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Everything posted by Trinitronity

  1. Uhm...sorry, but is your inbox not full yet?
  2. Happy B-Day to the one, who got his G-Mod comeback this year.
  3. Then, the universe restarted again! (Long live McDonalds)
  4. ...Flandre's sister is Remilia, not Reimu...
  5. As an advice: Please stop. You really don't want to piss off an G-Mod.
  6. Hmm...let's say that we make a pause to our battle...for now. I'm happy, if we can continue our battle at some point. But don't forget that I'm always prepared.
  7. Hmm... *TrinitroMan starts to observe TimeWeaver* It seems that he can barely stand up, yet I'm still full of power...I'm getting a bad feeling about it. Better be prepared! *TrinitroMan now takes a more defensive stance, which still allows him to perform offensive blows good enough*
  8. The finale, you say? Let me show you my true form! Power Glove Power Mode activate! *TrinitroMan pulls a trigger at the Power Glove KLK-style, and he starts shining* As you may know already, my Power Glove is something special, because if I pull that trigger, then I can transform into one of many super-powerful forms. *TrinitroMan's shining outline begins to change shapes and it creates a bit light blast, that doesn't hurt anyone, minimizes the field of vision of everyone else to an absolute zero during the light blast* *after the flash, TrinitroMan's new form is revealed* *TrinitroMan's new form has a larger amount of cannons* *cannons on shoulders, machine gun cannons on the abdomen, and both hands are surounded by several cannons cannons* *both hands now also have, what looks like an upgraded Power Glove* *the amount of nitroglycerin storages has been increased, and other mysterious storages have appeared* *additionally, the ambdomen cannon is suround by weird wires* Mega Metal Synchronize! TRINITROMAN MKII Let's end it quick, man! SURPREME NITRO BLAST BARRAGE! *the hands turn into gatling machine gun cannons, and all cannons shoot at the same time a truckload of nitroglycerin in the speed of light*
  9. TimeWeaver, this was actually really clever, but there is one fatal flaw in that idea: I'm TrinitroMan, Robot Master of Explosive. I have to deal with explosions every day, so in order to work properly, I'm immune to explosions. And thankfully, this immunity has a nice side effect in battles: All the explosions get repeled to the origin. Take THAT! *the explosions gets repeled towards TimeWeaver, leaving TrinitroMan full with explosion scratches on his armor, but still being able to fight*
  10. Here, LightFlare. *throws a mechanical gadget at LightFlare* From where I came from*, we robots use this teleporter to teleport to a destination, that is logged in this teleporter. *TrinitroMan's living place is Megatropolis, 20XX
  11. Wait, constriciting my movement? Nope, that ain't gonna work on robots. But seriously, the radius of that explosion is so big, I have barely dodged it. At least you're in my range now! *does an powerful hook* NITRO UPPERCUT! *the hook turns into an uppercut, that engulfs TimeWeaver in nitroglycerin*
  12. *dodges the blazing arrow with robotic perfection* Actually, I'm a bit disappointed. I really enjoyed the battle against LightFlare, but you seem to hold back yourself. Also, while magic is not bad at all, your is quite outdated. Now it's my turn again! CONCENTRATED NITRO BLAST! *TrinitroMan shoots out nitroglycerin superfast with super precision, and TimeWeaver cannot dodge that attack because of how precise it is*
  13. Hey LostInTimeWeaver, I have already burned you into a fine crisp thanks to my nitroglycerin, while you were talking big like a Gordon Freeman impersonator.
  14. Haha, you're actually right. And it really is not just because of us.
  15. Wait...WHAT?! You've gotta be shitten me!
  16. *TrinitroMan recovers quickly* You call THAT an uppercut? Don't make me laugh. And since I also use strategy, you have fallen to my trap as well! CONCENTRATED NITRO BLAST! *TrinitroMan shoots out nitroglycerin superfast with super precision, and TimeWeaver cannot dodge that attack because of how precise it is*
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