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Opinions on MUGEN's Default AI

Super Nicholas

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What are your opinions on MUGEN's default AI?


For my opinion, it's very weak, but it's good for beginners. It's a shame when a good character uses MUGEN's default AI, because it makes them super easy to beat, but it's understandable, because AI isn't exactly the easiest thing to program in a MUGEN character. MUGEN's default AI gets annoying though, because sometimes it blocks a lot. It also tends to be very stupid at times, such as standing in the same spot doing nothing for about 10 seconds. Although MUGEN's default AI can be good with some characters. The biggest example of MUGEN's default AI being good is with Claymizer's characters, especially his Blaziken. It also tends to be decent with MUGEN Hunter's characters. Though, it's not so good to be undefeatable and is still easy to beat.

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I am not sure but, in my MUGEN 1.0, KFM sometimes can counter my attacks with good timing and land some nice combos on me.  I check KFM CNS and KFM CMD but cannot find any AILevel trigger usage.


I add A.I. to all my MUGEN characters.  But I find A.I. is hard to make and my end results are usually highly mockable A.I.'s


I think one has to know a FTG character very well in order to make good A.I. for that character.

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If you look at the original company made fighting games, AI is done very game and character specific.  With this in mind, I think Elecbyte is kinda leaving things open on purpose on this.  It allows the creator to kinda decide how to incorporate stuff.  As Elecbyte notes, 'The AI is very incomplete at the moment'.  I still believe decisions are being made as far as how to implement or not implement a standard in the game.  I think Elecbyte's stance on this still is 'undecided' as there are so many different factors involved it is probably better left up to the creator at this point in time.  If a character is meant to be 'wimpy' it can be, same as 'boss'.  But yeah, you need to know the nuances of a character to really implement an AI anyway and with such variety available it becomes difficult to 'standardize' stuff with so many probable exceptions available.

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If you look at the original company made fighting games, AI is done very game and character specific.  With this in mind, I think Elecbyte is kinda leaving things open on purpose on this.  It allows the creator to kinda decide how to incorporate stuff.  As Elecbyte notes, 'The AI is very incomplete at the moment'.  I still believe decisions are being made as far as how to implement or not implement a standard in the game.  I think Elecbyte's stance on this still is 'undecided' as there are so many different factors involved it is probably better left up to the creator at this point in time.  If a character is meant to be 'wimpy' it can be, same as 'boss'.  But yeah, you need to know the nuances of a character to really implement an AI anyway and with such variety available it becomes difficult to 'standardize' stuff with so many probable exceptions available.


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