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BOSStimus Prime an Optimus Prime boss character


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So after a year of laptop/pc troubles I've made some recent progress.


I've gotten all of his basic parts posting on screen. His head tracks the enemy no matter where they are on screen.

I've used "Apocalypse (MVC)" by N64Mario as a base. You might be able to tell by the gradient at the bottom of the screen. The gameplay will be heavily influenced by Apocalypse from XMvsSF. I have a ton of "parts" to use. His right bicep has 50 or so different positions. I have 30 positions for his forearm, and maybe 12 hand types.  His Left arm has about 9 things it can do. His main core has about 4 positions. The one you see and about 3 more of him leaning back/standing up straight.

I'd love to get help and ideas for moves for him. Right now he has far less options than XMvsSF Apocalypse. I figure the eye beams are a possibility, and the "drill" punch could be specials/ultras. I honestly dont have a clue what he could potentially do. Because he has so many options between his bicep and forearm I think he could have a lot of different "punches". Like a flat palm splat, an upper cut, just basic punching actions.

I was thinking maaaybe some other Autobots could show up. Apocalypse has the little floating drones, maybe BOSStimus could too.

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well how bout a clothesline move like onslaught instead of using his hand he could clothesline the enemy.

him opening his chest to use the matrix as a super special.

have him call autobots to roll across the screen and the Aerialbots to fly across.

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This character is a ways away from playable. Im still piecing the screen shots together. I still have a LOT of editing on the images to do. Otherwise the whole character wont look/work properly.
Like ALL of the head animations have too much of the body around them. I want to reduce the images down so that it's JUST the head; Maybe the neck for certain animations.

If anyone knows decent photoshop techniques for removing the exact same pixels easily it'd cut my work down tremendously.

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Hey is this the prime form the game War for Cybertron or Fall of Cybertron? I'm kinda surprized you didn't try to use Omega or Trypticon form the game. they would be perfect for this.

Its War for Cybertron version and its not "Prime" actually...well...at least until the end of the game. And i agree, those 2 guys, Metroplex and Thunderwing would be perfect for this kind of a character.

And i have an idea for attack - Optimus attempts to crush opponent with his fist, but before his fist touches ground, it transforms into a gun, then, after few seconds after touching the ground, it fires something at point-blank range. But there may be problems with said gun since i never saw model of any of the WfC or FoC weapons. Or use his sword from FoC so he could use same attacks as Chaos (from Dissidia: Final Fantasy) when using his 4 swords, but with single sword.

Eye beams kinda sound unfitting for him since this thing is mostly exclusive for giant guys like Trypti- no, i think they very rarely appeared.

Engage me. 1v1. No Missiles. Samus only. Norfair Depths.

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