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Posts posted by GuyZero32k4

  1. Found this glitch with these three different characters.  2 different screen packs.  Its mostly with grab moves; special moves or regular throws.


    With Takuma doing his running knee smash special move, this happens.  Used 3 different Takumas, same result.:



    With Beavis's regular grab this happens.:



    With BB Hood's regular grab, this happens.:



    These didn't happen before update.

  2. Before anyone says it.... because we can make fun of who's going to say it when they really mean it.

    Of course you always got those fuckers who throw Goku into everything.

    "Goku could take em.... Goku this Goku that. Goku could be on the toilet and his stink could beat them, etc, etc....."

    Killer Frost is who I'd say could take them.

  3. I'd have paid to see this movie twice, if it'd have been like that.


    "Titanic-chan, transaforma!" (instead of iceberg, it's the damn Loch Ness monster) "I need about tree fiddy.."


    Damn that hoe for making sit through that damn movie...

  4. If you ever thought of becoming a taxi driver because you play Crazy Taxi really well, you may be playing video games too much.


    If you ever got mad because you couldn't get your girl friend to cosplay as your favorite character, you may be playing video games too much.


    If you ever see a woman with big tatas and yell out "Super Big" like Sega Bass Fishing, you may be playing video games too much.

  5. If you ever donated blood just so you had enough money to but the special edition, you may be playing video games too much. (Guilty)

    If you were ever in the military and got mad when they didn't teach you how to throw a sonic boom, you may be playing video games too much.

    If ever thought of throwing someone out of building through a window and jumped out after them to continue fighting when you land, you may be playing video games too much.

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