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Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

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Everything posted by Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

  1. (starts tearing up) FIRST of all, my name is Betty Jo Earlene! Reimu's my sister who thought she was too good for selling fried possum at the truck stop! SECOND of all, these gains are all creatine and Ryoucchi brand pre-workout called 'Damn-That-Ho-Strong'. AND THIRD!!! (really starts tearing up) GEEESE!!! YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME!! You were callin me just the other night! YOU TOOK ME TO THAT CANDLE LIGHT DINNER AT KFC! You said...SNFF..you said you were gonna buy me that pink pick-up truck! DONT YOU LIE TO ERMAC LIKE THAT!!! BOOO HOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!! YOU SAID I WAS GONNA BE MRS.HOWARD!!! Damn, sir. That's cold. I'm not surprised one BIT! HE'S BEEN HANGING WITH ERMAC, THAT SLIMEY DOG
  2. Well, IDK, I guess ask Ryon and see what he wants to do with these? I just posted a release. Maybe David11 did the wrong?
  3. The orig link has been deleted, and I got the release dates right. Sasuke299 made the sprites back sev years ago, but David11 released the chars 12-25,15. This is a warehouse, theres no need to delete this thread.
  4. https://www.sendspace.com/file/sje1e2 Shes a fan OC, but she is a amazing character, very capable fast and furious. Makes me sad she isnt a canon character for being this good.
  5. Wow, these guys bleed all over the place when you hit them!
  6. Not unless her cosmetic surgeon has Double E implants for her
  7. The only thing Sektor is gonna COOL is cool down on those upgrades. Because child support, you lying bastard! BOOHOOHOO!!! Shut your bitch-bot ass up. Where's my Rose, Geese? I know you love these crazy gains. I thought you were gonna call me. Why didnt you call?
  8. The guy on the left with th eblack hair and dark blue suit
  9. http://www.mediafire.com/download/au6cqaf7tsms7fx/New+Mirai+Gohan+SSJ4.rar LegendTTA style
  10. http://www.mediafire.com/download/cq3zul8b3l1b3qm/Vegeta+SSJ5.zip
  11. Welcome, good to see you. And on a side note, a infinite Grand Master would be a dream come true.
  12. Orders accepted. Elminating targets... SO THIS IS WHERE YOU'VE BEEN, HUH?! YOU DONT RETURN CALLS!!! ...oh, hey baby, see, what happened was, like...see...I was... Sektor, when it comes to 2 month old Sektronia Betty-Mae Kapinski.... ........................................
  13. LAQUISHA?!!!! WHERE YOU AT LAQUISHA?!!! They might as well call you Ex-Communicated. Because you aint gettin NUN. You both need to calm the fuck down. See how serious I'm lookin right now? Look at my mouth. That's that mad dad mouth. Yeah. Better calm your cigarette ass down. Me and my party have been traveling these lands for so long... YEAH! We have been together for... That girl looks no more than 5. You came here looking to traverse and battle with a girl who looks, sounds, appears underage in every way? Look, you have the wrong idea! She is at least ove-
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