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Yamori X

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Everything posted by Yamori X

  1. Hopefully that means I did something right! Still trying to get a grip with the whole AI thing.
  2. I'm glad you enjoyed! I'm glad you think she's great! You found the AI challenging, I hope?
  3. Apologies for constant posting, but I feel this may or may not be the definitive version of my Lilith. I held on this update to make sure I could get as much as I could. Click this spoiler to see all the changes within this update: Download link: Click Here
  4. Well, I'm certainly glad you did release it. I like the stage a lot! It also fits perfectly with a song I wanted to use for a while now.
  5. A new update for Hayato as well.
  6. Well, I'm sure you'd have seen this coming but Lilith Aensland by misao
  7. I remembered, I could make videos again, so I did that. Demo vid for Lilith (also on front page).
  8. Thanks for the words of encouragement! As for future characters, I got one in the works currently. Keep your eyes peeled! c; Though, I'll still be providing maintenance for my other chars along the way, if necessary.
  9. New update to Yang; new hyper sparks, fixed move properties, and reduced max health (which i forgot to do in the first place). Download Link: Click Here
  10. Another update! This time to fix a lot of move properties, especially for Shoryu Cannon, and his EX Sean Tackle.
  11. Oh, I see. Hopefully you enjoyed my Lilith!
  12. Is that so? That's kind of odd. Was it the sprites that they were using?
  13. You're very welcome! Though, I am a bit curious as to what you mean by scaled down?
  14. I'm glad. Thanks for giving me a shot!
  15. Forgot to post, but I made a few edits that i feel make it a bit more agreeable with her palettes. I hope you don't mind! Oh, and would you mind if I left this portrait on my Lilith's thread on another site? You will be credited!
  16. Oh my! You do so much for me ;~; Thanks so much, Ky!
  17. I hope you don't mind, but I've made a few changes to it, also making it compatible with my palettes. If you'd care to see it, I've put a link here. Aside from that, I really enjoyed the portrait. Many thanks Ky! Link to the modified portrait: http://www.mediafire.com/?d74gds41sp1p2ca
  18. I like it! Many thanks, Ky.
  19. Uh, being the dummy that I am, I left a few bugs in her AI, and forgot to update it in the separate CMD. Sorry about that! Redownload her for the fixes!
  20. New update to Lilith! This time, I fixed the width issues with her basic attacks and removed extra shadows from her taunt (thank you Alex), I've made her "Luster Swarm" move look a bit nicer, I've worked on her AI a bit, and finally, I redid her Double Shining Blade move, which is now named Mirage Blade (name should give you a hint).
  21. Nice palette, thank you very much!
  22. Oh my! These palettes are great, thank you very much. Would you mind if I included these with him (you will be credited)? Though, as for the portrait, I was never a fan of SFIV's art style, so I apologize. I hope you aren't disappointed.
  23. Forgot to do this earlier! I've also given Yang a separate cmd in case his hyper commands were giving you trouble.
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