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Posts posted by miru

  1. The character should come with another DEF file (like sf2'ryu2.def).  Use that one as it disables the pause menu.  Alternatively, if the character is for Mugen 1.x (not winmugen), you can add triggerall != AILevel to the CMD file for whatever state uses the start command.

    I'd like to clarify that the 1.1 characters have their own AI and never pause.

  2. But then it would be a completely different game.

    Anyway, since it's already official that the chances of playable Sonic characters is literally 0%, I will hope that at least Alex Kidd will make the cut.

    Hah, get it?!

    Alex Kidd would also fall into the "too cartoony" category, same with TJ&E, Pac-Man, etc. 


    Also, what if Sonic and co. got redesigned like Taizo Hori did for NXC?


    Need at least 1 trigger

    Error parsing [state 1000, changestate]
    Error in [statedef 1000]
    Error in sashlilac.cns:254
    Error loading chars/ff3_0/ff3_0.def
    Error loading p1

    And this is the changestate in question:



    [state 1000, changestate]

    type = ChangeState

    triggerall= vel x = 0

    value = 0



    [state 1000, spawning helper]

    triggerall = anim = 1000


    is that all of what u have for state 1000?


    Not all of state 1000:


    here's state 1000 in full:



    ;Cyclone (ground)

    [statedef 1000]

    type = S

    movetype = A

    physics = S

    juggle = 1

    velset = 1,0

    ctrl = 1

    anim = 1000

    poweradd = 0

    sprpriority = 1


    [state 1000, spawning helper]

    triggerall = anim = 1000


    [state 1001, helper]

    type = Helper

    trigger1 = time = 0

    helpertype = player

    name = "hair ribbons"

    id = 1001

    stateno = 1001

    pos= 0,0

    postype = p1

    facing = 1

    ownpal = 0

    supermovetime = 0

    pausemovetime = 0


    [state 1000, changestate]

    triggerall= vel x = 0

    value = 0


    For further reference, also check out the referred State 1000, which i'm trying to use for both Cyclone attacks:



    ;Cyclone (Helper)

    [statedef 1001]

    type = S

    movetype = A

    physics = N

    juggle = 1

    ctrl = 0

    anim = 1001

    poweradd = 0

    sprpriority = 2


    [state 1001, HitDef]

    type = HitDef

    trigger1= time = 0

    attr= S, SA

    damage = 101, 5

    animtype = Medium

    priority = 2, hit

    sparkno = 2

    hitsound = 5, 0

    guardsound = 6,0


  5. I'm trying to set up Lilac's hair as a helper for her in her Cyclone attack, but Mugen gives this error message:



    Error detected.

    Need at least 1 trigger
    Error parsing [state 1000, spawning helper]
    Error in [statedef 1000]
    Error in sashlilac.cns:239
    Error loading chars/ff3_0/ff3_0.def
    Error loading p1

    The current state looks like this:


    [state 1000, spawning helper]

    triggerall = anim = 1000


    How do I finish it so she works?

  6. What is debug saying? does she have changestates? do any of those anims have a time set to -1 on the last frame?

    i dont think this would cause it but are you using changeanim to an anim that doesnt exist?

    The anims do exist, actually, as far as I know.

    Miru, please stop posting double topics. I deleted the duplicate. This is your second warning. The next one won't be so nice.


     I didn't mean to post a duplicate topic. I don't know why these duplicates were posted.

  7. Her yacell is at 11. For further reference, here is her movement stats for the time being.


    airjump.num = 1

    airjump.height = 1

    yaccel = 11

    stand.friction = .85

    crouch.friction = .82

    stand.friction.threshold = 2 ;If player's speed drops below this threshold while standing, stop his movement **MUGEN 1.0**

    crouch.friction.threshold = .05 ;If player's speed drops below this threshold while crouching, stop his movement **MUGEN 1.0**

    air.gethit.groundlevel = 25 ;Y-position at which a falling player is considered to hit the ground **MUGEN 1.0**

    air.gethit.groundrecover.ground.threshold = -20 ;Y-position below which falling player can use the recovery command **MUGEN 1.0**

    air.gethit.groundrecover.groundlevel = 10 ;Y-position at which player in the ground recovery state touches the ground **MUGEN 1.0**

    air.gethit.airrecover.threshold = -1 ;Y-velocity above which player may use the air recovery command **MUGEN 1.0**

    air.gethit.airrecover.yaccel = .35 ;Vertical acceleration for player in the air recovery state **MUGEN 1.0**

    air.gethit.trip.groundlevel = 15 ;Y-position at which player in the tripped state touches the ground **MUGEN 1.0**

    down.bounce.offset = 0, 20 ;Offset for player bouncing off the ground (x, y) **MUGEN 1.0**

    down.bounce.yaccel = .4 ;Vertical acceleration for player bouncing off the ground **MUGEN 1.0**

    down.bounce.groundlevel = 12 ;Y-position at which player bouncing off the ground touches the ground again **MUGEN 1.0**

    down.friction.threshold = .05 ;If the player's speed drops below this threshold while lying down, stop his movement **MUGEN 1.0**

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