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Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

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Everything posted by Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

  1. Look at how hes still smiling. She must a beast in the kitchen or a hurricane in the bedroom.
  2. http://www.mediafire.com/download/gno37bx6nvowgm6/Capcom+Goku.rar Saiyan Shenron = http://www.mediafire.com/download/3uprom2std79dcu/shenron.rar I dont know what to say
  3. Your post was too long, I just read the first part. (But I answered you, tho? Wait how you gonna write that long ass shit, but complain about the length of...K den.) Strange, you make it sound like I take this all too seriously, I can say the same thing to you too. (I did? Read your post.) Well, I'm not try to offend you or what (but you said by judging just my signature i mistake and blend shit together. IDK...), I'm just state the fact (opinions aint facts.), up to you how you want to take it. How I take it.
  4. Most guys that argue like that have never fought, or been legit taught how to fight, or really been followers of legit fight sports. Watch alot of boxing, learn to box or fight for real, and be in a few with a friend or partner whos a different style or size. Usually the one who gets in the best shot first is the better, after that whoever hits harder and whoever cant take that hit is the thing. The stronger guy or more experienced (not the same as skill) usually wins. Size doesnt always equal strength, there are alot of very big weak guys and very very strong small guys. Boxing usually wins over every other style, too. For those who want to argue, go look it up for yourselves. The one whos tougher, hits harder, and has more experience will win over speed or skill. Sometimes even style. weapons and war combat is a different matter, and the ones with the better teamwork and unity usually win. Even over better tech. Most fighting games are too fair making everyone the same so you dont see realistic fights. In mugen, you can edit stats to get a realistic fight. Vega probably could only take six or eleven of Zangief's hits, but Zangief could probably tank most of his, unless he was hit hard enough in the right spot. With the claw its different then. LOL the most realistc game fight out is probably GTAV
  5. http://www.mediafire.com/download/696jhzu7nt13oos/kof-97ol-Train_stage.rar
  6. They might bring a ZombiU or Dead Island back in just to pull the zombie and horror crowd. They got Ryu thru a deal, so maybe theyll get a sexy girl thru another deal? I cant think of anybody tho, Lara is PS. Since Capcom is cool with them, maybe Ada Wong, or Leon? They could do a SMM character, maybe have a Mario who can switch forms per amount of life or a special or something. It would pull a ton of people. Whatever superheroes they got may pop up to gain from the Superman Batman and Suicide Squad hype. Question is, do you think theyd dare get a Outlast character? Or too hard for smash?
  7. Its not that serious, man. Damn... At the end of the day, it's a show for entertainment. My sig is only "if they were in a live action, how would they look", and half the people in it are the actors certain characters the writer said they were based on, thats it. Nobodys trying to put something into something else, Jesus...calm the fuck down, its just a show. Dont go judging people just from a sig. Cmon, man. And number 2, being nice is easy. As for Freeza's face, and the animation style, im just saying what ive seen so far. The animation isnt the exact same style every single scene, which isnt good. They have different animation teams for the sake of speed, so not every single scene will be identical. Im not saying thats good or bad, iim just saying what happened. Nobodys making anything about them being Asian dude, Im just saying "hey, i kinda noticed this is different". Damn, no hostility bruh. I saw they look different from the older series, and some ethnic features are much more pronounced, or made to look like they aged a bit, so they dont look identical to the old series. Thats nothing to flip out about or turn into a race issue. As for Mokana, he may have transformations so he we dont know yet what he will look like or do. Same goes for Frost, the robot and the purple guy. We have no clue yet what they will do. And OF COURSE Champa looks like Bills, thats his twin brother. The guy didnt make the DB series all serious, it has tons of jokes, so if you go in expecting a all serious story, thats not a good way to go. In the end, what's "cool" is based on a opinion. Just because you think its cool doesnt make it cool to the creator or other people, just means how you see it and nothing wrong with that. Alot of people here love Touhou, how they're looks dont match their power. Thats a surprising concept, and one Toriyama likes to use. We all love Vegeta and Freeza, and they belong in that group. Personally, I want to see how these guys change things up.
  8. Not really lazy, kind of different. Everybody wants that Sasuke or comic cover badass look, and its kind of done to death. Toriyama's a comedy writer first, so he may have done it for comedy effect. If you ever seen those old kung fu comedies with Sammo Hung and J Chan and how shit would get stupid, Mokana makes sense. Joke is out of all the badasses, the dumbest looking one can mop the floor with everybody. Dont forget how Friezas final form looked so puny and was insane, and out of the saiyans, the skinniest smalest guy was the strongest. And before Z, Yajirobe was the strongest human on Earth. Do you mean movie Freeza or episode 24 Freeza? He just looks very oriental to me, which he kind of should. They all look more definately Asian, and Bulma and Satan look more definitely European. The faces dont look so similar as before. But the animation in that Bills movie tho....nah.
  9. That sucks, she looks too good. There isnt any way for her to be playable?
  10. Going to have to be Nintendo owned or nintendo allied and with high promise of sales. -The most popular pokemon at the time the next add is ready to come out -The most sexy and popular character after Bayonetta -Shadow the Hedgehog -Inklings from Splatoon -Super Mario Maker character -ZombiU character?
  11. Agumon = http://www.mediafire.com/download/7z78f56e93v296g/Agumon.rar Wargreymon = http://www.mediafire.com/download/z0yh5me2jto/VP_WarGreymon.rar Weregarurumon = http://www.mediafire.com/download/fjjhzi1jnzy/weregaruru.rar
  12. http://www.mediafire.com/download/hkd49rrv0aw8bbn/Vegetto+SSJ+%281%29.zip
  13. The animation is so bad, its hilarious. BUT funny thing, the logic is the most rational and fair i think ive heard in any versus series. The animation does not fit with the science part lol.
  14. http://www.4shared.com/rar/TaCwxO0z/Palace_Gates.html?
  15. http://www.mediafire.com/download/p7m6kxjk67g7abb/The+Living+Forest.rar
  16. http://www.4shared.com/get/PL4H0W4W/The_Pit_6.html
  17. Red dude in the back behind Buu = Mokana, can drop Goku. Couldve stomped gold freeza no prob ---------------------- New team Purple dude = Hit (Heat). Might be half saiyan? new saiyan = Cabe blue Freeza = Frost Pooh Bear = Botamo robot = Magetta, done on purpose to look like Chronotrigger robot the bear or the robot might end up being the strongest guys. Broly still isnt canon and never coming back :(
  18. Whatever the hell you're on, gimme some.
  19. Link 1 = http://www.4shared.com/file/234278644/dd03833d/Uchiha_Madara_by_werobe.html
  20. http://www.mugeno.com/load/characters/dragon_ball_z/goku_ssj_android_saga_by_yugi_x/131-1-0-12111
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