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this isn't a new character is this just jarros? he alredy posted it. this is not  where things you found go if you actually made this and its different than his please tell me otherwise I will be having this thread removed.


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I am aware of Double Posting here but: *ding*


Anyways, I got a lot of things that I would like to address about this Varnage:


-It may be my settings, but I can barely hear the voices on Varnage's intro

-Hitboxes are sometimes awkward and just all over the place.


-Some of his normals suffer from "Ow he punched my sword" syndrome


-So why do you have both his own "Bloodspark" and Mugen's "bloodspark" at the same time?

-After using "Camo" and letting it charge, Some attacks make the Camo meter flash for a bit

-"Shadow" effect gone wrong after Varnage Rush (Blocked and unblocked)


-Maximum Varnage doesn't connect properly


-Super Axe has a "Ground destroyed" effect that's mis-aligned when blocked


-Just a question: Why have a hitbox on his "arm" when it's clearly his axe attacking?

-These Spikes during Tendril destroyer looks kind of off


(Though the one on the far left looks better, but that's because of the "shadow" effect from Varnage Rush staying there)

-There's these noticeably obvious lines in the super BG


-Not to mention the noticeable colorloss on the Super BG

-After the 1st 4 hits of "The Insanity", the opponent can recover out of it


-The "Physics" on his Air HK somehow gains him extra air

-In fact, it almost looks like there's no "physics" at all with air HK


-If I press any standing normal buttons (Except for HK) twice, he'll immediately go from standing -> crouching normal,
 despite the fact that I didn't press "down" on the controller. Intentional?

-So why add in a "slash" sound on his throw, when it doesn't really look like Varnage's "thing" bites the opponent, but instead grabs them?

-This is how much damage is done after doing the following: qcb mk, qcb hk, qcb lk (Also works fullscreen too)


(Maybe lower the damage a bit?)

-Some effect misalignment during Tendril Grab


-Hitspark Misalignment on spike Shoot


-Some of the "sprites" during Ground Bite looks cut off


-The movelist for shield counter says it can work with any 2 punches, yet it only works with lp + mp (Can't seemingly activate it with mp + hp)

-On one frame of Varnage's HP (or Z), there is literally no hitbox right here:


-Why is there a seeming randomly placed blue hitbox during mk?



I may missed something, but it's all I had for now. But let's just say that he needs a lot of work for this Varnage to be decent.



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