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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ppl want CvS3 thats all.


More like MVC. I've seen quite a lot of MVC styled characters around. It's the reason characters like Spongebob by Felix Mario, Cartman by (Forgot) and Microsoft Sam by Butthenidied is so popular.

W.I.P (Will only do one at a time. Sorry.):2qcjoy8.gif Status: Currently having someone test it out and fix the mistakes (Besides the missing sprites) I missed.

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