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The Portraits/whatever Thread


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Could you do these? This will be my last ones for a while.







I don't understand why you guys use this guy like a punching bag. I mean seriously, does that  sht make ya'll feel good? I understand hazing and constructive feedback, but you guys have hit this dude with -17 rep for not fixing an issue you don't like. Y not just avoid using the character or make it a boss character? I mean Ax is whatever he is, but at least he tries to contribute to the continued existence of mugen even if his chars aren't an Class-A effort. Dis you guys consider he just might not be as talented as Ry, or Pots, or whatever the fuck Werewood is calling himself now? Some of you muthafuckers are getting old or bogged down with real life sht like work or parenthood, but if you bash the sht out people for trying and failing according to your extensive knowledge, there may not be a new generation of creators and mugen will fade. If you don't like the fucking char DL it, open up fighter factory, fix it, upload it, and show the man how its done you dicks. Gotdammit I hate fucking bullies man.

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16 hours ago, MissingLuigi said:


Sorry, I'm afraid I can't do that D:

Here's an other picture with a transperent background:

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Please make this and the other pictures face right.


 43VgF85.png 7YyHYDF.png i7P8uaF.png

Hope these good enough, i went back and rendered the previous Yukari pic for some reason


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