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sтαя∂υsт cяυsα∂εя

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Everything posted by sтαя∂υsт cяυsα∂εя

  1. Was testing this Strider WIP of a friend, SNK sprites with MvC gameplay is weird indeed
  2. Im not really taking any sides, Im telling you to chill, since ur statement, "Happy Now?" made u look snobby, which is why Ultimecia replied like how she did. Its better to just post the video and reply something normal like "Ok, done", wouldve been better n wouldve avoided this chain of replies against you. Oh n ur kinda digging your own grave now by the replies you've been making in the thread, n the name calling, calling Ultimecia a "bitch" out of nowhere was unnecessary So Im just advising you to chillax, u forgot to post a preview, u should just accept that u forgot n apologize; n then just let it go
  3. Shinigami, you should relax, just let it go, you posted the video, kthanxbye
  4. I agree, its in the rules. Have u read them?
  5. Thats good to hear, taking ur time n slowly testing, hope u get a good Meta System going on as well
  6. Jmorphman is a coder that goes for balance and accuracy, also this char is solid and the coding is very sophisticated. Please dont judge a character to be good or bad just becuz it doesnt have amazing over-the-top moves or excessive effect usage.
  7. I dont have much to comment, so far so good. Good luck with it
  8. They still have lots of time to make changes to the system, hope they do, I agree the Super KO thing is kinda lame; unless supers are really easy to pull off which makes the game unbalanced lol
  9. n Spyro; so many PS1 icons to choose from, hope Sony gets it right
  10. I like this, SSB clone or not, Id buy it. If they have iconic characters from the PS1 n PS2 era, Im satisfied
  11. http://www.geocities.jp/mugen_ro_seima/character.html
  12. Better link to the WIP thread with the DL link http://mugenguild.com/forumx/index.php?topic=140418.0
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