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Posts posted by wicloud

  1. 52 minutes ago, Ryochi said:

    Nice to see some new hand drawn characters for mugen. The only thing with Rulue is that her standing strong kick doesn't hit the player when she's up close to them. Is there anyway to fix that?

    im a crappy coder...all i can say is...find the state for the kick and check the values...then just mess with them until you get your needed result..also check her collisions in the animations, as well...it's possible that red or green box might have too much X axis causing it to miss targets that are too close.

  2. Almost anything by Moku...*i've beaten them but with cheap methods...*

    Anything by Robo *except warewarecolibri he's a boss and is simply broken/cheap*

    Pre-to's characters *no cheap method i've used so far is effective...*

    ABAB's Rouge the Bat *she flies constantly and SPAMS projectiles...*


    I actually have a long list...but these are currently my most known challenges XD 

  3. 16 minutes ago, Weiss_Circal said:

    He made characters other then Pill? Cool.

    yep, pill and nyakko are his most original since neither have copied moves, prishe is kinda like bison and rulue has chun-li and rugal kicks.Oh and prishes assist seems to do a clark throw...from KOF...prishe does high damage and rulue has a few high damaging moves too.

  4. IokciXW.png


    It seems Robo has made another character...Im a fan of his pill and his others characters are great too but...when you turn on their AI *by using the def file with AI in their names* They're very difficult to fight. I'd know i fought his Prishe...and Colibri is a boss/joke character...but CAN kill you quickly.


    I hope you all enjoy!


    DL Link---> https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=C0C526F504489011&id=C0C526F504489011!106

  5. welcome paradox! hope ou enjoy staying here and remember butter the bread before frying it in a pan put cheese on the unbuttered side and then butter one side of another piece of bread and place the unbuttered side on top of the cheese.....let fry for 3-5 mins...depends if you like it soft..3 mins or crunchy..5 or maybe 8 mins...flip and repeat waiting time..

  6. Gum Edit released 40% done



    This is more likely a visual edit rather than a fighting style edit....Gum is now more feminine looking to appeal to her gender. This edit was made in the interest of having a female yoshi who now looks female in Mugen rather than it just being on a bunch of fanarts XD.


    DL Here:



    New moves?

    Up + z to fly

    holddown then left or right to crawl + pressing C will make you roll in direction used


    More to come later on! Hope you all enjoy!

  7. Regen health - Teaf's code

    This is a code found in Teaf's Grizela. It does as stated, It will heal characters who are in critical health/danger level. It doesn't require animations or anything it's a constantly active code. I have applied this code to multiple characters since regenerating isn't too quick and it's fair.


    [State -2]
    type = LifeAdd
    triggerall = movetype != H
    triggerall = Alive   <----------if im alive, This will know and I'll start healing
    triggerall = RoundState = 2
    triggerall = Life < LifeMax*0.2 <--------------this determines how much needs to be left in order to gain the regen effect
    trigger1 = ceil(GameTime%4) = 1 <--------------------im telling this code when to apply the regen effect,decrease the % to make it faster and increase to make slower.
    value = 1 
    absolute = 1
    ignorehitpause = 1


    This code only seems to work in the -2 states, i have attempted -3 with it once but nothing happened....if someone gets different results be sure to inform me here on this thread.


    Credits go to Teaf for this code im not 100% sure he made it but I've not witnessed other characters using it. 

  8. Revival Code plus effects

    So i came by this section and noticed no one had posted anything so i decided...hey why don't i give it a try? The more codes shared the more codes known! So this is a revival code, however it only works 60% of the time I've limited it to only give back 500 health and only do it once.


    [State -2]
    trigger1=P2Life !=0

    [State -2]
    value= SCA

    [State -2]

    [Statedef 7500]
    type     = S                     
    movetype = A                     
    physics  = S                     
    velset   = 0,0                   
    ctrl     = 0                     
    anim     = 7500

    [State 7500]
    value=1 <----i may be wrong but this might be how many times you revive, keep it 1 unless your berserker from Fate Stay Night

    [State 7500]
    Triggerall = life<500 <---------edit this for health amount

    [State 7500]
    type = Pause
    trigger1 = time = 0
    time = 100
    movetime = 100

    [State 7500]
    Trigger1= time>100
    Value = 50
    PauseMoveTime=9999 <--------------pausing time is necessary if you don't you'll be hit out of revival and die anyways

    [State 7500, Spark]
    type = Explod
    trigger1 = time = 25
    anim = 9200 <-------choose a hitspark or another animation to play when the character dies. I would not suggest anything longer than 60 ticks.
    pos = 0, 3 <-----------position where said hitspark or animation should be
    postype = p1
    removetime = 60


    This is a fairly useful code and i'd recommend messing around with it just keep the revival part the same however, This code can't work if the character using it is grabbed and forced into a custom state from p2. Reason why is simple, although the code will try to trigger a noKO, it can't due to some grabs or even certain attacks triggering a KO flag on their hitflag, simply meaning priority will take effect P2's KO hitflag will go off first, the revival will STILL go off but P2's KO flag had done went off which tells mugen it's dead.

  9. i checked the sprites the only unsafe thing in this character is an intro where she starts out naked. nothing else. heck her nude intro doesn't have any details,,,but it can still give some people the wrong idea.


    I'll give her a try regardless thanks val!

  10. Pill by Robo, but with a pink shirt, and a small festive decoration on her hat (this was added by me, it's her portrait but edited)*lasts years avatar that i never changed XD* Also this is my avatar because she's my mugen roster champ.


    I got plans to change it to something else after Christmas.

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