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Luke Skywalker by WlanmaniaX released 7/10/13

Lord Batros

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UGH! Just ugh.


Do you even look at Mugen Evolution?


I merely found this on Wlan's reply to Staubhold's feedback:


I could try fixing the taunt and all the intros. I need to fix the Lightsaber throw, it what it looks like a boomerang throw. I also fixing his helpers too.
The sprite edits and the portraits would be fine. It looked customley. I could accept your feedback and thanks!  
And what part in that does it say "YOU CALLED MY CHARACTER CRAP AND THUS I WILL IGNORE THIS"? Thats right, NOWHERE!
I personally believe both Wlan's fans and haters are acting like idiots (See jhonnyLULZ,Joey Slikk,Randommaster and Daepicbrony if you want to know what I'm talking about). And how in the mother hell are most of his friends asskissing to him? Unless you give me solid evidence to the "asskissing", I won't believe you.


All I have to say. 

Just a normal member

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Just imagine IF "I could accept your feedback and thanks!" applied to ALL of Staub's feedback. Would that really mean something? Or would it just be him asskissing just so Staub could THINK Wlan would fix the issues that he had with Luke?

Just a normal member

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Omegabros used to be like that as well actually but then all of the sudden he changed. He's actually starting to improve as well. Unfortunately, it seems he's having a hard time escaping his past. I kinda feel sorry for him actually in that regard.

Nah his past ain't bothering him anymore, And don't feel sorry. He doesn't need your pity. :=D:


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Omegabros used to be like that as well actually but then all of the sudden he changed. He's actually starting to improve as well. Unfortunately, it seems he's having a hard time escaping his past. I kinda feel sorry for him actually in that regard.

That's way old news pal, I used to act like that back when I started making characters for M.U.G.E.N. in 2007? or 2008? plus I was new to M.U.G.E.N. and I didn't know how to understand criticism that well because I was a young teenage idiot. I thought the people giving me feedback were flaming/trolling me. But one kind fellow by the name of Arpa pen pointed my errors and he even lead me to tutorials, collisions and such. Ryon helped out too I kept reading his tutorials and I can say I have improved (I'm not perfect! but I improved!)  I just wish some people at MFG would let go of that ugly past and give me some damn feedback on my releases. I mean come on, some MFG users said I was immature and an Idiot.


The point here is if you claim everyone is a badguy your going to make it a lot worse for you than it already is Wlan.

Where you can download my old MUGEN stuff

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Holy fucking balls he actually fixed stuff! He still has a longway to go, but I give him props for finally taking some of the advice.


Quoting the feedback from my Guild post:


-Your effects should not have a frame with -1 in them like:
; Dash Effect[Begin Action 8500]8500,0, 0,0, 2, , A8500,1, 0,0, 2, , A8500,2, 0,0, 2, , A8500,3, 0,0, 2, , A8500,4, 0,0, 2, , A8500,5, 0,0, 2, , A8500,6, 0,0, 2, , A8500,7, 0,0, 2, , A8500,8, 0,0, 2, , A8500,9, 0,0, 2, , A8500,10, 0,0, 2, , A-1,-1, 0,0, -1, ;<--This should be removed, it causes MUGEN to keep the effect on screen, eventually taking all the effects and making them all dissapear.
-He should not be able to chain Medium kicks into themselves (Both crouching and standing have this issue, try reducing the hittime by about 7)
-I don't think he should have a launcher, since his aerial moves can't seem to be able to be used in an MvC Air combo.
-Infinity Lightsaber leaves him exposed. It should induce fall and have damage. Air vels to be fixed too.
-Taunt is invincible and has no CLSN.
-The burn states from his helpers look glitchy, use no hitstate (No p2stateno).
-His Laser Carbine projectile should have more hittime on hit.
-Tank Activate is unblockable after the first hit.

-The Force needs superpause.

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Every character deserves its own thread, regardless of its quality.

That's true, it would not make sense a thread called "characters who don't deserve their own news thread".


But, Wlan is always a reason of debate...


I'm not sure what he'll do next, but let's see if he can best himself as both a creator and person.

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That's true, it would not make sense a thread called "characters who don't deserve their own news thread".


But, Wlan is always a reason of debate...


I'm not sure what he'll do next, but let's see if he can best himself as both a creator and person.

We can only hope...


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