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k here's the questions


how many waifu's do you have?


what do you think kai?

1: A few.

2: I think Kai will have to create a thread OR ELSE.


- Mexican Donte is the best?


- WHat the hell Dumanios means?


- A 20 tons bull just tackled you how you feel?.

1: Si.

2: It's a reference to a character from a Civ4 mod called Fall from Heaven.


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1. Favorite mugen character?

2. Favorite mugen creator?

3. If you made your own character on mugen what gameplay would he/she/you have?

4. Do you read hentai to kai before bed?

5. Favorite game? (besidesmugen)

1+2: Them's some difficult questions. I'd say some of my favorite creators are Rice, The None, Biyo, Kurogane, and Nineball to a lesser extent. I'm also like Toma and Makoto's Nanaya, Shiroto's Ciel, MGSSJ2's Sasuke (unbalanced as he is), as well as Destrud Nero, Joutenchi, E-Youmu, and Hastur.

3: Hmmm... probably loosely base it off of Melty Blood-esque gameplay.


5: I'm currently doing a whole lot of World of Warcraft ATM, there's Civilization 4, KOTOR, and Katawa Shoujo as well.

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1. On the subject of Katawa Shoujo, who's your favorite girl?

2. First MUGEN character?

3. How did you got in MUGEN?

4. How did you got at MFFA?

5. Which producer do you want to be bought by which of the three big companies?

1: I'm gonna go with Hanako, personally.

2: I'm not gonna lie here, a lot of the characters I downloaded really early in my Mugen career (IE, even before I made videos) were Naruto characters. There were smaller amounts of DBZ characters too. A lot of those characters were not that good. Thankfully, my standards improved more than a bit since my pre-video days.

3: I saw plenty of Mugen videos on YouTube, and decided to download it myself.

4: I noticed that MFFA seemed like a pretty nice community, and it wasn't as large as Guild. Funny thing is, now I want to sign up at Guild, but Jabber's registration thing is broken ATM.

5: Eh, none really (it doesn't help that I'm not the most knowledgable person in that regard.)

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1. Would you kick Cruz?

2. Knife or Banana?


1: Yes. In the head. Both of them.

2: Always bring a knife to a banana fight.


Chicken or Fish?


1: Chicken. Wait, we're talking about food, right?

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1. If a tree falls in the forest and no ones around to hear it, does it make a giant fucking crater in the land?

2. Soft or crunchy tacos?

3. Do you fox only, no items, final destination on smash?

5. This is question 5, understood?

6. And serious question, what video game genres do you enjoy?


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1. If a tree falls in the forest and no ones around to hear it, does it make a giant fucking crater in the land?

2. Soft or crunchy tacos?

3. Do you fox only, no items, final destination on smash?

5. This is question 5, understood?

6. And serious question, what video game genres do you enjoy?


1: How big's the tree?

2: Soft. Crunchy shells always end up breaking. However, neither compare to Quesadillas.

3: Nope.

5: Si.

6: RPGs are always pretty fun. I also like 4X Games.


Do you like to take out the thrash?


Yeah, kinda. It's fun, but some of the characters can be very annoying to deal with.

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