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Everything posted by Xan

  1. Xan


    ...Yeah, don't do that in the future.
  2. Lol, you pretty much invited this kind of nonsense when you opened the thread.
  3. Feel like naming any names?I mean oh ok.
  4. ...And nevermind. I might as well hang it up for now.
  5. Don't mind them, they're just taking the opportunity to poke at DF for no reason.
  6. I now have what is quite possibly a full team and am ready to battle pretty much whoever. Hit me up if you want. EDIT: Nevermind. I'm hanging X up for the time being. I need to clear my mind.
  7. I've already stated why that's a very difficult task, no matter who we refer to.
  8. Precisely. The genders are just there as a part of the character's design, not as a deciding factor for how they play.
  9. There shouldn't be gameplay differences based upon their gender. It's purely based upon how they play. The genders in fighting games are purely aesthetic and seeing people treat it as otherwise is honestly kind of terrible.
  10. Let me focus on this specific part. Arguments are, whether one is aware of it or not, seen as putting one's own pride on the line. They don't want to give their pride up, so they continue. Backing out is only seen as cowardly behavior, something to be mocked. It is not something that can be done easily. Besides, the other side is clearly wrong and there's no better feeling in the world than proving the opposing side to be exactly that: wrong. It's human nature and it will never change. How dare those people just continue to be wrong when you have the light of knowledge that you must shine upon them? Make them regret being so idiotic and wrong. tl;dr it won't stop because humanity is pretty much conflict-based no matter what.
  11. Xan


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LNCC6ZYI3SI Tell me that isn't adorable.
  12. That's mostly because of societal BS standards saying "males should be strong and tough, women should be sexy" and stuff like that. The game designers designed them that way. I just look past all of that because, well, it's a game and I like playing it. A character's design is important in helping me choose who I want to play as, yes, but I don't let it be the deciding factor. There are some characters whose designs I love to death, but I just can't stand playing as them.
  13. My gender preference for FGs is "who cares about their gender?" I just use people that are fun to me. If I use more males than females, it's because of how they play rather than how they look. Playing as somebody based purely upon gender is silly, anyways.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5u-7dVNAig I recorded this purely for the sake of the new lifebars I got my hands on.
  15. As soon as I get my hands on my Armaldo or my Kingdra, I'll be up and ready to battle people. Teambuilding never ends for me.
  16. I'm just gonna snag those bars now.
  17. It's only ruining them if you let it get to you. Stop thinking that Ax is worth your time and attention and your life will be so much easier.
  18. It's just about good gameplay overall. Characters can have two specials and one super if they're useful enough and fill the proper niches. The amount of moves means nothing if they aren't different enough from each other or don't fill any particular roles in their movepools. Don't bring in this more supers = better characters logic. It holds no water when looked at from a practicality standpoint.
  19. Oh okay. The quality of the release means nothing. If it's a character you like, it's good. If it's nigh-unplayable but it's of somebody you like, it's good.
  20. You're one click away from revealing their price tag of 21.59$
  21. I thought that was kind of obvious. I want these so badly.
  22. Rolento and his recently killed chicken. Rolento gloating over said chicken.
  23. 4 Clubbers - Children http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lzQbQjLe78&list=FLXkLNkmm8t9SvFv4bP0H8gQ I can't believe I forgot this song.
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