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E-gouki released & rei&shu updated 11/19/13by 119way

Lord Batros

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119way is a great creator imo his full game he redid chars and whatnot to a kof environment took alot of work and that game is ALOT of fun. Its very balanced mostly besides asura whos damage is pretty high. he also does great chars outside of that game he made kof mario whos fun to play as as well as good other chars with unique things about them.


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119way is a great creator imo his full game he redid chars and whatnot to a kof environment took alot of work and that game is ALOT of fun. Its very balanced mostly besides asura whos damage is pretty high. he also does great chars outside of that game he made kof mario whos fun to play as as well as good other chars with unique things about them.

Good to know



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