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White Ranger

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Posts posted by White Ranger

  1. 6 hours ago, Mav3r1ck said:

    Well, just founded some edits of Goenitz on my HDD:


    Galdiel Goenitz:



    Shark Goenitz:



    Blood Surge Corpse:



    And here's some Goeniko edit:


    Alter Wind:




    Added :)

  2. On 12/2/2016 at 5:54 PM, gui0007 said:


    23 hours ago, SSBK65 said:

    Thank you WR, I just love the Wind edits and your collab is a big help for getting the rest of them.

    VYuhriu.gifWifey: She's an edit of God_Wind by Japter Dark with a different voice.

    AbG8s2u.gifPico Goeniko: A small chibi version of the titular woman.

    There's also Seti by Una-10, she's a KFM spriteswap. Haven't found her though.


    Added, thanks guys :)

  3. @DuckMannnn I've been contemplating that, as well as Krizalid, I may not do neither of those two next, but I can assure you that you'll see them in the future. What I got in mind next is epic, you can count on that. This collection (the one above) is the last time I will be using mediafire, so I'm switching to Mega for any future collections, I still may be able squeeze a few more edits into mediafire when updating past collections, but that's about it. As for what's next, I'm not gonna reveal any details, but I'm sure it'll be great for everyone. ;)

  4. @Kozaku55 For Krizalid, I've contemplated creating one. Igniz, I never thought of it, although he does have a great deal of edits, so I'll keep that in mind. I do intend to create another one following the Goenitz/Goeniko Collection, but not the two you just mentioned. For now I'm keeping any details about it a secret, a surprise if you will. If you like KoF edit collection, check out the other ones we got here. Athena, Iori, K', Kula, and Kyo. ;)


    @TheRedBeast I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything with this collection for tonight, as of this post it is 1 AM, (going on 2) in my location, plus it's been a rather busy day for me, and I'm quite :goodnight:so I'll try to get back too it tomorrow lol

  5. @RobotMonkeyHæd Glad it didn't do anything too severe, although I would like to point out that, we're missing the spoiler button :p


    No need to rush, as obviously the site just got back, so please by all means please take your time. :relax:


    2016 has definitely been a rough year for MFFA, but I'm sure it will only get better from this point on. :goodmood:

  6. Epitaphs of the Famous


    Abigail Adams (First Lady):

    As daughter, wife and mother

    a model of domestic worth

    Her letters are an American classic



    Ethan Allen (Revolutionary Officer):

    The mortal remains of Ethan Allen, fighter, writer, statesman.

    and philosopher, lie in this cemetery beneath the marble statue.

    His spirit is in Vermont now.



    Susan B. Anthony (women's rights activist):

    Liberty, Humanity, Justice, Equality



    Mel Blanc (Looney Tunes voice):

     Man of 1000 Voices

    Beloved Husband and Father


    Note: That's All Folks, is also written above Mel's name.



    William Bligh (as in Mutiny on the Bounty):

    Vice Admiral Of The Blue

    The Celebrated Navigator Who First Transplanted

    The Breadfruit Tree From Otahette To The West Indies

    Bravely fought The Battles Of His Country And Died Beloved,

    Respected, And Lamented



    William H. Bonney (A.K.A. Billy The Kid):

    Truth and History.

    21 Men.

    The Boy Bandit King

    He Died As He Lived.



    Al Capone:

    My Jesus Mercy



    Winston Churchill (British Leader):

    I am ready to meet my Maker.

    Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal

    of meeting me is another matter.



    William Clark (American Explorer):

    Soldier, explorer, statesman and patriot.

    His life is written in the history of his country.



    Bette Davis (Actress):

    She did it the hard way.



    Jefferson Davis (President of the Confederacy):

    At Rest

    An American Soldier

    And Defender of the Constitution



    Jack Dempsey (Boxer):

    A gentle man and a gentleman



    Emily Dickinson (Poet):

    Called Back



    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Author of Sherlock Holmes):

    Steel True, Blade Straight



    Alexander Hamilton (U.S. Founding Father):

    In Testimony of their Respect


    The Patriot of incorruptible Integrity,

    The Soldier of approved Valour

    The Statesman of consummate Wisdom;

    Whose Talents and Virtues will be admired by

    Grateful Posterity

    Long after this Marble shall have mouldered into Dust





    NOTE: I understand this post is rather macabre, but I thought it was something worth sharing.

    I'll admit, I'm rather fascinated with what is written on head stones, as well as other unusual things, mainly just for the sake of knowledge.

    No disrespect to the dead whatsoever. So you can expect to see similar posts later this month.  

  7. QehVrmCl.jpg


    October has officially arrived, so I've decided to create this thread to help everyone that wants to, to get into the spirit.

    Post your favorite, creepy YouTube video(viral videos, creepy countdowns, scary story narrations, etc.), share your favorite memories from years past, scary facts/pictures.


    To any Administrator or Global Moderators who see this thread, can you please lay down some rules? I was never good at making rules. Thank you.










    For a start I will share my favorite creepy viral video, "11B X 1371"




  8. Big Daddy's Pizzeria is owned by the same individuals that own Mama's Farmhouse. If you ever decide to come here you better not eat anything else beforehand. Depending on what you choose for your toppings, as well as the size of the pizza, you will receive a monster of a pizza in terms of toppings.



    The pizza that we ordered was a meat lovers, they take their toppings to the extreme, the crust on the other hand reminds me of Papa Johns.

    If you think that's a ton of meat, imagine just what the whole pizza looked like!!!



    Not far from Pigeon Forge is Gatlinburg, a town with so many stores you won't know what to think. You can literally spend 24 hours shopping if you wanted to, sure some stores close at certain hours, but some are open 24 hours.










    The Mountain Mall stands out from other malls, it's stores consist of music (past and present), numerous hot sauces, a pizza parlor (New York style pizza), and more.



    This store has various CD's from just about any artist you can think of....



    ....horror movies, anime,......




    and decor of artists and popular media. I unfortunately didn't get a picture of them, but you can also buy records, and I mean legit old school styled music records.



    This store is pretty self explanatory, hot sauces galore, no peppers strangely.



    Blair is known for making some extreme hot sauces. The one on the right, the one with the red and black skull topper, it's called Blair's 2 AM. It's 900,000 on the scoville scale. The story on why i'st so hot dates back to when Blair use to work at a bar. 2:00 AM was  the closing time, well some people wanted to stay longer, so he would fry four chicken strips with some of this sauce on it. Needless to say nobody stayed. He decided to kick it up a notch by making something hotter. The sauce on the left, the one with the yellow topper, is called Blair's 3 AM. It's 2,000,00 on the scoville scale. I actually own both of these sauces, as they are actually collectibles surprisingly, and get this, I had to sign a waiver before I purchased them.



  9. Pigeon Forge' Tanger Outlet







    For those who don't know, a tanger outlet is a massive building consisting of stores, the kind you would see in a mall, Hot Topic, Old Navy, Spencers, The Disney Store, F.Y.E., etc. Basically it's an outdoor mall. The pictures I took are just one side of the massive structure, It's size also makes it perfect for a walking track for exercise.



    The Incredible Christmas Place is perhaps the most beautiful store in Pigeon Forge, this building is huge, and it has some interesting decorations of all kinds. From village pieces, ornaments, trees, lights, and more, this store is very awe inspiring.







    Being a Christmas themed stor it was only natural to have a few figures from Frozen.



























    My favorite section of the store is the village decorations, small buildings, some based on actual locations, others from movies and cartoons, a site to behold.







    Harley Davidson Theme village





    The Grinch (Whoville) themed village



    New York City village set with backdrop





    A Christmas Story village pieces You'll shoot your eye out kid (one of my favorite Christmas movies)












    Of course they had the obvious leg lamp, complete with a wooden crate box that it comes in from the film. It's a major award.


    Here's something you wouldn't expect to see in a store who's theme is Christmas, a village based on Halloween!!






































    One last photo of the exterior.


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