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Rufus SF4 * Early Beta* By MR I

Lord Batros

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Part of me is excited for the chance to add another new Capcom character.  They're like 25% of my roster tops after all.  But then I remember it's stupid ass Rufus and I lose interest.


Seriously, Capcom.  Can we have a character that isn't a complete loser or genetically mutated monstrocity?

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But then I remember it's stupid ass Rufus and I lose interest.



You know he's basically Chris Farley, as "Bevery Hills Ninja," right? Blanka is Tarzan, Ryu is Yoshiji Soeno, Ken is Joe Lewis, Balrog is Mike Tyson, Chun Li is Michelle Yeoh, Zangief is Victor Zangiev and the list goes on and on. Every street fighter is a real life person or a famous fictional character tweaked just enough to avoid getting sued.

lxbf.png = Victor Zangiev vs Mayor Jesse "The Body" Ventura



Ughhh, and this post will prob get ignored over some stupid inane shit.


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Well, that's the funny part about capcom fighters. Actually i dislike the games with a lot of "beauty" fighters with flashy moves and stuff like that (snk and aksys fighters, for example), so when i see characters like rufus and hakan, ugly but charismatic and fun to play, i'm happy.


But everyone here have an opinion and every opinion, if it doesn't hurt anybody, deserves respect ;)

In search of more SSFIV graphic-styled chars, Strip Fighter IV's Amanda and more! lxbf.png

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I won't ignore your post.  And no I didn't know that (because I never bothered to think about it) but it doesn't help any.  I can't like a character that's designed to be unlikable. 

True, true. But sometimes it can help though. I never cared for Ryu much, till I found out he was a real guy, and the whole Ryu vs. Sagat thing was a real major fight scheduled to go down in Thailand, I think Bangkok, and broadcasted, but the Thai mobsters shot the Black Cobra (who Sagat is based on) before the fight so they wouldnt lose anymore gambling scams. And DAMN did they fight brutal too, Yoshiji ended a match with a high jump and hard elbow drop to the guy's head (they changed it to the dragon punch thing). The only game I can think of who copies real people as much is Tekken, with King(Fray Tormenta, real mexican wrestler who used his champ money to fund a orphanage and a church he still preaches at to today), Marduk(Goldberg), and Kazuya (VEGETA, the creators are shifty about answering so Shonen & Tohei wont snatch their profits) LOL!

The KOF chars, unless crazy edited bore me to tears though. It's just Tokyo thugs, hoods and cosmopolitans who can fight. Well not all of them, but alot of them. I will give them credit for Ash though, he's a out fem boy who can break you in half, and that's awesome right there.



Well, that's the funny part about capcom fighters. Actually i dislike the games with a lot of "beauty" fighters with flashy moves and stuff like that (snk and aksys fighters, for example), so when i see characters like rufus and hakan, ugly but charismatic and fun to play, i'm happy.


But everyone here have an opinion and every opinion, if it doesn't hurt anybody, deserves respect ;)

Hahaha! HEY, Blanka was always my first pick since I was a tiny kid. SF the movie did him dirty though, I remember waiting the whollle movie just for him, then it was like ! :( !

The pretty girl, little girl, and cool guy(K', Remy, Kyo, Iori) fighters are just so boring and basic and predictable. And there's too many of them. And they're all exactly the same. There's really no imagination or excitement to them, and what's really pitiful is we all know many people grab them just because of the "That's me / that's who I like to act like" factor. That's some stupid STUPID worthless poo-poo. You're a man after my own heart, spider.


BTW for some reason, I think you need a pic with a spider's face and like some money in the corner like he's holding it and a caption going "WHERE MY MUNNY?". Can you imagine a giant spider bill collector?! NOOBOODY would be late on payments.


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BTW for some reason, I think you need a pic with a spider's face and like some money in the corner like he's holding it and a caption going "WHERE MY MUNNY?". Can you imagine a giant spider bill collector?! NOOBOODY would be late on payments.


As a compulsive/creative self-proclamed artist and penciller i get into the desperate need of draw that XD

In search of more SSFIV graphic-styled chars, Strip Fighter IV's Amanda and more! lxbf.png

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But it's Mr. I,.. my pc gonna suffer with this char D:


Just a tip, use crop images option on all sprites over FF3.


It'll crop all unnecessary transparency and reduces lags effectively, just tried it on Rufus (as well as Werewood's and BoyzBoyz characters) and holy hell they're running smoothly now

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I was thinking to mugenize a SSF4 Rufus too!  Now that it is Orbinaut (now Mr. I?)'s MUGEN WIP, how nice!  His SSF4 MUGEN works are muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch better (in terms of source game accuracy and other elements like VFXs) than mine! 


Good good!  It is nice to see Orbinaut (now Mr. I?)'s interest in some not-yet-mugenized SSF4 characters like this Rufus!  :goodnight:

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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Mr. I has released the finish version of this Rufus at guild.


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the beta version is already very good i can't imagine how does he plays with this final version. 

The missing two ultra has been added. He play great :heeee:


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