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The Rainbow Ring by Vegaz


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SFA 3 R. Mika stage. Thanks to that cool guy Ryo2005 for the sprites. Superjump. Looped bgm. Ring stage. Yep...life is good.


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i think all of your stages suffer from 1 major thing.


it looks ok in tihs stage but from the looks of the bottom the top of it would have more clouds not just end?

good job on the tree.

Thanks, Ry! As far as the clouds, consider this picture I took on the way to work...

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Its all in your perspective. How far the eye can see. How much can be seen in view. How cloudy it is...or isnt. Clouds are one the most varied things in creation. But its the volume/quantity that you're adressjng...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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the thing here is that cloud edge, isn't consistent.

when you look at it, then take a look at the rest of the clouds, the edit looks jagged and out of place.


if you check the sprite closely, there are at least another 5 colors involved to make the clouds blend with the sky from white to blue.

you can take the colors and draw the edge with a line of 1px and alternate it with some pattern to deal with the gradients.

just a quick edit to the preview image to sum up.

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