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Everything posted by Sweetfire13

  1. http://shoryuken.com/2013/12/27/dengeki-bunko-fighting-climax-screenshots-reveal-main-character-alternate-colors-tease-sonic-themed-stage/
  2. Aside from all the forum shitflinging. Call design "F" won the poll.
  3. As of now, it's an arcade exclusive will a probable ps3 port in the future. I wonder if there's any SEGA reps in the game since there is what appears to be a Valkyria Chronicles-themed stage.
  4. Predictabo. Nintendo really needs to step up their game. Even though the delay is probably only for a day or two.
  5. Blame everyone and their mothers who got a 2ds/3ds/Wii U for christmas
  6. I am awaiting the imminent implosion of the Nintendo eShop. I imagine it's going to be 10x worse than Left 4 Dead 2 Christmas on steam earlier.
  7. You forgot Yun and Yang were added in Arcade Edition as well. Also Oni and Akuma are really no way similar gameplay-wise other than they're both shotos. People really need to realize that all shoto characters are not the same. Ono said that the new character is one that has never been in a fighting game before so that rules out your asinine assumptions. As mentioned earlier, a lot of people are theorizing that the new character is Decapre or another one of the Dolls, and all of the hints point towards those reasonings
  8. Lol welcome to internet forum moderator circle-jerking. I'm sure that if a moderator had giant tits flopping all over the place as an avatar no one would do anything. Also with my experience with forums, moderators can't do jack shit about what's on another mod's profile without either begging them to change it or going to higher-ups. Also his "satire" was really unfunny.
  9. I wouldn't say it's shorter or longer than any of the previous games, but the pacing of the game sure is weird compared to the previous games. Yeah the post game is really lack-luster besides the the battle mansion, but I enjoyed what I did from playing it.
  10. Wouldn't be surprised this sells better in Japan than regular Zelda titles just because it's something other than Zelda . Zelda sells like shit over there. Hell even Ore no Imoto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai Happy End sold more than Wind Waker HD.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-dehlxzHk0 Tecmo Koei is developing a musou Legend of Zelda. This is not an official installment of the Legend of Zelda series.
  12. http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2013/dec/14/5th-ultra-street-fighter-4-character-female-says-ono-final-fighter-not-retsu/
  13. A lot of my time watching anime was late at night staying up as a kid watching Adult Swim on Saturday, as a lot of choices on this list reflect. Cowboy Bebop The music, production values, the characters, just everything blends perfectly together and never fails to amaze me. Big O Full of action-packed moments of suspense alongside complex and subtle symbols makes you ask questions and wonder if they're ever going to be answered. FLCL Wonderful animation from Gainax with unique, bright, and unforgettable characters that are extremely relatable to you and me because any one of us can experience the internal conflicts these characters go through out the series. Legend of Galactic Heroes This is an anime that you not just watch, you experience. It creates a vast and rich universe before your eyes, characters feel as though they grow with you, and everything in this has significant impact. What’s important is not so much what will happen, but more why and how it will happen. At a point, it is not so hard to predict the upcoming plot twist. However, knowing where all the pieces are set, keeps one alert for the inevitable, giving rise to an unrelenting sense of urgency, which doesn’t just linger around and appear when necessary. With every scene, the momentum is maintained and crescendos along the way. When two soldiers talking can retain all the energy of a glorious battle, you know someone is doing something right. To me, this is as good as anime gets. Trigun At first, Trigun begins as the wacky story of the plights of Vash The Stampede, an outlaw with a bounty of $60,000,000,000.00 who is considered the best gunman in the west with a mysterious past. Then the story turns into a grim and psychological drama dealings with past sins and morals.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ubc5_owhl0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOTgy32P8Z8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OET8SVAGELA
  15. I used to suffer from fits of schizophrenia and suffer from borderline personality disorder and depression. I have terrible eyesight and even though I try to exercise and stay healthy everyday, I'm extremely self-conscious about my appearance and behavior. I always have a feeling that I'm doing something wrong even though I know what I'm doing. When I graduated from high school, I remember I cried the whole night afterwards because I had the feeling that I would never see my close friends ever again. So far, due to work and college, the case has been true. The only time I leave my house is to go to work, school, buy groceries, check the mail, or exercise. Other than that I'm a complete shut-in and my family worries about me because I never see any friends or family. I tend to opt out of romantic relationships because most of the time I feel inadequate and cannot meet up to her standards. I hate my life.
  16. Honestly, I would be a bit more liberal about signatures, leave specific dimensions out of it. It'll be kind of redundant to hit everybody who has 100 extra pixels on either width or length. It's obvious when someone has a signature too large. Also signatures are a good way for people to advertise their stuff without there being a lot of different threads cluttering the forum pertaining to someone's mugen webpage and the possibility of people;s topics being pushed back off the first few pages and fading into obscurity.
  17. If I had to guess, it's probably because people for whatever reason feel the need to have signatures that are literally desktop wallpapers and it's really annoying to look through multiple posts when there's a person with a Godzilla-sized signature.
  18. Don't forget that she's making it worse by deleting posts and locking her Twitter. Victim my ass.
  19. The design is far too ugly for anyone to make porn of it.
  20. This is a possible redesign of Beck made by the new community manager of Comcept, Dina Abou Karam, who is a feminist. A person who has never played a Mega Man game before, now Community Manager of something a lot of Mega Man fans wanted. Her being a Community Manager makes her the face of the entirety of community, making her input valuable to the actual people who make the game. She's about as important as any other person working on this project, maybe even more since her decisions "reflect" the entire the community as a whole. Now let's discuss something, I am in no way saying that I do not want female protagonists in video games, it's just that changing the gender of Beck is incredibly uncalled for. She's basically stating by doing this that she wants this redesign because Beck being a male offends her, and there's no rhyme or reason as to why Beck should be female other than that. This isn't about sexism, this is about integrity of a product, an idea, a concept that we've all strived for so long and now we have to deal with radical opinions from people who don't even give a damn about video games as a whole. So let's go over why this is a bad thing. She's incompetent for a project like this because she has never even played any Megaman games. Her art is beyond horrible. She self-inserts into it and it doesn't fit the MN9 style at all. She's a moron and supports objectively bad developers such as Phil Fish, who treats his customers like trash and is a hypocrite. She behaves like an idiot in general and now she's cherry picking responses in order to inaccurately represent those who don't like her. She tries to push inherently faulty agendas that ignore things like biology and evolution because they prove that the agendas are wrong. In a game where they don't belong, no less. She's a community manager and gets to influence the project by deciding which things to give attention to. And if you dare go on the forums and voice your complaints, Her and her cronies will ridicule you with insults (beta, misogynist, loser, neckbear, virgin etc.), and by utilizing cherry picking and misrepresentation, call everyone who disagrees with this the same. This has already divided the community in half and a lot of backers are threatening to pull their donations.
  21. Project Diva F is the only game that is going to be localized, and for digital download only on the Vita. I still doubt that just because the game has the title "persona 4" slapped on there, it's going to be localized. Also Sega buying Atlus is a potential disaster since Sega is literally sitting on a goldmine of IP's from Skies of Arcadia to Shenmue, all pushed back in favor of Sonic.
  22. It's an obvious cash-grab from Fatlus that's gonna ride off the success of Persona 4 just like Arena and Arena 2, and to an effect Persona Q(except Persona Q is going to be good). I'm still willing to bet that this game isn't going to breach the shores of Japan because there's absolutely no market for Japanese dancing rhythm games in the western world.
  23. It's not a Dance Dance Revolution clone, how would that even work on a vita? It's a game that's going to be similar to the Project Diva series, and it's more than likely never to touch anything outside of Japan.
  24. They won't make Street Fighter 5 any time soon because the time isn't right. There's always been a gap in between the numbered games. BTW If they actually did make Street Fighter 5, that would still be considered "milking the franchise".
  25. The Digital Devil Saga games for the PS2 is a place to start, It has the same battle system as SMT III and IV and lets you get used to spell names and what they do. Persona 3, preferably FES, but you can just easily emulate P3P on PPSSPP. It lets you get used to stuff that are in almost every game, especially fusion. P3P plays more like a VN outside of the dungeon crawling and has the option of playing as a girl. FES doesn't let you control your teammates in battle but is more difficult than P3P and has cutsceens and all that jazz, oh, and an extra dungeon after you beat the game.
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