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Lucky Day(K' Stage) by LightFlare

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I guess I'll enter the fray. Custom stage for K'. Custom concept, custom bgm, animation and superjump. I thank Markpachi and Alpyne for there feedback. Also Dan Mt. and Kungfu Man for their sprites. Enjoy.


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Oh...I didn't mention that there IS parallax. Thanks bro.

Sorry didnt check the Def file =P

But well...Try to flat the floor a lil more via parallax.

You could try to darker the floor so it blend better with the BG and add a small amont of overlay tint and darker the shadow a lil more too.


Thats all i could say...

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Sorry didnt check the Def file =P But well...Try to flat the floor a lil more via parallax. You could try to darker the floor so it blend better with the BG and add a small amont of overlay tint and darker the shadow a lil more too.   Thats all i could say...

Solid. Thanks for the feedback.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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i was wondering if the floor would look good with a darker tone too.. but i'm still loving it as is !! great job!!

I'm experimenting with that now. But I won't be dropping the updates till after the contest.

Although I may release it to a few select people



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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  • 5 weeks later...

Maybe you could add a few grim looking onlookers, too, it's just that the stage is a bit bland, and maybe lightning.

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Maybe you could add a few grim looking onlookers, too, it's just that the stage is a bit bland, and maybe lightning.

I've been contemplating how to add lighting since I started this stage. But I'm not sure how going to do it. Thanks for the feedback.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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