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MUGEN Review/Evaluation MFFA Style


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MUGEN Review/Evaluation MFFA Style

Any MUGEN content, be it motif/screenpack/stage/lifebar/character/font/palette!

Only one note:  please treat everybody and his/her/its MUGEN works with respect. 
Just a very simple note!  MFFA'ers can surely do it!  f529a952.gif
Thank you!  baa60776.gif
My first MUGEN review/evaluation is:
Ryu Hayabusa NES 0.50 by chuchoryu, sprites by G.M.Spectre, edited by Duck@ss
Download can be found at Duck@ss' MUGEN web site: http://www.geocities.ws/duckss/files/duck8.htm

1) Introduction

chuchoryu mugenized his version of a NES Ryu Hayabusa. Like most of his MUGEN releases, people just keep
e-bullying and e-haunting him for an accuse: "you never finish any of your MUGEN works!". Why the constant accusing
and bashing to a MUGEN enthusiast like chuchoryu? If you can help fix his MUGEN works, then you can try to help him
out by doing so! In this of his Ryu Hayabusa NES case, Duck@ss seemed to be the only one who cared. I downloaded
Duck@ss' edited version to try to make my MUGEN review here.

2) About the Ryu Hayabusa NES MUGEN character

It is obvious that this MUGEN character of chuchoryu's is from the Ninja Gaiden NES series.
It is a 7-button MUGEN character - three(3) punches, three(3) kicks, and one(1) taunt(start) button.
Ninja Gaiden NES is a weapon-based MUGEN character who can do slashes, throw ninja-stars and fire and cutters,
as well as do close-to-P2 melee attacks.
r49OabI.png s.(x)
eoufola.png s.(y)
ARMe3RD.png s.(z)
cLvkCKQ.png s.(a)
m0vdjnR.png s.(b)
hJDLWXN.png s.©
nEXHZ1U.png c.(x) & c.(y)
pKzeBSc.png c.(z)
OAnUaz2.png c.(a) & c.(b)
37826dq.png c.©
sP2NFLy.png a.(x)
Htswwsa.png a.(y)
RC8v0uw.png a.(z) => xPjx3vY.png
DpnpXVh.png a.(a)
JhbAGjJ.png a.(b)
dXJPUnI.png a.©
Wall Jump:
rxWrRjI.png => fuechRd.png
uCg0ubo.png Shuriken: D, DF, F + Any punch => a8k0Hrl.png
nuanKl8.png Fire: D, DB, B + Any Puch => Pu1EY47.png
2OFZJZa.png Tackle: F, F + Any Punch

M7wJgdv.png Sweep: D, DB,B + Any Kick
vCSTUbR.png Fire Ball: D, DB, B, + Any Kick (air only) => lzhIwdS.png
UoMxxHn.png Double Cutter: D, DF, F, + Any kick => 5c78wor.png
Super Move: D, DF, F, D, DF, F + Punch
Hyper Move: D, DB, B, D, DB, B, x + Any punch => ZbhtBNx.png
* The control of this MUGEN character is suitable for even a keyboard-only user like me.

3) MUGEN raw materials

MUGEN character sprites: 2D - rating: 10/10
* G.M.Spectre is just awesome
MUGEN visual effect sprites: 2D - rating: 8/10
* cool VFXs
MUGEN audio effects: - rating: 9/10
* "This version have the NES sounds" => YES! This is classic! Right on!

4) MUGEN gameplay

In my eyes, Ryu Hayabusa NES in MUGEN is a fast ninja (heck, ninjas move fast right?) and an all-around fighter.
- He can run fast and his back hop distance is great.
- He can do super high jump that is high enough for a ninja like him.
- His normal moves are quite powerful because of the long range they can reach to.
- In particular, his air strong punch/slash not only hits P2 up to six(6) times but also you can use that for a cross-up
- His air medium punch/slash and air strong kick are quite effective against P2's air jump-in.
- His air medium kick has a difficult angle for P2 to guard/block.
- His throw looks very stylish and its recovery time is very convenient.
- His Shuriken special move, has three(3) versions, which are about the travelling speed of his ninja-stars.
You can do just anything right after you throw the light Shuriken. This is a fast ninja's advantage methinks.
- Then his anti-air on-ground Fire speical move. It covers a huge area and not air-guardable/blockable.
Anyone trying to jump-in during which, are to be burnt pretty hard.
- His air Fire Ball speical move is fast and furious.
- His Sweep speical move can be a surprise to P2.
- His Double Cutter special move -- you must be a Ninja Gaiden III fan to realize its awesome presence.
- His Tackle can serve as a good specials-to-supers linker
- His Wall Jump move can be used to help him escape from some tight moments pressured by P2.
- His Super Move is quite damaging like a dynamite! It makes you feel very exciting when being linked from Sweep or
- His Hyper Move -- you must be a Ninja Gaiden II fan to realize its awesome presence.
- Ryu Hayabusa NES does has some chain-combos and some 2/3-in-1 cancellables yet such combos are limited, still
quite effective.

5) Room for update

- Perhaps some day the missing special move, "The Windmill Throwing Star" aka boomerang ninja-stars can be added
- I don't know if it was done on purpose, Ryu Hayabusa NES seems to be able to throw a 2nd Shuriken right after the 1st
light Shuriken.
- The Super Move could deal some chip damage when P2 is guarding/blocking.
- The anti-air on-ground Fire special move, its guard&hit sparks may want to be positioned based on P2 more.
- The crouching light and medium punches/slashes could be guardable/blockable by a standing P2 because they are
about the same attack height of the crouching strong punch/slash.
- The throw could use some grab sound in the grab moment.
- The back hop move (not landing) could use some sound.
- The lack of light/medium/strong version of all special moves besides Shuriken.
- The Phantom Double 2 Helper in state 10905 has no helper 20900, at the end of the Hyper Move, as shown in the
debug flood.
- Some A.I. can be added to the CPU player.
- Ryu Hayabusa NES can be upgraded to MUGEN1.0+, so he can have victory quotes and victory portrait and much
better A.I. activation.
- In my MUGEN1.0, character select screen his small portrait has wrong colors.
* I don't include MUGNE code-related feedback (i.e. Clsn boxes, animations, HitDef values, custom states) here.......

6) Conclusion

- G.M.Spectre, chuchoryu, and Duck@ss have done good job on bringing a cool NES Ryu Hayabusa to MUGEN.
- Their NES Ryu Hayabusa is quite faithful to the Ninja Gaiden NES series.
- Please stop e-bullying and e-haunting and e-bashing chuchoryu and his MUGEN works.
You can any time do what Duck@ss did to help chuchoryu out.

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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uhm u take request to review chars?


Well, that was my first time reviewing others' MUGEN works.  There was probably much of my subjective point of view in that, and I am not sure whether I covered things enough about the reviewed.  You know first-time thing is always some kind of experiment.


So, generally speaking, I opened this topic just to hope it might encourage other MFFA'ers to openly review other people's MUGEN works.  I am sure there are many good reviewers/feedback givers who can/must do 120x better job than my mere first trail.


You are encouraged to make your MUGEN review here too.  Actually even you can review others' reviews too.  04a97f13.gif


Oh, I already mentioned in my first post that, not just MUGEN characters, also all other MUGEN contents shall be good to be reviewed too.

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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Ill give you a challenge. review my legendary terry bogard. i want to hear what an experienced coder and creator whos put out more than enough characters has to say^^ Bugs found & opinions.


spec pics n such are fine. He still isnt perfectly fixed and i dont plan on having him perfect for everyone. im not perfect and im not into accuracy. that wasnt my goal


But before you decide to dive in (if you are) keep in mind these main things:


-Download the latest first (right from my sig)


-This is just a custom edit of CVS terry bogard sprites. 


-When you cut debug mode on 99% chance you wont see any bugs crappin up the screen (IMPORTANT NOTICE)


-He has a lot of moves. yes.




Im curious what you have to say borewood. 

Never limit your imagination as a Visionary 4FIwcw8.png

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No offense wood, but I feel the need to comment on a few things on your review

Only one note: please treat everybody and his/her/its MUGEN works with respect.

Just a very simple note! MFFA'ers can surely do it! f529a952.gif

Come on, Wood. Don't start with this, especially since that's often misinterpreted as only give Nice Char +1

chuchoryu mugenized his version of a NES Ryu Hayabusa. Like most of his MUGEN releases, people just keep

e-bullying and e-haunting him for an accuse: "you never finish any of your MUGEN works!". Why the constant accusing

and bashing to a MUGEN enthusiast like chuchoryu? If you can help fix his MUGEN works, then you can try to help him

out by doing so! In this of his Ryu Hayabusa NES case, Duck@ss seemed to be the only one who cared.

Because Chuchonryu never does finish anything he makes. When was the last time ANYTHING he made wasn't a beta? He deserves all the flak he gets. Why don't we help fix his stuff? Because that's not our responsability, that Chuchonryu's own responsability. You're basically saying that it's ok to shoot for mediocrity because someone else can make it better for you. That's not how it works and you definitely won't get far in life with that mentality. It's rather lucky that duck@ass even bothered to edit it.

- Please stop e-bullying and e-haunting and e-bashing chuchoryu and his MUGEN works.

You can any time do what Duck@ss did to help chuchoryu out.

See above

And you should really go into more detail on your review, it's too barebones as is. All I got was Ryu is fast and has his Ninja Gaiden moves, without proper explanation on how each move works and the most effective way to use them....or even if the move is balanced or has some glaring flaw.


Ill give you a challenge. review my legendary terry bogard. i want to hear what an experienced coder and creator whos put out more than enough characters has to say^^ Bugs found & opinions.

By review, he really means give blind praise to it.

He probably "conveniently" forgot this review anyway because it wasn't blind praise.

spec pics n such are fine. He still isnt perfectly fixed and i dont plan on having him perfect for everyone. im not perfect and im not

into accuracy. that wasnt my goal

Your goal was to bloat your Terry with as many moves as possible using every move he ever had in every game and anime movies and other moves you made up with no regard to any semblance of proper gameplay. And don't say I'm wrong when you specifically have "lots and lots of fucking supers so what?" as a PERSONAL QUOTE OF YOURS.

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Whats really good with you dorkflare? that hard on you have for what was said in my sig is crazy bruh. you act like that was for you or something. has nothing to do with you. BUT it does apply to people in the community like you though. so im glad it annoys you. makes me chuckle actually



-Mugen isnt built for one set way of coding & creating (its a free style engine) if it was then everybody character would be the same. thats a fact. i created the character my way. no one elses. i could have copy and pasted entirely what vyn did or warasuki23, or what MR fong did since the start of it all with their terry but i didnt. i started from the bottom and challenged myself to make something cool and different about it in my way. Where is it made in stone a character shouldnt have that many hyper triggers and DIFFERENT at that? you made that rule up? i have tons of characters and some of the most popular have way more than that. i explained and proven this before "same 10 supers but on different damage levels". for reason some folks intellect dont go to the top far enough on that to spot and say gee maybe 3 or 5 is enough? all different. different levels 1-3 or 5. thats it. Its a "Custom" personal edit like 98% of the characters out there man. you act like i made a crime when almost the entire community is guilty of almost the same creative habits.


-As for the review i can care less about it. i been read it. youre late. thats his opinion and to be frank i see he doesnt pay attention to updates so i can care less what he said. what i did in my characters basic CLSNs for example is pretty much the same thing Vyn,warasuki23 & Reza did in theirs. still till this day people love their terry versions. so i cant feed into what that dude is saying over there. 


-Lastly, give blind praise? do you know what that means? did you see me insinuating that? no i asked for borewoods opinion because one hes created more than enough characters and two he has a decent amount coding knowledge to point out some things im aware of that i can probably ask on how to fix better or maybe he can point out some things i didnt see that i should fix. thats the point of me asking him^^



Now i want to see who looks at these comments and see who stands for a better cause as far contributing to the matter getting better and not worse because right now it just looks like youre flame baiting again as usual^^


but again Demonkai is the bad guy for some reason im sure for speaking his mind smh

Never limit your imagination as a Visionary 4FIwcw8.png

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This prick Obama, who's running the damn country into the ground with his faggot shit. the shitfoil hat will protect you from his mind rays, if you don't wear it, you'll just become part of the system.


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Calm down my MFFA pals.  Since this is a topic I started, I am taking a responsibility to make it.....peaceful.



>> Come on, Wood. Don't start with this, especially since that's often misinterpreted as only give Nice Char +1

I didn't mention any "Nice Char +1" is a must; rather, I just want every MFFA reviewer not to piss the reviewed off on purpose.  You see I also pointed out some "Room for update" right?  In my text I didn't use strong words like "your car sucks dinosaur toes because it can throw two(2) ninja-stars in a row.", "can I unsee your car when I saw some MUGEN debug flood?", "hey stop your MUGEN'ing now!",....etc.  You know what?  Use of respectful and insulting text can kill the world.  I didn't say you can't criticize, but when you criticize, please use the least insulting language.  There is also "Sucky Char +1" as opposed to "Nice Char +1" and you can see the difference.

>> You're basically saying that it's ok to shoot for mediocrity because someone else can make it better for you. That's not how it works and you definitely won't get far in life with that mentality. It's rather lucky that duck@ass even bothered to edit it.

Sorry but I can't help it.  It is because I am the same type as chuchoryu.  I also want MUGEN Pro's to be willing to fix my MUGEN stuff.  I asked for it when I was still in MFG/MI, and you might have had already known my result if you came across with my drama over there.

>> And you should really go into more detail on your review, it's too barebones as is. All I got was Ryu is fast and has his Ninja Gaiden moves, without proper explanation on how each move works and the most effective way to use them....or even if the move is balanced or has some glaring flaw.

Hey I already mentioned it was my first time reviewing a MUGEN content.  I have no such experience before. 

More importantly, if I had to do my first review that deep.....deep enough that I had to list out every bit of findings with reference to all MUGEN code-wise sctrls, triggers logic and redirections, CNS structure coherency, values assignments conflicts, maths. used (I am bad at maths.)...............then I am sure it would be a very lengthly boring MUGEN review to most MFFA non-MUGEN creators/authors.  That was why at the end of my "Room for update" I mentioned "* I don't include MUGNE code-related feedback (i.e. Clsn boxes, animations, HitDef values, custom states) here.......".  Everybody else can include as much MUGEN code-related text as they want though.

I opened this topic not only for me to post MUGEN review; rather, I hope it can encourage other MFFA'ers to give useful, not insulting MUGEN reviews.  And didn't you see my sentence in my previous post => "I am sure there are many good reviewers/feedback givers who can/must do 120x better job than my mere first trail."
That implies/refers to some expert MUGEN reviewers/feedback givers like you and the old CAN.


@Darkflare & Legendary DeMoNkAi

>> Excuse me but I am not quite familiar with the affair between you two........but the quarrel like that above is one of the things that I don't want to see...........MFFA is a peaceful MUGEN community.............


Last but not least, Legendary DeMoNkAi, don't put such high hope in me, as I am not a good MUGEN author.  I am at most a good copy-&-past'er.  If I were a good MUGEN author, then I wouldn't have had ended up with a MFG/MI/IMT refugee.

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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Someone still hasn't learnt a thing, A.I doesn't make a character.... We've been through this already... 

Oh btw his current chars do have AI, btw.  :redcard:


not the last one i faced and it wasnt impressive. AI doesnt make a character but it builds depth to it. 

Never limit your imagination as a Visionary 4FIwcw8.png

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I know you are one the those MUGEN Pro's who have been hating me since my first MUGEN release in 2010.  But can you please put down your hatred towards me in MFFA.  If this is MFG then we can fight as long as you want.  But this is the peaceful MFFA..........so I beg you.


@Lithium Flower

Sorry but my English is not good enough what your sentence was trying to imply............would you please re-phrase it in some more straight-forward way?


Thank you I just want peace...............

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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I know you are one the those MUGEN Pro's who have been hating me since the first MUGEN release in 2010.  But can you please put down your hatred towards me in MFFA.  If this is MFA then we can fight as long as you want.  But this is the peaceful MFFA..........so I beg you.

What he said was related to DemonKai, not you. Try following the thread a bit dude...

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@Borewood: i just asked your opinion and bugs you might see. no high hopes. im not going to kill myself if you dont like it or if you tell me i can fix certain thing better. its harmless.


Hmmmmmmm............I didn't expect to have my 2nd MUGEN review that fast..........especially I am just a MUGEN review newbie and beginner.  Yet, does it sound alright to you that, if I will be going to review your Terry then can you do something for me please - keep this topic peaceful?.  And I won't use harsh and "piss-you-off-on-purpose" statements when I will be doing my "Room for update" simply because I myself dislike those irresponsible bashing statements very much from the bottom of my heart (heck, I was once such victim before if you knew that....)


And, to me, MUGEN A.I. is a must for a boss character.  For other non-boss characters by other MUGEN creators/authors, having A.I. or not is not important to me.  Yes, call me peculiar.


@Lithium Flower

I give up.............I can never get what your posts in this topic meant.............JFBQ001660702027A.gif

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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With all respect, my clear intent wasnt to shake up your thread. all i asked was for your simple review and opinion. everything thing else took place from how it actually looks.  so im not commenting in this thread anymore. I see where its going again. its nothing bad you personally did though man.




Never limit your imagination as a Visionary 4FIwcw8.png

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With all respect, my clear intent wasnt to shake up your thread. all i asked was for your simple review and opinion. everything thing else took place from how it actually looks.  so im not commenting in this thread anymore. I see where its going again. its nothing bad you personally did though man.





You know what?  I cannot imagine how come you were/are so eager to ask me for a review of your Terry, while many others usually try to avoid my name like a plague.........anyway, since you are giving my topic peace, I will give you my review of your Terry.  So please be patient as you mentioned to me that your Terry has tons of features...........JFBQ00227070619B.gif

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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HMMMMM Lando likes lots of supers, different supers, crazy attacks, cool specials , different tech styles and so on.  I also like good Ai and Ai that can put up a good fight.  To me all these things factor into a character. its what makes them playable and enjoyable for peoples various reasons.  I am interested in seeing a few reviews from cool dude Borewood on some characters .  


To put this in a old school manner about Mugen itself...its made to be broken, break the boundaries of what we all who make stuff take from those who truly own the company wise stuff and to improve what we want the way that creator wants to do they stuff.  Flashiness, cool put it in if you want, accuracy..cool put it in if you want. total insanity.. cool do what you want. If wanna be properly technical.. The companies stock isnt as balanced or accurate and have they own bugs too. So i personally hold on to the core values of mugen and adding in my own stuff and hope to see others break away from the handcuffs and go spazz with it but add some good flavor and keep learning to get better at it and put in more ideas to be enjoyable. Its all a process. 


Do what ya want to do Borewood and creators. :awesome .  so i am watchin and checkin this out to see what reviews come up and the opinions given. cheers. hope to see its kept civil and cool and haterade to any haters. nuff said. Lando out.



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Whats really good with you dorkflare? that hard on you have for what was said in my sig is crazy bruh. you act like that was for you or something. has nothing to do with you. BUT it does apply to people in the community like you though. so im glad it annoys you. makes me chuckle actually

I know it wasn't meant for me. But that particularly quote of yours perfectly describes your priorities in making a "good" character.

-Mugen isnt built for one set way of coding & creating (its a free style engine) if it was then everybody character would be the same. thats a fact. i created the character my way. no one elses. i could have copy and pasted entirely what vyn did or warasuki23, or what MR fong did since the start of it all with their terry but i didnt.

I'm aware.

i started from the bottom and challenged myself to make something cool and different about it in my way. Where is it made in stone a character shouldnt have that many hyper triggers and DIFFERENT at that? you made that rule up?

it's in basic gameplay fundamentals 101

i have tons of characters and some of the most popular have way more than that.

The fuck kind of characters you DLing?

i explained and proven this before "same 10 supers but on different damage levels". for reason some folks intellect dont go to the top far enough on that to spot and say gee maybe 3 or 5 is enough? all different. different levels 1-3 or 5. thats it.

Yea, some games have it like that, but SFA and KOF are the ones I know that have it like that. But eh...

Its a "Custom" personal edit like 98% of the characters out there man. you act like i made a crime when almost the entire community is guilty of almost the same creative habits.

98% of normal well made characters DON'T have 10+ supers

-As for the review i can care less about it. i been read it. youre late. thats his opinion and to be frank i see he doesnt pay attention to updates so i can care less what he said.

a.k.a "It wasn't blind praise, so it wasn't a good review."

what i did in my characters basic CLSNs for example is pretty much the same thing Vyn,warasuki23 & Reza did in theirs. still till this day people love their terry versions. so i cant feed into what that dude is saying over there.

That's now what I remember seeing last time I touched your Terry.

-Lastly, give blind praise? do you know what that means? did you see me insinuating that? no i asked for borewoods opinion because one hes created more than enough characters and two he has a decent amount coding knowledge to point out some things im aware of that i can probably ask on how to fix better or maybe he can point out some things i didnt see that i should fix. thats the point of me asking him^^

Yea, I know what blind praise is and that's all you really seek. I gave you feedback and you blew up on me. Other people gave you feedback and you blew up on them. Kindly stop spewing out that bullshit lie that you're seeking feedback because everyone who has told you what's wrong with your Terry has been told to go fuck themselves by you because they went against your "creativity".

Now i want to see who looks at these comments and see who stands for a better cause as far contributing to the matter getting better and not worse because right now it just looks like youre flame baiting again as usual^^

but again Demonkai is the bad guy for some reason im sure for speaking his mind smh

And your attitude is shit. I ain't no saint either, but holy shit do you blow up,.

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I didn't mention any "Nice Char +1" is a must; rather, I just want every MFFA reviewer not to piss the reviewed off on purpose. You see I also pointed out some "Room for update" right? In my text I didn't use strong words like "your car sucks dinosaur toes because it can throw two(2) ninja-stars in a row.", "can I unsee your car when I saw some MUGEN debug flood?", "hey stop your MUGEN'ing now!",....etc. You know what? Use of respectful and insulting text can kill the world. I didn't say you can't criticize, but when you criticize, please use the least insulting language. There is also "Sucky Char +1" as opposed to "Nice Char +1" and you can see the difference.

My personal stance is to attack the creation by any means necessary without attacking the creator. I think it has been quite effective.

Sorry but I can't help it. It is because I am the same type as chuchoryu. I also want MUGEN Pro's to be willing to fix my MUGEN stuff. I asked for it when I was still in MFG/MI, and you might have had already known my result if you came across with my drama over there.

Well, you should. That mentality is wrong and is just an obstacle in your way. If you want to improve, you need to ditch it. Nobody is going to fix anything for you, you have to do it yourself. Ask for help in figuring out stuff if you must, but everything relies on you in the end.

Hey I already mentioned it was my first time reviewing a MUGEN content. I have no such experience before.

More importantly, if I had to do my first review that deep.....deep enough that I had to list out every bit of findings with reference to all MUGEN code-wise sctrls, triggers logic and redirections, CNS structure coherency, values assignments conflicts, maths. used (I am bad at maths.)...............then I am sure it would be a very lengthly boring MUGEN review to most MFFA non-MUGEN creators/authors. That was why at the end of my "Room for update" I mentioned "* I don't include MUGNE code-related feedback (i.e. Clsn boxes, animations, HitDef values, custom states) here.......". Everybody else can include as much MUGEN code-related text as they want though.

I opened this topic not only for me to post MUGEN review; rather, I hope it can encourage other MFFA'ers to give useful, not insulting MUGEN reviews. And didn't you see my sentence in my previous post => "I am sure there are many good reviewers/feedback givers who can/must do 120x better job than my mere first trail."

That implies/refers to some expert MUGEN reviewers/feedback givers like you and the old CAN.

And that's why I'm telling you to put more detail. No, you don't need to post coding tidbits and I'm not expecting that in a review and you certainly don't need to know any coding at all to state that "X move should do more/less damage.", "Y move should be more safe/unsafe.", etc.

concentrate on learning to code A.I. ass pigeon

Your Terry's AI sucks, btw

And I could probably beat you in any Fatal Fury or KOF in a Terry Mirror Match

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And I could probably beat you in any Fatal Fury or KOF in a Terry Mirror Match


ive seen your fighting game history and i highly doubt that kid lmao


rofl man that was fuckin funny


im done smdh lmao


*crap i said i wasnt going to comment again but that was too funy not say anything*  :yaoming:  :yaoming:

Never limit your imagination as a Visionary 4FIwcw8.png

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