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Random Rin. :p




Not bad at all Raneri, does this mean once you think you're good enough you'll be extending your palette skills with signature skills? And allow us to request signatures too just like we can do so with your palettes atm?

Oh, yeah. For sure. Though, I'll probably stick to this one style for sigs since it's how I do most of the graphics I edit. 


I need to figure out a way (if there's any) to make those lines effect over GIMP. My poor desktop can't handle Photoshop >.<


Actually, the lines are the only part I don't do in Photoshop. Once I finish up the background and all that, I transfer it to Paint.Net and fix up the lines there. I usually use 90 or 50 for the opacity (Out of 255). Or anywhere in between. Of course, if you want to make it bigger, just align them next to/on top of each other. :)

Opacity = 50 YbwuTc2.png


Opacity = 90 Tfc0nj8.png


Love the new Shiki, btw. :)

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@Ryoucchi: The background's because you were running out of resources at the time, so I kinda suggested one for you. :P Sorry if it looks bad.


@Ran: ...And thank you for giving me another way to make a sig. Not like I would take that idea.. hehehe.



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Actually, the lines are the only part I don't do in Photoshop. Once I finish up the background and all that, I transfer it to Paint.Net and fix up the lines there. I usually use 90 or 50 for the opacity (Out of 255). Or anywhere in between. Of course, if you want to make it bigger, just align them next to/on top of each other. :)


Oh...i see now. Thanks for the heads up! Loving your style so far as well.



The background's because you were running out of resources at the time, so I kinda suggested one for you. :P Sorry if it looks bad.


Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah it's fine i just need to quit being lazy sometimes.

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Whelp, first time making a sig. This is what I got:




All I did for this one was just playing around with a bit of blending layer levels (The bezel and outer glow), along with some contrast, brightness, and opacity. The text however, I accidentally messed up in terms of the background, got lazy, and decided to put it on the top instead.


Cut me some slack. I'm a photoshop amateur. I need some practice on this stuff anyway. :P



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Iam lazy so ima request if someone want to take it:


size: 400x175 (Nothing big)

render: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Mmd-0zcLoKU/Un13v39jccI/AAAAAAAAAFo/iWmJkJKifRI/s1600/Blue-Eyes+White+Dragon+Alternate+3.png

Text: Forever be Fearsome.

Other: Try to keep the colors into Blue, light blue and White nothing too dark kinda like the one iam using right now. 

Leaving my worries behind, feel the freedom of body and mind


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Did a couple more during my spare time. So, here ya go:


Sig 1: Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Made this one for Cruz.. with a little something extra):



Sig 2: Lost Saga's Succubus (Thank you Remzy for the Render):



Sig 3: Eve Stein (Inspired by a song I was listening to):


I kind of messed up on the "shadow" part of Eve, but it's just a bit of a quick thing I did.


I'll give you bonus points for knowing the text I use for this sig. Hint: It's a lyric from a certain song. ;3


And that's all from me.



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Did a couple more during my spare time. So, here ya go:


Sig 1: Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Made this one for Cruz.. with a little something extra):



NIcely done!

I googled and made a sprite animation of it XD

Thanks mate

Leaving my worries behind, feel the freedom of body and mind


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