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What would you like to see added in M.U.G.E.N.?


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In most of the years M.U.G.E.N. there have been Mugenites that have taken sides, The side of M.U.G.E.N. 1.0 or Winmugen, and the there the side of having them both, or neutral position if you will. But in these turn of events alot of people from different Mugen forums have said that they wish that a couple of things would be added to both Mugen Programs. Now Im here to ask the interesting question, If you had your way to add anything for Mugen what would you like to see added, whether it be, certain characters, stages, bonus games, etc.


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You live by the Tetsaiga..... you die by hand..... ~ Lord Sesshomaru

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Lol it somewhat like that... but this is kind of like what would you like to be created in the Mugen's that are already out, like Sega Genesis bosses, or bonus games, or certain characters that were from games that you wish they were in Mugen but are not.. its kind of a what if topic.


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You live by the Tetsaiga..... you die by hand..... ~ Lord Sesshomaru

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A decent Kratos from God of War and some decent Star Wars characters, seriously there are enough fucking Ryus out there, get to work on some Skywalkers and other jedi. The only ones we have currently are horrible.


It begins again, MORTAL KOMBAAAAAAAAAT!!!!

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@Super Cat you mean like how they had it for the SF series? That would be great to have, and also to rank all of your characters too like the Tekken series.



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You live by the Tetsaiga..... you die by hand..... ~ Lord Sesshomaru

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@Thunder oh I couldn't agree more with you. I dont understand why no one has made any of those characters as great as they make all the sf, or kof, or arcana characters... puzzles me  :confuse:  :jackiechan:


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You live by the Tetsaiga..... you die by hand..... ~ Lord Sesshomaru

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@ Ryoucchi YES! YES! YES!!  :joyful:  exactly Ive been weanting that feature on there for years upon years, it would be so damn helpful to record an awesome match either just to watch or to figure out what mistakes where made and correct them, Excellent.  :goodmood:



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You live by the Tetsaiga..... you die by hand..... ~ Lord Sesshomaru

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 @Thunder oh I couldn't agree more with you. I dont understand why no one has made any of those characters as great as they make all the sf, or kof, or arcana characters... puzzles me  :confuse:  :jackiechan:


Sprites man, that's why. We need custom sprites to make decent GoW/SW characters. Spriting took time, patience, and requires skill.

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   @Ryoucchi that is very true thats exactly why I gotta get into doing that but I be testing so many characters, and stages, and be so busy that I haven't started yet


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You live by the Tetsaiga..... you die by hand..... ~ Lord Sesshomaru

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I'm like the millionth person to say this but....um.... an OFFICIAL ONLINE FEATURE!!!!!!



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Haha :=D: your probably the Millionth and 1 person saying that but I  do agree, and a recording feature to go along with the online feature   :goodmood: 


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You live by the Tetsaiga..... you die by hand..... ~ Lord Sesshomaru

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  • 2 months later...

Oh??? How about a pause mode when in battle 


It's called the pause key.  (see readme.txt)




I'm sure future Mugen updates will actually address this, but if I can have a wish for a new Mugen feature, I want more stage interaction.  Stages need things like sounds and splashes and stuff as part of the actual stage coding.  This is especially important since a lot of the ability for characters to detect stage information was removed in Mugen 1.x compatibility mode.


Also, since I'm like the guy that wants one more episode of Cheers, so I'd like to see CVS2 system versions of the entire SFA3 cast, including characters that were redone for CVS2 to begin with, just left in their SFA3 sprites.  Too bad SFA3 didn't have many running animations.

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How bout an option for tag team matches. so we can fight DOA/MVC style. as for stage interaction...well im a complete noob at staes but couldnt you just toss the stage into FF and throw some colison boxes on it with move contact state defs?

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There is a way to do tag team, Google "tag team workshop" or something and you'll see. I've used it for Cosmi vs. eGames. But if you mean it with three character tag team like in MvC2&3, I don't know. Stage interactions are possible with zoffsets or (stagevar triggers for 1.x). I do it for breakable objects, ambient sound and low health music. So, what I would like in M.U.G.E.N are as follows:


Continue Music & Timer

Score System

New Challenger (other player can join during match)

Character-specific victory themes at the victory screen (a la Marvel Super Heroes and Darkstalkers)

Animated Character Icons

Scrolling Character Portraits at VS Screen

Next Opponent (and Stage) Screen

Use Player 3/4's win quote & portrait if either of their team wins with Player 1/2 dead

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just thinking, you what Mugen kinda needs?




localcoord doesn't scale x and y independently.  In fact, the y value in localcoord for characters does nothing.  You can put something like "localcoord = 432,lol" and mugen will gladly accept it.  I'm too lazy to calculate the actual value, so I actually do this a lot.  But some sprites are not meant to be displayed at 1:1 pixel ratio (Dragoon Might, all CPS-x games) and CNS scaling ruins a bunch of stuff unless the character was programmed for it.  So for all those Capcom stages and Capcom characters, I want a thing that can easily scale the width without wrecking the coding.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The features that I want to see in future MUGENs updates are:

• Support to Online Matchs;

• Official Online System (that support accounts, add friends, create rooms, etc.);

• Score System with Ranking, like in MVC2 (for offline battles);

• Score System with Ranking, like in MK9 (for online battles, counting numbers of victory/lose, consecutive victories, etc.);

• Select Screen with support to animated "Big" Portrait (without tricks and etc.);

• Select Screen with support to Stage Preview (withour tricks and etc.);

• "Pause Menu" during a fight, that will show options to "Resume, Movelist and Quit" among others;


With this and others features, this will be more perfect than already are...


PS.: A fight online could be done by creating a room, as in softwares like "ZBattle.Net" and "GameRanger".

The owner choose your Char and Stage, and wait for an opponent.
The opponent enters the room and choose your Char.
A screen would appear to "balance" the game before the fight, showing status of each char like life, power etc..
This way the two players dont need to have the same "MUGEN" to play with many chars and stages added, which would slow, because the game will only need to load the chosen Chars and Stage.
And the room itself would upload/download a char on another computer, just to stay the same for that fight.
It is like in ZBattle.net when you enter a room, and the owner's ROM is downloaded on your computer so there is no problem with incompatibility of versions and bugs..
Could work and would be fun...
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