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Tree of Tumor x KeepyourHeadup


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A created stage of mine and one of my songs inside! Enjoy. 
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Want All MY-STAGES? www.viralvoice.blogspot.com videogames section
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I dont have a great knowledge of that problem at all. Possibly go to the help section I think its one here. They could help you much better than I could. 
 ;Set the game speed here. The default is 60 frames per second. The
 ;larger the number, the faster it goes. Don't use a value less than 10.
GameSpeed = 60
 ;Game native width and height.
 ;Recommended settings are:
 ;  640x480   Standard definition 4:3
 ; 1280x720   High definition 16:9
 ; 1920x1080  Full HD 16:9
GameWidth = 1280
GameHeight = 720


Do you have A screenpack at  1280 by 720? 


 ;Screen rendering mode.
 ;OpenGL - Experimental OpenGL renderer (recommended)
 ;System - default SDL rendering mode (e.g. windib in Windows)
 ;DirectX - DirectX 5 renderer
 ;System and DirectX modes do not support advanced features
 ;such as RGB sprites and window resizing.
RenderMode = OpenGL
 ;Set to 1 to enable "safe" mode for older graphics cards.
 ;Many features will be disabled.
SafeMode = 1
 ;The video resolution defaults to the same as the game resolution.
 ;In windowed mode, this specifies the window size.
 ;You can force an alternate resolution by uncommenting the lines
;Width  = 1280
;Height = 720
 ;This is the color depth at which to run MUGEN.
 ;Ignored if RenderMode=System (forced to 16).
Depth = 32
 ;Set to 1 to enable vertical retrace synchronization.
 ;Only supported for RenderMode=OpenGL.
VRetrace = 0
 ;Set to 1 to start in fullscreen mode, 0 for windowed.
 ;This enables exclusive fullscreen, which may give better performance
 ;than windowed mode.
FullScreen = 0
 ;Set to 1 to make the window resizable when in windowed mode.
 ;Only supported for RenderMode=OpenGL and OpenGLScreen.
Resizable = 1
 ;Set to 0 to stretch the video to fit the whole window.
 ;Set to 1 to keep a fixed aspect ratio.
KeepAspect =1
 ;Drawing mode
 ;Choose from Normal (fast) and PageFlip (less image "tearing")
 ;BlitMode is ignored for RenderMode=OpenGL
BlitMode = Normal 
 ;Stage fit mode.
 ;0 - stage drawn to width of screen (may crop stages with tall aspect)
 ;1 - stage shrunk to fit into screen
 ;Ignored if RenderMode=System (forced to 0)
StageFit = 0
 ;System fit mode.
 ;0 - system drawn to width of screen (may crop motifs with tall aspect)
 ;1 - system shrunk to fit into screen
 ;Ignored if RenderMode=System (forced to 0)
SystemFit = 0
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 Mugen 1.1 comes with stage fit = 1 on in Mugen.cfg. 
Take that off as in make it   stage fit = 0
 ;Stage fit mode.
 ;0 - stage drawn to width of screen (may crop stages with tall aspect)
 ;1 - stage shrunk to fit into screen
 ;Ignored if RenderMode=System (forced to 0)
StageFit = 0 
;System fit mode.
 ;0 - system drawn to width of screen (may crop motifs with tall aspect)
 ;1 - system shrunk to fit into screen
 ;Ignored if RenderMode=System (forced to 0)
SystemFit = 1
(Take system Fit off if you want also) 
Mugen comes with this on. Take it off! 
Its in. Mugen.cfg 
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