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Everything posted by DarkWolf13

  1. Just got my copy of Pokemon X today and I'm waiting to save up for a 2DS and this will be my planned team... of course they'll eventually evolve... -Froakie -Helioptile -Pancham -Charmander -Tyrunt -Lucario (The one given by Korrina)
  2. I thought Captain Falcon was already available at the start in Brawl
  3. Huh!? There goes the STAB on my Mega Kicking Granbull... now I have find a good STAB Fairy move for him... Well... it'll be a while before I can get X version because I need to get money to by a 2DS first. Oh, yeah... Nintendo World in NY is having a party to celebrate the launch of X & Y on Friday. I can't wait to go!
  4. As Kanbei said... 2 is enough, let's not go overboard with three. Just as the saying goes... Three's a crowd.
  5. I don't what stats are improved on Mega Gardevoir but from the level and enviroment in the pic... I think the player was fighting the Champion.
  6. There's MANY more leaks around and I know the place but if you want to know from me, PM me. Because I don't want any trouble
  7. What the heck is going on!? So many things that they didn't cover yet and still no info how many boxes are there...
  8. I'm definitely getting X now... for that Mega Charizard X... ONCE I FIND OUT HOW MANY BOXES THERE ARE THAT IS!!
  9. Now the vid's working... and I kind of expected to see Sonic because like my friend told me, Nintendo has a contract with Sega to use Sonic. And I think (I could be wrong) Sonic's the final 3rd party character to be added because I saw post saying that they're trying to keep 3rd party characters a minimum.
  10. Well we already have a 3rd party character confirmed, which is Megaman from Capcom. Second, from what I heard from a classmate in school, she told me that Nintendo has a contract with Sega to use Sonic, that's why he appeared in many games for Nintendo consoles, more or less, such as the Olympic games.
  11. Dust of Osiris... I had her once but the character is far OP... I can only land a single hit and had to wait a few seconds to hit again, giving her a chance to overpower me. Sometimes, she can take many blows at once, like the original.
  12. damn that's a lot of users and it was on that dreadful day
  13. I have chars whose life is bit over 1000 but the defense of all of them are 100 except for a few... I have the cheapest character of MUGEN, IQ300 (Forgot the authors name), he's incredibly cheap so I tuned down his defense to 500 to make him quick to defeat.
  14. Here's how to make a simple Vs Char Intro. 1. Open Paint and resize the image to 320 x 59, 2. Use paint bucket and paint the image all black. 3. Use the Text Entry tool (I call it the Text Entry tool) and open it on the entire image. You can use whatever font you want but make sure the size is 6 or 7. I used System font size 7 used red text. 4. Make sure it's at least 2 lines and at most 3. Sometimes it's recommended of using one line to put the name of the one who's talking. 5. Save the text as PNG and make a folder for the character who has a Vs Intro and save it as "0000.png". 6. Hit CTRL+Z and repeat Step 3 until you finish your Vs Char dialogue. Once finished, open Fighter Factory and open your the char you want the vs Intro for. Then do this: 1. Add the new PNG files as new sprites WITHOUT shared palettes. 2. If the position is X- 160, Y- 59. Don't worry, I'll tell you how to add the coding for this afterwards. 3. Save your sprites and go to StateDef 5900. 4. At StateDef 5900, you need to set a variable, here's an example: 5. After setting the var, use this coding to determine the char's Intro: 6. Next, you must MAKE a StateDef for that Vs Intro to work so here's a sample to get you started: 7. Then go to the .air file and ADD an animation for those sprites. For time, I recommend value of 225-275 for each sprite so you or other players can read it. Such as this: I hope this is helpful and if anything goes wrong, let me know. I hope you all took the time of reading and making a simple Vs Char Intro. WARNING This may not work for some characters. This coding will be incompatible with the character under these conditions -Sprite indexes/animations mentioned here are already in use -Most/All variables are in use already
  15. I play it on my PC and on the go via USB Flash Drive. My MUGEN are stuff I chose to download (Original, edits, Marvel, Capcom, Sega, Namco etc.). I play survival mode and I beat the crap out of them using M.Bison by Mouser, Morrigan by hsiethm or my edit of WereGarurumon by Great Matsutzu. Of all characters that are in my MUGEN, only ONE I will NOT release. Aside from that, I play for hours in Survival Mode... once I get tired and want to do something else, I'll F1 myself and my opponents. So again... my MUGEN is basically a roster with chars I chose to download (I have 506 characters. The ones I have more than one version are Cammy(2 versions), Bison(5), Morrigan(3), B.B.Hood(2) and Talbain(2)).
  16. The reason I put Feraligatr to combo is so he can bite the crap out of those characters who won't stop comboing. So the combo, super jump and advancing guard can cover his weakness against those who would combo him till he drops, even if he blocks.
  17. If that is the case for limited space, then they are going to drive me away because if I can't have my whole team from Black2 in X/Y, screw them. I won't go on!
  18. Good thing I didn't add AI to Feraligatr so only the player can combo. And you can get rid of that feature in his .cmd file. Just erase the triggers such as this one in the spoiler: Just erase the triggers in bold so he won't combo into another.
  19. Feraligatr is ready! And I feel proud of making him to MUGEN! And yes but it's a bit like facing forward... Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?t5j1jakj655v2no He has the MvC2 Super Jump, Hyper Portrait, Hyper BG & Finish, Hyper Spark, Advancing Guard and Nero's voice from Melty Blood. He has 3 attacks: 2 regulars and a hyper.
  20. I'm trying to make a Feraligatr using the sprites from Pokemon Ranger, Guardian Signs.
  21. 1.0 for me and I don't know why people are trying to make everything HD now since 1.1 was leaked. 1.1 may be an updated version with better features and bug fixes. I'm not going further than 1.1a4 because my MUGEN is far by the most stable version and I played for hours with no errors and I have all characters in .zip folders.
  22. That last question is too obvious to answer. The partner is limited to Gen V Pokemon only and no legendaries like the partners from Gen IV. Second, the moveset for certain Pokemon really suck such as a Sawk with Payback if he has higher speed than some enemies. In Pokemon choices, the partner only has one Scrafty, Druddigon and Gothitelle and of all choices of the same Pokemon species, why did they give the partner those specific ones when there is a better Scrafty, Druddigon and Gothitelle available.
  23. The chibi digimon I made that have hsiehtm's AI coding (AeroVeedramon, Gaomon, Dorumon & Veedramon) But my most favorites... -Shin M.Bison by Kamekaze (NOT 100% shin): I can defeat his AI with chibi characters and I have proof. AND -WereGarurumon by the Great Matsutzu (My MvC2 edit): I enjoy fighting his AI a LOT.
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