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This is in no way-------No Way At All------- Anything close to KoFXIII or RoTD, it's not even an Apha release, let alone 98% complete, he looks like he's drawn with cryons and that KOFXIII spriote at the top wasn't even made by you, I saw that posted on MFG 2+ years ago.


Just what are you trying to do here?

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This is in no way-------No Way At All------- Anything close to KoFXIII or RoTD, it's not even an Apha release, let alone 98% complete, he looks like he's drawn with cryons and that KOFXIII spriote at the top wasn't even made by you, I saw that posted on MFG 2+ years ago.


Just what are you trying to do here?

My god Sky really, no where did he say he made the sprite or the character and in case you missed it this is a warehouse section, anything posted here was not made by the poster and is posted here to share other people's creations.


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My god Sky really, no where did he say he made the sprite or the character and in case you missed it this is a warehouse section, anything posted here was not made by the poster and is posted here to share other people's creations.

Nothing stated the in this release has any basis in fact. This post as a whole is misleading.

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Just what are you trying to do here?

Im trying to post a character which is found somewhere else and not existed in MFFA till now, in case you dont have eyes and read the post with :watchout:


no where did he say he made the sprite or the characte

Thank You my Fellow Mffa-Er :)

i dont know why he is shouting yet he sees+reads the topic name and poster name is totally different but he accused me for it




Oh wow, just all of this for a single char.


But regardless, might as well test this one out, just to see if he has any problems or not. (Besides the "Boohoo he's not KOFXIII sprited", besides Kamekaze's KOFXIII chars not having any KOFXIII-styled sprites)

Well i wud say he tried

P.S his wips are Igniz Zero and two more i dont know the names ^_^



Nothing stated the in this release has any basis in fact. This post as a whole is misleading.

This person is like =  :extremeanger:


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Nothing stated the in this release has any basis in fact. This post as a whole is misleading.



Krizalid XIII by manuell213ENDS

How the fuck does any sane person find this misleading?

The XIII/RotD part on the other hand, well thats the actual author's responsibility.

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i think author took ROTD character and sprited him [tried] into XIII style sprites

Well tried, but it ended up looking like a mess (Cause sprites are just so inconsistent, it's not even funny).


Idk if the author is aware that Zelgadis made a sprite of Krizalid based on that coat he wears (since I noticed that's what he's trying to go for).



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Thought it was really a KOFXIII character with actual KOFXIII sprites. Just a bad release saying with KOFXIII sprites but not really.


Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia (My one true pairing. Final Fantasy XV & Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires)

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