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What is or Are your favorite movies you dont tire of?

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There are some movies i just find myself watching again and again at times and i never get tired of watching them.


I'll name a few:


Dawn of the dead 1979

Night of the living dead 1990

Day of the dead (1985)

Escape from New York



Pulp Fiction


Those are the main movies (out of all my movies i have) that i can just put on and never get tired of them.



what are your favorite movies?

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Clockwork Orange



Terminator 2


The Shining


Forrest Gump


Everything made by Pixar save for Cars

Kung Fu Hustle

Step Brothers

Wolf of Wall Street

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


Six-String Samurai

Seven Samurai

Sukiyaki Western Django

Django Unchained

Dr. Strangelove

and The Great Dictator

I'm sure there's a few more but this is what I can scrape from the top of my head

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Godzilla (1954 Japanese Original)

Street Fighter II anime movie subbed

Terminator 1 and 2

Blade Runner

Enter the Dragon

The Avengers


The Untouchables (1987)

Superman II (the Richard Donner cut) 

Spider-man 2

Ong Bak



That's all I can think off the top of my head.


House of the Dead ( I KID, I kid, I kid...)

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...Is it me, or is DemonKai really on a roll with topic making in here?


Anyway, I'll list some films (since I don't have a lot to watch multiple times):




.Donnie Darko


.Batman: Dark Knight Returns Pt. 1 & 2


.Justice League: Doom


.Toy Story 1, 2, & 3


.Ultraman Mebius & Ultra Brothers


.Kamen Rider W Forever: A to Z/The Gaia Memories of Fate


.Kamen Rider: The First


.The Raid: Redemption


That's all from me.

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I love this movie so damn much.


Oh hell yeah man TF G1 fan for life! i Got two DvDs of that damn movie and the whole box set for the entire series (yes the one with the silver cover and it has the plastic animation cel shots inside) :goodmood:



...Is it me, or is DemonKai really on a roll with topic making in here?



lol Just trying to keep the forum buzzin man ^_^


And yeah i got that Raid Redemption too on blue ray. Ive been watchin that a bunch since i first got it. I still have to see that sequel!

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The Thing 1982 (not the sequel The Thing 2011):



John Carpenter and Kurt Russell are my men!


Yeah thats one of my top favorite horror movies to watch still till this very day. But The thing 2011 isnt a sequel its a Prequel. Its the story behind what went down at that Norwegian lab site that Kurt Russell (Macready) and his crew flew to investigate in the Thing movie 1982 where they brought back the burned up specimen. There never was a sequel


I have The Thing (2011) on Blue Ray. Seen it theaters too when it came out. Loved it. some people dont like it because they think its either a remake or sequel and its not haha....The special FX in that movie was good. I thought it was great explaining what took place at that Norwegian camp site Makes me wonder how a Dead space movie would turn out




More movies that are my favs to watch a lot are:


Mad max

Mad max Beyond Thunder dome

Zombi 2 (1979)

Return of the living dead

Carlitos way

Scarface (1980s version)

Dawn of the dead 2004

Demons (1985)

Conan the barbarian


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Yeah thats one of my top favorite horror movies to watch still till this very day. But The thing 2011 isnt a sequel its a Prequel. Its the story behind what went down at that Norwegian lab site that Kurt Russell (Macready) and his crew flew to investigate in the Thing movie 1982 where they brought back the burned up specimen. There never was a sequel


I have The Thing (2011) on Blue Ray. Seen it theaters too when it came out. Loved it. some people dont like it because they think its either a remake or sequel and its not haha....The special FX in that movie was good. I thought it was great explaining what took place at that Norwegian camp site Makes me wonder how a Dead space movie would turn out




More movies that are my favs to watch a lot are:


Mad max

Mad max Beyond Thunder dome

Zombi 2 (1979)

Return of the living dead

Carlitos way

Scarface (1980s version)

Dawn of the dead 2004

Demons (1985)

Conan the barbarian




well at least i can say this, if we were roomies we could definitely NOT argue over witch movies to watch ,another nice list that i also enjoy 

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lol thats what most of dvd stash consist of man. I got some up to date movies too but when my fam and peoples want to stop through and check out some old 70s, 80s and 90s horror yeah i usually got em all damn there...Miss those old days of Fright night TV show and chiller thriller...i used to see the strangest horror movies on those programs


off topic...


And yo what the hell is up with photobucket these days? i see more and more people (including me), recently R@ce too and others gettin shut down on the visuals. Thats why i had to switch to IMGUR.... 



back on topic....


Jeepers Creepers

From Beyond

Trick or treat

Reservoir dogs

Children shouldnt play with dead things

John Carpenters Vampires

Maximum Overdrive

Batman Begins


V for Vendetta

The warriors




I come in peace

The Hidden (the 1980s flick)

5 deadly Venoms

Kid with the Golden arm

Shaolin VS Lama

Training Day

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Yo DeMoNk@I,


I see you've posted a lot of movie titles and was wondering if you're basically listing your entire movie library one set at a time or not? :=D:


Because seriously there are only that many movies a normal human being can never get tired off.


Unless said human being has achieved the "Legendary" status


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You forgot the title of the thread already man? lol 


Yeah its a mix. Few listed i dont have (like The hidden & I come in peace) but overall ALL the movies i listed are my favorites to watch and never get tired of watching. I left out of course the ones im currently tired of watching....one for example "Coming to America" (one of my favorite comedies too)....i blame that on my girlfriend for wanting to watch it on cable,netflix and the dvd when i had it -_- smh haha


she loves that damn movie...

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You forgot the title of the thread already man? lol


Nah man, I haven't forgotten it lol.


I wish I could contribute to this topic by naming a few titles I never get tired off but the thing is, I'm the kind of guy who doesn't watch all that many movies due to a general lack of movies that appeal to me and when I do see a movie, I'm done with it. I never watch it again most of the time because I've got a good memory which helps me to remember in great detail whatever happens in that movie and what will happen and when.


When I do decide to re-watch it, it's out of sheer boredom more than anything else. I just don't see why I should re-watch movies I already have seen once if I already know what will occur and when it will occur. Same goes with good books, I read it and I'm done with it, only re-reading it if I somehow forget what happens in that written story though truth be told, I have never re-read a book. That's probably because reading has always been more my thing than movies so my brain saves all the data and facts I got from those books way better than it does with movies.


The appeal some people find in re-watching a movie or re-reading a book is something I do not understand since I never experienced it.


So yeah, while I'm at it, I guess I'll somewhat contribute to this topic of yours with a question I'd love to not only know your but also others their answer to :


What motivates you to see a movie you've already seen once or read a book you've already read once a second time or even multiple times? Is it because you want to (in case of books for example), because others somehow force you too (in the case of movies for example) or is it something else entirely (nostalgia for example)?

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-well heres the thing....youre a gamer right? if you can tell me you only play a video game once and then get rid of it after beating it then that clears everything up. You have a certain kind of personality. You get bored of things fast. Nothig wrong with that though. Movies are the same thing with games imo. you know how it ends right? You know the final boss right? theres no real challenge anymore in knowing all the obstacles to get around so whats the point? the point is it was fun, memorable to play again and enjoyable


About the memory quote:

-Has nothing to do with memory man haha....i bet a lot of us movie fans here can re site almost all the words from their favorite movie and still bust a gut. i can damn there do it with pulp fiction and still make everyone laugh in the room with my samuel jackson impression scene lol its fun bro. nothing wrong in watching your favorite movie again and again. If it makes you smile. Inspires you, still give you a scare or puts you in chill mode why not? Certain movies are timeless.


About me and movies:


-Well the nostalgia, fun or amusement passing the time. In a nut shell ive always been big on extra activities at home. I hate being bored. I kept that family habit. Lot of music. Movies and video games. i hate when im home bored or i hate when company comes by and they're bored. I gotta be doing something or watching something when im home chillin so thats why my dvd and video game collection is on point. not cool being caught out there on a stormy day or when ya sick and you have no cable. no internet. So with that said since i have such a big selection of movies i dont tire easy of certain movies. too many in rotation. Now if it was that same one movie for 8 years AND it was the titanic?? yeah id slit my wrist man lol 



About Books?:

-nah i never been a big book worm. Im kinda like that with Alien animal books though on loch ness,moth man,big foot etc etc. My girlfriend sorta is with books in general. she can read 3 novels in a day actually. i get bored fast with that shit haha. My mom was big on books AND movies (especially horror). She read The Stand twice and Salem's Lot like 3 times. All because it was that good. SO MANY WOMEN read those two books a lot man. she always used to tell me books are actually better than its movie counter parts which is true but i just cant sit there and read a book like that all the time. i can read my ass off but nah im just not big on it since it will put my ass to sleep. Only exception in some past years is World war Z (way before the crap movie came about) when a book worm close friend put me on to it. love it. did i finish it? no. im still reading when im in the mood. im pretty far though. But will i re read it again when im done? i doubt it but if im going far traveling and bored or it happens to be in the bathroom ehem and im...well never mind...lol thats the only way. 




well i hope that cleared up your curiosity on that XD....


and on that note....


@Zombie brock & VeryDannieboy:



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All the Rocky's(particularly the 4...because "I must  break you." lol!)

All the Rambo's

Over the Top

Demolition Man

Judge Dredd


Terminator 1 and 2

Predator 1


Conan the Barbarian

The Last Action Hero

Kindergarten Cop("It's not a TUMAH!")

Running Man


End of Days

I Come In Peace

True Lies

Mad Max

Road Warriors(Mad Max 2 for all you youngstaz)

Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome(friggin love this movie!)


Street Fighter the Animated Movie

Transformers the Movie(animated)


40 Year Old Virgin

All the Friday's

No Retreat, No surrender


Double Impact



All the Uiversal Soldier's


Double Team

Death Warrant

Kickboxer 1 and 2


I'll try and think of some more. The movie buff in me just exploded... :awesome

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