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  1. NotAGoodName's post in Lilac's Hair Helper was marked as the answer   
    [state 1000, spawning helper] triggerall = anim = 1000  
    This does nothing.  It has no state type or anything.  Remove it.  If you really need that anim = 1000 trigger, add it to the next state.
  2. NotAGoodName's post in My character can't move backwards. was marked as the answer   
    Is your walk.back velocity positive?  It needs to be negative.
  3. NotAGoodName's post in Reducing the size of Portrait. was marked as the answer   
    I think this is correct
    320 / 250 = 1.28 (character is 1.28 times larger)
    [99,50] / 1.28 = [77,39] ?
  4. NotAGoodName's post in Arch like attack Help was marked as the answer   
    Give him a negative y velocity, an x velocity, and set gravity (or an appropriate y accel).
    From Andore that I made
    [State 300, 1] type = VelSet trigger1 = Time = 0 y = -9 [State 300, 1] type = VelSet trigger1 = 1 x = (p2dist x) / 25 [State 300, gravity] type = gravity trigger1 = 1
  5. NotAGoodName's post in Why do you float? was marked as the answer   
    If something forces you into statedef 0, mugen doesn't defaultly have a means by which to make you fall down.
    I modified my common1.cns to have this and it not only seems to fix that, but also makes characters work on Mario Stage
    ; Stand [Statedef 0] type = S physics = S sprpriority = 0 [State 0, 1] type = ChangeAnim trigger1 = Anim != 0 && Anim != 5 trigger2 = Anim = 5 && AnimTime = 0 ;Turn anim over value = 0 [State 0, 2] type = VelSet trigger1 = Time = 0 y = 0 [State 0, 3] ;Stop moving if low velocity or 4 ticks pass type = VelSet trigger1 = abs(vel x) < Const(movement.stand.friction.threshold) trigger2 = Time = 4 x = 0 [State 0, 4] ;Are you dead? type = ChangeState trigger1 = !alive value = 5050 [State 0, 5] ;Are you floating? type = ChangeState triggerall = pos y < 0 trigger1 = time > 1 value = 50
  6. NotAGoodName's post in Mugen 1.0 music gone was marked as the answer   
    You need to modify your CFG file.  Use another mugen 1.0 cfg for example.  There's a bunch of differences to go over.
  7. NotAGoodName's post in Mugen 1.1 screenpack 2000+ slots? was marked as the answer   
    Mugen 1.0 screenpacks work on Mugen 1.1 just fine.  I still use my own Mugen 1.0 screenpack and haven't modified it since upgrading.
  8. NotAGoodName's post in Using the powerbar to go into other states was marked as the answer   
    So where it changes to 200 (in CMD?) use...
    value = ifelse(power >= 1000,300,200)
  9. NotAGoodName's post in [1.1] Unrecognised RenderMode: OpenGL was marked as the answer   
    wtf.  Are you using the 1.1 exe?  Install it right and everything?  That error message should be impossible.  That is not what it displays when you attempt to run Mugen 1.1 in OpenGL on an unsupported video card.
    You know what?  I just tested it and yes.  You are using the wrong exe.
  10. NotAGoodName's post in A running intro was marked as the answer   
    Step 1)  Make the intro animation blank
    Step 2)  Create a helper that uses an animation that is the player running (or moving however you want).  Said helper should be spawned by the edge of the screen.
    Step 3)  Destroy the helper when it reaches (or exceeds) the player's location
    Step 4) Change player animation when helper is destroyed
    Example from my AbigailSF9189
    ; Introduce Yourself
    [statedef 191]
    type = S
    ctrl = 0
    anim = 8001
    velset = 0,0

    [state 191, 1]
    type = AssertSpecial
    trigger1 = 1
    flag = Intro

    [state 191, 2]
    type = Helper
    trigger1 = time = 0
    helpertype = normal
    name = "Intro"
    ID = 190
    pos = -320,0
    postype = P1
    stateno = 10190
    facing = parent,facing

    [state 191, 3]
    type = ChangeAnim
    trigger1 = time > 10
    trigger1 = numhelper(190) = 0
    value = 0

    [state 191, 3]
    type = ChangeState
    trigger1 = numhelper(190) = 0
    trigger2 = helper(190),parentdist x < 0
    value = 0

    [statedef 10190]
    type = S
    ctrl = 0
    anim = 100
    velset = 4,0

    [state 399, 2]
    type = PlaySnd
    channel = 0
    trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
    value = 0, 100

    [state 10190, 3]
    type = DestroySelf
    trigger1 = parentdist x < 0
  11. NotAGoodName's post in Desperation Moves? (Moves the Require a Certain Amount of Life) was marked as the answer   
    Really easy.  Not sure how you didn't find it.
    In the CMD for the character, add a trigger to the -1 state for the move that uses the life variable
    triggerall = (life <= lifemax/4)
  12. NotAGoodName's post in A Onedrive/Skydrive question was marked as the answer   
    It's only 25 files.  Just use/get a MSN account and download everything.  Then test every single stage.  It will take less time than someone trying to help you since you even didn't provide any information concerning which stage you actually want.
    You can quickly test things with a .BAT file for quick VS.  Make a .BAT file (in your mugen directory) containing the following:
    set p1=kfm set p3= set p2=kfm set p4= set st=kfm "mugen.exe" -p1 "%p1%" -p2 "%p2%" -p3 "%p3%" -p4 "%p4%" -s %st% -p1.color 1 -p2.color 1 -p3.color 1 -p4.color 1 -p1.ai 0 -p2.ai 1 -p3.ai 1 -p4.ai 1 Edit the file for whatever you want and run it.  p(1-4) is player and st is stage.  The rest should be self-explanatory.  Filling in player and stage info is the same as select.def, basically.
  13. NotAGoodName's post in A problem with Human vs CPU was marked as the answer   
    Methods for programming AI in winmugen characters are not exactly friendly for this sort of thing.  Just use VS mode and set the opponent to have AI (ctrl+2).
  14. NotAGoodName's post in Transparency Issue was marked as the answer   
    I don't know if I can help any further without actually seeing something.  But clearly you've got some hardcore screwed up indexing going on.
    You need to figure out how to make your sprites have a proper palette.  Use the organize palette feature or whatever you have to do make a decent palette that is going to work for your sprites and then one way or another make all of them use the new palette.  You can load them in the palette editor and have FF3 re-index the images for you, dump and reimport all of your sprites letting FF3 reindex them, or whatever.  Point being, your sprites are clearly not indexed properly.
  15. NotAGoodName's post in Color problems with 3ha's Bishamon was marked as the answer   
    Try zapping it with
  16. NotAGoodName's post in Issues w/ FF3 was marked as the answer   
    I've never used a 1.1 SFF, but chances are good that it requires palettes to be saved in the SFF.  So 1,1 is first, 1,2 is second, etc.
    I would recommend not saving as 1.1 if at all possible, just to save some effort.
  17. NotAGoodName's post in The Magical MUGEN Disappearing Act! Starring... My Frustration. was marked as the answer   
    Don't put anything in program files directory on Vista or newer.
  18. NotAGoodName's post in 9000,0 Portrait Issues was marked as the answer   
    Open the SFF in FF3 and see what palette is being displayed.  If it's the one being displayed here, you need to use the change palette feature to manually change what palette is saved in the SFF.  If that's not it, it might be using what the DEF has set as the default palette.  All else fails, zap it with DOS2Win or whatever that one thing is and see if that helps.
  19. NotAGoodName's post in What files would I need to put many different screenpacks together was marked as the answer   
    This is a lot more complicated than copy and pasting files.  You need to move the correct graphics into one SFF, fix any conflicts, and reprogram the DEF accordingly.
  20. NotAGoodName's post in Stage help was marked as the answer   
    In [stageinfo] there is xscale and yscale which applies to the entire stage.  If you modify this, you need to modify the bounds of the stage accordingly.  As far as I can tell, there is no scaling for BG states.
  21. NotAGoodName's post in Getting Rid Of Unlimited Supers was marked as the answer   
    Find this in dragon-ken.cns

    [Statedef -3] ;-Este bg control permite cargar 5000% de poder cada vez que cambies a una ;-animacion como vez  he puesto todos las animaciones, asi la barra se llenara ;-mas pronto que el del oponente, si quieres que cargue solo  un poco ;- solo cambia el valor a 50 o 30 y  asi lo hara. ;-practicamente tendras barras de poder infinitas. [State -3, PowerAdd] type = PowerAdd triggerall = anim =[0,5300] trigger1 =time=0 value =5000 ignorehitpause =1 persistent = 1  
    change type = poweradd to type = null;poweradd
  22. NotAGoodName's post in Pneophen's Sub-Zero can't do fatality was marked as the answer   
    Screw this.  I'll fix this POS.  brb
    lol, I did the fatality on the first try at both sizes.  Ok, enough bragging.  Back to work.
    Ok, that was easy.  http://www.4shared.com/zip/b1DTGb8qce/a0sub1.html
    Also, it's not 100% compatible with cns scaling, but I'll leave it up to you.  It's not like I go through all my Capcom characters and edit them for xscale = .833 even though I should.
  23. NotAGoodName's post in Soul Ninja MK2 was marked as the answer   
    Open the def file in notepad.  Change mugenversion = (some stupid date) to mugenversion = 1.0
    If you're using winmugen, quit using winmugen.
  24. NotAGoodName's post in Changing Infinite's default palettes? was marked as the answer   
    You have to open the character and manually modify the palettes that are stored in the SFF.
    0) Back up the SFF for the character.  Travesties happen.
    1)  So open up whichever character in Fighter Factory 3.  You're going to want the newest version for this.
    2)  Go to sprites mode and open up the advanced palette editor.
    3)  Down at the bottom above the left palette pane, you should see a slider that starts on "1,1".  That's the first palette.  Select the palette you want to change.
    4) Open a the palette that you want in this slot (Open palette from a file...).  [Top left button.]
    5)  Save by pushing "Commit changes to current palette..."  [bottom left button.]
    6) Repeat until finished.  Save SFF.  Now you're done.
  25. NotAGoodName's post in Win Pose doesn't finish. was marked as the answer   
    [state 183,lol]
    Or you could use time<something as your trigger.  Whatever works.
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