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Posts posted by Basara-kun

  1. Fs8uQfQ.png

    Although this series is more known for their 2D graphics, the jump to the 3D also have adaptations to MUGEN, so here I'll compile all the stuff from these games in a similar way that I did with Street Fighter. As always, any help is welcome!!

    Red is Offline, Blue is edited/custom, Yellow is WIP, Green is another gameplay, Purple is for collection purposes only and * needs an image

    See also: KOF: The Definitive Collection - Strikers Collection


    3D Characters


    The King of Fighters: Maximum Impact series

    Kyo Kusanagi (Classic Kyo): Dragon972

    Mai Shiranui: Dragon972


    The King of Fighters XIV

    Antonov: José Cuervo

    Athena Asamiya: Jose Cuervo*

    Chang Koehan: José Cuervo*

    Geese Howard: José Cuervo

    Iori Yagami: José Cuervo

    K': Jose Cuervo*

    Kim Kaphwan: José Cuervo*

    Kula Diamond: Jose Cuervo*

    Kyo Kusanagi: José Cuervo

    Leona Heidern: José Cuervo*

    Mai Shiranui: José Cuervo

    Nakoruru: José Cuervo

    Ryo Sakazaki: Jose CuervoFabricio Franco*

    Terry Bogard: José Cuervo

    XV athena 623a ima.pngXV Haohmaru 2c ima.pngXV iori 623a ima.pngXV joe 4b ima.pngXV Kula 214A ima.pngXV kyo 623a ima.pngXV goenitz 6321463214ac ima.pngXV Nakoruru fa ima.png15870.gifXV orugal 623d ima.pngXV shermie 2141236cd ima.pngXV terry 214b ima.png

    The King of Fighters XV

    Athena Asamiya: Jose Cuervo

    Haohmaru: Jose Cuervo

    Iori Yagami: Nostalgic / José Cuervo

    Joe Higashi: Jose Cuervo / NostalgicFaber Player 

    Kula Diamond: Jose Cuervo

    Kyo Kusanagi: Jose Cuervo

    Leopold Goenitz: BoyBoyz

    Nakoruru: Jose Cuervo

    Otoma=Raga: BoyBoyz

    Rugal Bernstein: Jose Cuervo / BoyBoyz (Omega Rugal)

    Shermie: Jose Cuervo

    Terry Bogard: Jose Cuervo


    Other characters

    Shermie: QY China


    2D Adaptations

    3dr_alba.gifUTsQV37.giftLfIjJ7.gifvtPaJkX.pngKOF MI in CvS - Page 5 Cv-S-Chae-Lim-by-chuchoryurec_fio.gif3dr_jivatma.gif3dr_k.gif3dr_kyo.gif3dr_neville.giflien10.gif3dr_lilly.giflily_s14.gifluise.gifNinon_20720_thumb.gif.166290b12f07cf89bacpdLwgj.gifrec_wildwolf.gif

    The King of Fighters: Maximum Impact series

    Alba Meira: FZL-MGCoolLucas9999Duracelleur - mymugen - Crow - 

    Athena Asamiya (Another): Haseeb Ahmed - Duracelleur / Vergil Kusanagi

    Blue Mary (Another): TESTP & Jerzy - Duracelleur - AnimugenZ

    Chae Lim: Ahuron & AmnaelioAnimugenZ  - Duracelleur / Chuchoryu (CvS)

    Fio Germi (Metal Slug): Mr.S - DarkMiguel / Ainotenshi - Duracelleur / Chuchoryu (CVS) / io

    Jivatma: ElGranEnigma119way

    K' (Another): TheNightWalker & Le@n - Duracelleur - KamranBernstein / Ahuron / VELKA碎梦丶菌 (K' Thunder)

    Kyo Kusanagi (MI2): TheNightWalker & Le@n / Ahuron (Incredible Power Kyo - AD Kyo-911) - Ð¡Âú (G_AD_Kyo) / BeppuDr.Flames / Zelgadis - HELL (Clone Kyo) / Ikaruga / Crow (K-AD Kyo) / 天天SY男 (Saint Kyo)Duracelleur / Ç³³ª¡¢ÄÇéäºÛ (Lethal Power Kyo) / jkluiop804 (Gorgeous Kyo) / Tin Tin / Tin, Passing & Desert Agent / CrisTian Adrian Yagami1 (Kusanagi CT) / keyser (Kyo Impact) / Unknown (Abyss Kyo)

    Lien Neville: Nio, Riccochet & Thedge (KOF) - Duracelleur - AnimugenZ / ElGranEnigma (resprite) / Laslab Games (CvS)*

    Lilly Kane (Billy's sister): Yumehiko / Ashina (Another)

    Luise Meyrink: Blue Blood - Duracelleur - Flam

    Nagase: Anmaelio*

    Ninon Beart (Another): A A Z E

    Soiree Meira: Dievil & Duracelleur

    Wild Wolf (MI2): AhuronVergil Kusanagi - NightStalker / Ikaruga (EX Terry) (OldNew) / RMVGames / T-Alf / LASH (WW Lv3)RYO2005 (ROTD)

    Xiao Lon: R.E.G. - Duracelleur*

    5mrXd0I.gif1cJ4eHz.gifKAq0cI4.gifCvS Geese XIV sprite style Cv-S-Geese-by-chuchoryu-Tekken-7gbjHi56.gif15864.gifTamkZPz.gif17087.gifVWs95bG.png87LPHjl.gif

    The King of Fighters XIV

    Alice Garnet: Amnaelio (XIV - Another) - Duracelleur* / POKET && K99 (CvS)k6666orochi - Manson ReesInfinite (CvS) - darkorey8

    Athena Asamiya: Winter - Duracelleur

    Geese Howard: Chuchoryu (CvS)

    Iori Yagami: YSP - Duracelleur / Unknown*

    King of Dinosaurs: SeñorX & Duracelleur

    Leona Heidern: Strong FS & Shirou Satoru

    Shun'ei: Emperor (XIII) - King227 & Unclecatnvx / Emperor & Jjun Srr (XI) - 4LL3N, terryandyjoemarymai, OmegaMugener 775 & Night Stalker - AnimugenZ

    Sylvie Paula Paula: KoopaKoot (AF char) / Amnaelio - Duracelleur - AnimugenZ

    Tung Fu Rue: Anmaelio*

    Zarina: Leyan


    The King of Fighters XV

    Dolores: Leyan*

    Iori Yagami: Zelgadis - AnimugenZ - Gently

    Kim Kaphwan: Strong FS*

    Krohnen McDougall: Strong FS - Desadaptado

    Kyo Kusanagi: Andori Hana

    Rugal Bernstein: fxm508

    Shermie: Strong FS*

    Sylvie Paula Paula: Amnaelio*



    MI Series: ElGranEnigma (MI2 Temple of Ruins, Grand Mosque)Dark Saviour (MIR:A Dragon's Lair) / Blue Blood & O Ilusionista (MI2 Sacred Garden)MIMCHOU (MI2 Sacred Garden) / Hiram Yagami (MI1 Infernal Gate) / Dragon972 (MI2 Dojo)

    XIV: Rayzo (Training)Gatorision (3 stages) / IORIKYO (South Town - Great Wall - Industrial Area) / zero & master300 (5 stages)

    XV: DarkMiguel (Final) / KenChris (Freezing Forest) / Chuchoryu (Strange Plateau) - DarkMiguel


    Other MUGEN Stuff

    Screenpacks: Rayzo (XIV, 1.0/1280x720) / HLoader (XIV, 1.0/640x480)

    Lifebars: HLoader (XIV Trial, 1.0/1280x720) / Maycol001 (MI2, 1.0/640x480) / Mastyu (MI1, Win/640x480Nameless353, 1.0 / MI2, Win/640x480 / MIR:A, Win/640x480Nameless353, 1.0)

    Patches: BoyBoyz (Fix patch for Cuervo's Antonov) / Joey S. (MI English voice for OHMSBY's Iori) / Macaulyn97 (MI2 voice patch for Fervicante's B.Jenet)

    Portraits: Rayzo (XIV) / Miner500 (XV) / DatKofGuy (XIV) / Kaine (XIV)

    Missing/To be made: Fullgames



    Sprites: Mastertkof (XIV Angel) / Dievil (MI Soiree) / SeñorX (King of Dinosaurs)OphaR (XIII Alice Garnet)

    Sounds: The Sounds Resource (MI1 - MI2 - MIR:A - XIV) / Loud Howard (MIR:A) / Riccochet (MI1-2 English Voices) / Jesuszilla (MI1 Kyo, Iori, Mai) / Edenbeast (MI2 English Voices)k6666orochi (XIV) / Miner500 (XV)

    Music: Video Game Music (MI1 - MI2 - MIR:A - XIV (OST - DLC - NC) - XV (OST1 - OST2 - S1 - S2))

  2. logo_ninmas.png

    An obscure Neo Geo fighting game in the style of Samurai Shodown made by ADK. Remake of Gui0007's collection with a lot of new stuff, I hope you like it 😉

    Red is Offline, Blue is Edited/Custom, Green is Another Gameplay and * needs an image




    Goemon: Flam

    Houoh: Brown - Lucas9999 (KOF)

    Kamui: Descolor

    Karasu: Adamskie - T.D Kubota / Yoyo

    Kasumi: Be / Flam / K-Z / Hiroki

    Natsume: Keyu / Flam / The Impaler

    Oda Nobunaga: Nobun

    Raiga: Flam

    Ranmaru Mori: Nobun / Flam

    Sasuke: Adamskie / Descolor / Tunin

    Tenho: Flam

    Unzen: Flam


    Other MUGEN Stuff

    Stages: NeoGouki / Survivor 2KKasagi (1.1) / Kyoman (Sasuke - Kamui - Natsume - Kasumi - Houoh) - xWagnerPlaguesx & [A]ntares (Houoh)Chok (Raiga) / xDieStayFly (Unzen): Winter - Spring / Nobun (Nobunaga - Ranmaru) / Bad Darkness (Nobunaga - Ranmaru) / Cerisier (Unzen) / Juan Carlos (Sasuke)Enscripture (Tenho) / Juke Kisaragi (Kasumi) / Kaine (Nobunaga) / Rockzouh (Karasu)Lessard (Karasu) / Charles_2011 (Karasu)

    Screenpacks: Claudio Toxi (Win/320x240)Nobun (Win/320x240)

    Lifebars: DrKelexo

    Fullgames: Heat Games

    Patches: Peppermint (AI patch for T.D Kubota's Karasu) / Zako (AI patch for Nobun's Nobunaga)

    Portraits: Hellcio

    Intros & Endings: Kain The Supreme (Endings)



    Sprites: Kong

    Sounds: Video Game Music

    Music: Video Game Music (OST - AST - Gamerip - NGCD)

  3. Fighting game where the biblical characters fight "Bible Fight" - GIGAZINE

    An interesting Adobe Flash game by Adult Swim where biblical characters fight against each other with cool character designs.

    Remake of Moltar's collection with various new stuff, I hope you like it 😉

    Red is Offline




    Eve: Animaraz

    God: Jessica Smoke

    Jesus: Storm0062 / RobotMonkeyHead

    Noah: The_None

    Satan: Skiff / RobotMonkeyHead / Demon Lord

    Missing/To be made: Mary, Moses


    Other MUGEN Stuff

    Stages: Stage Pack / XDieStayFly (The Parted Seas - Heaven - The Manger)

    Fullgames: DLL

    Missing/To be made: Lifebars, Screenpacks, Portraits



    Sprites: Tombmonkey / Cesarshadow (Moses) / Kronos

    Sounds: Kronos

  4. Dragoon Might Images - LaunchBox Games Database

    Fighter game made by Konami and one of those Arcade-only games they made in the 90s.

    Remake of Gui0007's collection with some new stuff, I hope you like it 😉

    Red is Offline, Yellow is WIP and * needs an image




    Yamato: Ryon / Basara-kun

    Tsugumi: Sakuraka

    Layla: Sakuraka

    Kodama: Deathgazer

    Dogma: NGI

    Missing/To be made: Jaoh, Reggie, Drake, Zack, Tekkamen, Ryan, Sarumaru, Suiko


    Other MUGEN Stuff

    Stages: Cenobite53 / OldGamer (Flight Fight)

    Lifebars: Slayer/Dan Mt. (1.0/640x480)

    Portraits: Afruitaday!

    Missing/To be made: Screenpacks, Fullgames



    Sprites: Cenobite53 & Blagoy

    Music: Video Game Music (OST - Gamerip)

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