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Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

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Everything posted by Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

  1. Move List (and description): Throws: Hold direction and press + or + Special Moves: Whip Slash (also has an air version): (Damage and recovery time depends on wich button used: does less damage but it's also fastest version of the attack while does more damage but it's the slowest) Upper whip Slash: Animation of the attack depends on wich punch button used: have diferent angles, has both angles. Cross whip slash: hold for more hits for and versions of the move It's combo ability depends on wich punch button used: is the one that does the less damage but the player can combo anything into it, you can combo into version from some stronger basic attacks but you can only combo into from the crouching strong kick (and i would rely on that) Air catch: Catwoman jumps diagonally in an atempt to catch and throw an aerial opponent Evasive Roll: Self explanatory move, version rolls backwards, and versions rolls frontwards Dive kick (air only): Catwoman does a diving kick at her opponent Hyper Moves: Memories: + Catwoman dashes forward in an attempt to catch a victim and slashes her multiple times, finishing with an uppercut Whip Combo: ( + ) or ( + ) or ( + ) Catwoman starts punishing his opponent with a huge combo ranging from cross whip slash into an upper whip slash and finishes with a last whip attack Credits: - Original creator of Original Catwoman: Ninja Brl; - skhsato123 for help in spriting details; - Mugen Multiverse, our home; - Elecbyte for making mugen; https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ams_iP-pzdxVjGcOmpJcENH2GvBY
  2. Wolverine with his comic and series powers. He's not made to be equal to Ryu and Ken or a CvS character, he's Wolverine from Marvel. Healing factor, adamantium claws can cut through blocks, adamantium skeleton is denser giving higher defense. He can be killed, and can get his ass handed to him, but he's not going to be a swiping Akuma, but the best he is at what he does. http://www.mediafire.com/file/9zs819h6rjkg7nm/Canon_Wolverine.zip
  3. Now works in 1.0 and 1.1, MSH control system http://www.mediafire.com/file/9345wd6k27ecgag/Spiderman-RVMP.zip
  4. http://www.mediafire.com/file/ug6rynl7kdrrefd/Monarch+Theatre.stage_by+Kyoman.rar
  5. All new moves, full set of specials and hypers now http://www.mediafire.com/file/y8800a6y5owlg49/plasticman.rar
  6. http://www.mediafire.com/file/g2jy5mqqcqz5p53/Ghost+Rider.rar
  7. I saw the posts. It wasn't an explosion. He kept screaming people should try it before shooting it down. But hey man, if your video shows people exactly what they are getting, they have a right to dislike it or not. You don't knock the customers for complaining about seeing you put mustard on their hot dog when they dont like mustard. I know several creators who have videos that people could shoot down, but the gameplay shows off what people want. And Im not talking about CvS clones, Im talking guys that a lot of people hate and a lot more like. So lets chill about Volzzilla and another website, and keep the discussion on the character or move on to something else. Its a cheap pal swap. Dude screamed he wanted everyone to try it first when the video gives away what it is. We get it. 1,000 posts about how the dude had a meltdown is getting kind of redundant. And I dont even use big words like that. 2ndly = somone link up the skunk woman please. Request section is still down.
  8. Well if people just scream stupid or disgusting or just be dipshits, I could see why he did it. But if people are like, "hey change the sprites", or "try adding this in." Or "hey, can I give it a few changes and we can work together on it?" something like that. If they were professional about it, then thats no way to act. None at all. But like i said, calling stuff stupid, or ugly, or shit, or disgusting...thats just insulting the thing. But if people just say "x is broken, here's how you fix x." and leave it at that, then thats cool.
  9. http://www.mediafire.com/file/6ejvaze22vcwejq/Gold+Tower+-+MK.rar for 1.1 = http://www.mediafire.com/file/4ye54s3f4t8nzs7/Golden+Tower+HR+1.1.rar
  10. Lets not turn this into a witch hunt. Just say what would fix it. Maybe he'll take the new specs and plug them in. Telling him he sucks isnt going to fix the shit, lining out the specs to fix it will.
  11. http://www.mediafire.com/file/i7j5jqgpjxaxqdb/Broly+base+2nd+coming+SSJ+by+The+Necromancer+edit+by+joe+flizz.rar
  12. https://sites.google.com/site/altoiddealer/ https://yadi.sk/d/EzoQKbqmzBibq
  13. https://mega.nz/#!OkNhGbRD!V700UeDvQW...
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