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Everything posted by Remzy

  1. Added a new sig to brave frontier signatures, experimented by adding a moving sprite to it
  2. A.I. patch courtesy of ejanho: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=C0173D3A69BE074B&id=C0173D3A69BE074B%21323 Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpXgFt6eFCg
  3. Looks simply amazing guys, great job.
  4. Bad sprites, and I'm guessing the gameplay won't be any better
  5. Mugen certainly is an engine filled with mystery.
  6. ....You do know you spell Iori with an I not an L, right?....
  7. Good to see more DFC characters available for 1.0
  8. Updated signatures and brave frontier signatures
  9. Those tentacle things look like a hoody with sockets for his ears so it would make sense that his back is facing the screen if that were the case
  10. Those are the lifebars from Eternal Fighter Zero
  11. Updated signatures and specific signatures.
  12. Added two signatures, tried experimenting by adding borders to them
  13. Yeesh, seeing that White Rock Shooter makes me think she's mimicking Gustab, Rugal and K'
  14. Huh, that's two UNiB lifebars released, not that I'm complaining. And is that Chris in the background of that stage?
  15. yeah, this character has a really brutal A.I.
  16. Whoa, man this looks amazing, great job on this!
  17. Theres actually been touhou characters that mimicked some Sengoku Basara characters before
  18. Updated brave frontier signatures
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