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Mr. KOtik

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Everything posted by Mr. KOtik

  1. This specific stage brings back memories, looks great. +1
  2. Ok its a 1.0 stage, I personally like it alot, would like it even more if it was winmugen compatible but I am well aware I'm the only one on this forum who touches even WinMugen anymore. Also I figured out the website thing, my firewall did not like that page apparently.
  3. Is this a 1.0 stage? Also whats up with your website? I keep trying to go into the capcom section but I keep running into
  4. Playing like going into arcade mode? Or just getting back to mugen in general like collecting and stuff?
  5. Lol sounds like you're considering it.
  6. Another WinMugen'er, I'm not alone :)
  7. I would be all for it if I were you.
  8. [Preview] [Download] http://www.sendspace.com/file/ii66qi [info] This is a stage named "Petits rats de l'opera" made by Jo and edited by Ryon as a way to advertise MugenFreeForAll.com. It's original last modified date is 2007
  9. For WinMugen? Count me in lol, looks cool.
  10. Welcome back, I'm curious as to why you were banned.
  11. Redux was still on his site: https://hotfile.com/dl/161743051/0e5fbc5/Redux.rar.html
  12. Lol, and I thought you were gone forever after you didn't respond to my email last year. What you been up to my man? I also know you don't know me by this user-name but I'm not using my real one because of 1 specific active person on this forum.
  13. Lol DarkMario always had my back and was a pretty nice guy overall, don't see why he would be a ass to anyone. The only real person who I knew he had issues with were PZT since he was constantly annoyed with him for being "an inbred dumbfuck and he's about as useless a cubic zirconium museum to a thief on Welfare checks". in his exact words. What are these of events of T.H.E you keep mentioning by the way?
  14. I was confused at one point with that too, until she/she started Pming personal things going on in her life and talking to her a boyfriend on another site name Mugen Royale. Then again Citric could have been messing me, but seemed sincere when she/he sent me a email(which I still have) explaining why she/he just randomly went off on me one day, detailing her pregnancy, being currently in a bad marriage, etc. Later on she/he started deleting all her accounts psn, youtube, Mugen Royale, etc. I'm not even sure the people who knew her/him the most really knew Citric's gender(Pzt and Darkmario666) I was just wondering about her/his whereabout cause we were pretty cool after the little discrepancy we had.
  15. Citric was here? You know where she might be now or at least any other names she used besides Orwellian Dawn?
  16. Yeah all you gotta do is open up his .cns(named constants in this case) file in a notepad/wordpad. I'm honestly not sure how to make the ai less aggressive though.
  17. http://www.4shared.com/rar/3NhSQnTv/hulk.html
  18. @Ishiro The Third: no offense my dude, I understand you don't speak english too well but he didn't mention the word "Dark" anywhere in his sentence, so thats not the one he's looking for. @Sayzo: Well the description of the video said, "Shadow God Ryu is just Dragon Ryu. He has been edited so he isn't too cheap" and it's just that. The video maker just lessened Dragon Ryu's ai, defence, and attack power from what I see. They seem to both have the same exact supers and regular attacks as each other. Not even the portraits or palettes look different. All in all if you want that version you'd probably have to ask the video-maker for it.
  19. Great read, I was looking around for some history of this website prior to joining. Also I remember you rarely being around on OrochiMugen in 2008, now it makes sense lol.
  20. @Genesis: Yeah I think you're right actually. I'm pretty sure it was on Esnips as well because some members of the forum put their esnips links up there which was bound to contain stuff from the forum. Tbh almost everything was on esnips lol. @Sayzo: Since you are kinda split on which versions of Broly you want I included the 3 best versions in my opinion, Broli By Necromancer, Broli by Flowagirl, Broli-eX by Necromancer edited by Grafo Maxi. Here's the one by Ryon: http://www.mugenfreeforall.com/Ryon/Broli.zip Also includes Evil ken, Evil Kyo(Alot like Another Kyo), God Bison(No Barrier Version), God Wind(Not sure if you meant this instead of Wind God), God Kyo, Boss Igniz, and Omega Rock Howard(Finally found him on like the 15th disc). http://www.sendspace.com/file/4o7hrc
  21. Well that Rock was more of an exclusive, wouldn't call it so easy to find. Btw the link on the page doesn't work.
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