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Everything posted by Galvatron

  1. Shinku (Rozon Maiden) - "I may be a doll, but I am more powerfull then you think" - "After this I am going to spend some Tea-Time with Jun." - "Don't you dare compare me to some Disney's Toy Story stuff!!!" - "Ohh!! Are you hurt? I'm sorry. Maybe you should stay down and have some tea." - "Hmph! Stupid" - "I wonder what Hana-chan is doing?
  2. Not that we know of ShadowN. Welcome to MFFA by the way
  3. Well Mario's Final Smash is alright to me Nintendo just need to make it bigger and more hittable. (Mario needs some lessons from Ryo Sakazaki from AOF. LOL!!) Like you said about Jigglypuff (if he/she returnes) they should give it Peach's Final Smash without the food droping out of nowhere and give the move a more pokemon effect like causing deep sleep where opponites will stay asleep even if their are hit. Giving Peach the "Emotion attacks" is okay but it could be a double edge for her Like if she "Sad" she can do multiple damages with her attacks but not be so defensive. If she is "Angry" her attacks are more powerful and easily knock someone out but only for a short-time.Pretty much Something like that but it be cool though...
  4. Woops!! we did'nt realized she was. LOL!
  5. Now! thats A movie I will love to see!! XD Driil Bras!! Awesome
  6. LOL!! Falcon KIck. XD But then again its more like on of Kenshiro's moves
  7. Ahh! so that whats causing Fine to keep dodging like that. Thanks! Oh! by the way I'm "noob". Nice to met you Seravy.
  8. Cool Find Gamer251. =) Maybe i should look in to "Mugen Wiki" more often. Nice! Thanks for the news Night. PC-98 characters needs more love in Mugen.
  9. Woah!! Someone is developing Tokiko already!? Man that sweet!
  10. (Face Palm!) Oh well....... At least(and hope) he will continue with Sekibanki. If she ever be completed and be in Mugen heads are going to Roll! literally!
  11. ..................................................
  12. (LOL your sig ) That chimchar looks decent, but what is up with that Meoth??
  13. (Sorry I was snoozing but) Yeees!! Sekibanki and Futo!! This is Awsome!!! Thanks for the news Xenonic.
  14. Thanks Xenomic you're a life saver
  15. Yeah your right Neo, I haven't played pokemon (BW2) for awhile its pretty much standard as it is, So its Cool
  16. Sadly I Couldnt find that Marisa. ; _ ; I thought I downloaded her long time ago. Well I'll keep looking and savaging my old mugen stuff if I have luck finding her.
  17. Hmm! its alright but like Ryon said the lifebars should be a little better.
  18. Cool! another RPG character from the GUST series. Downloading.....
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