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Milk Aka Chi-Chi By COLOSSE.


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Since when Chi-Chi has another name call Milk??? Which dub has it?


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I thought Japanese say "Oppai" for boobs.... Oh great now we talking about woman's hot spot rather than give feedback to this character :troll:


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So Chi-Chi Mean Boobs? °W° Never Heard it. Thanks Ryou XDDDDD. 


Video is NSFW - slight boobidge  :=D:


   .............. @1:51 


& for the hell of it



My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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I look on guild, seem this Chi-Chi has been update (and maybe gonna be update again soon too). Thomas, you might want to give a link to guild thread as well.


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I look on guild, seem this Chi-Chi has been update (and maybe gonna be update again soon too). Thomas, you might want to give a link to guild thread as well.

already added. C: and btw he have updated it

-no more goku/gohan voices,

-fixed stand animation

-landing sound fixed

-all 5000's sprites & anims, same thing for crouching sprites.; however don't expect crouching attacks since you can't crouch in the original game.

-fixed jumping attacks.

My Signature 

Fuck U :D I Don't Have one Asshole.

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strange feedback here :hmm:


wasn't feedback supposed to be agressive? :yaoming:

Let's call it the "peaceful and relaxing" feedback :goodmood:


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I think I already mentioned somewhere that, unless the feedback (be it bash or cash) is directed to the MUGEN creator/author, or the MUGEN creator/author comes to read about it, any feedbacks in the News topics are........futile.


For news posts, in my opinion the more important thing is, the topic maker and the reply-ers can update the news post when they find some updates made by the MUGEN creator/author.


The case is a different story if, and only if, any posters here take over the MUGEN product and update it and post a patch or something, on the other hand.


Feel free to Alpha-counter my viewpoint........



[EDIT]:  Sorry folks.........I think I am nobody to try to "teach" people how to post..............just disregard my above lines......feedback is feedback, not only the MUGEN creator/author needs that.  I just forgot to take my pill.....

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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It seem Goku has married with a "True Wonder Woman" :=D:


Seriously, everything related to boobs is her name???


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