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Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

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Everything posted by Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

  1. The one in the white dress on the right. Her name is Lumina. Shes a great character
  2. Lumina is really like a fighter game made version of Alice in Wonderland.
  3. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m6iiwcgb5kzlis6/ERSpawn.rar?dl=0 All spawns combined into one huge character, the perfect killing machine from Hell.
  4. Each of the exes are their own characters? Nice. You should do a boss rush minigame too, maybe like SOR with the exes. That would be a very nice spin on arcade mode
  5. I really like this character alot, he is easy to pick up, he keeps you entertained, and he can seriously hold his own against all types of characters. I hope you update him with more moves and FX, or make more characters like this. I really want a good Retsu
  6. Amazing release Gladia! Please revamp the rest of MugenHunters characters, the sprites are gorgeous but they are so slow and short ranged. They would be bad ass after you put your spin on them
  7. As a artist, he needs to receive criticism on his art. There are things that are very good, but there is also pretty bad things he needs to improve on to make the rest of it better. But still, criticise the art, dont insult it, not because anybody gets upset, but because it doesnt fix or improve shit, it just either will keep him at the same state, or make it worse, and shows somebody wants to bitch. Lets fix the shit NOW, insulting him will keep it as is. Who has patience for that? If the art is bad, it doesnt mean he is a terrible or shitty person, fix the shit, dont just sit there bitching him out. Dont shit on the artist, dont shit on the art, criticise it and say what needs to be fixed. If he doesnt fix, then...well, thats his choice. TK, the posts show criticism to fix the character, I dont think anybody is shitting on him. I think this thing has a ton of potential, the sprites are insane, but he needs to stop just releasing beta states. Get a partner, or whatever to complete the chars. This seems a MvC type char, or a MvC boss. Her damage is on point for MvC, too many infinites need to be fixed, the FX are great, she needs to be finished. She doesnt need to be dropped, she needs to be finished and improved, because there is too much potential for a cool popular character everybody knows. Not too many really popular characters get mugenized, there still isnt decent Darth Vader, not even a James Bond or Walter White.
  8. LOL Thats like those ghetto dudes who spruce up their Hotwheels with all the most expensive polish and sheen, and then post that shit on Facebook talking about "This is my car. Fresh off the lot."
  9. Take your pngs, upload them to imageupload.com, then click on them, copy the picture, and then paste it on here. That should work
  10. Great stage, but that website is a headache. Cant find that stage anywhere and no off switch for that music
  11. You might wanna ask that in requests thread before some people get mad, ill send it to you there, i got you
  12. There's one, but hes awful. There are chibi Luffy's scaled up to normal size and they look right like the show, tho. Be thankful he doesnt have baby dimensions like NZC and JUS characters with the giant heads, big eyes, and toddler baby bodies This Elsa isnt too bad. Shes a decent beta, with enough work she seems like she could be a good MvC type character. Her damage isnt too high, its right on point with the older MvC standards where hypers can cut like 25% life.
  13. LINK (Sasori Akatsuki Transform): http://www.mediafire.com/download/h697p9b0n3nyljl/Sasori+Akatsuki+By+Bills+Dios.rar LINK (Sasori Hiruko): http://www.mediafire.com/download/kw2pup9993e4xyw/Hiruko+By+Bills+Dios.rar LINK (Sasori Human Puppet): http://www.mediafire.com/download/a8offmi4toa2i94/Sasori+Puppet+By+Bills+Dios.rar -SPRITES (Sasori Normal and Hiruko): Ichinaru and Neimad -SPRITES (Sasori Puppet): Juan 18 and Spectro Sosuke -SPRITES (Kazekage and other): Pierre Mings
  14. Just so you know, shes in tears because she thinks the tooth is proof hes cheating
  15. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] http://www.mediafire.com/download/hdm059b9u7gfcdh/supermariomaker.rar [COMMENT] 3-packed (filled with Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World)stage of Super Mario Maker. I decide to make into Omega version from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U.
  16. http://www.mediafire.com/download/y85zb3oox57vk2k/Guardians+of+the+Galaxy+Ship.stage_by+Kyoman.rar Low-Res Stage Super Jump WinMugen + Mugen1.1 (with zoom)
  17. Take your time and do it right. Better it come out good in a month rather than shitty in 3 days.
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