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The Magic Toaster

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Everything posted by The Magic Toaster

  1. [Gameplay] [Description] Tower of Heaven is a challenging platformer built on the the innate difficulty of the rules that the egotistical god sets upon your character. Heres the link to the game if you want to try it for yourself: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/544332
  2. Bashes Sweetfire's Head with a Lunchbox* THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE.
  3. But, Sakuya-San will get jealous and throw knifes at me.
  4. Dont worry Ryoucchi-San ill help you. Also, can you help me with this shirt? Its SOOOO Tight around my Breast. It feels like its going to explode.
  5. You can only act as if you were a women on this post.
  6. Challenge Day! Challenge Name: Slam Master Challenge: Do survival with: Micheal Joden, Slamdunk, Magic Dunker, or Shaq.
  7. So, is this stage form the Konami Parody Game with Kid Dracula?
  8. ThurisaZ(New Verison): http://www.mediafire...jim02dpn56w0s6b Papillonnage Matchouli(Beta): https://skydrive.liv...52&sc=documents (Password is: mugen) Youki-so-Suika: http://page.freett.c...cchu/index.html (15th link) Arima Meilin: http://page.freett.c...cchu/index.html (8th link) Sikieiki Yamaxanadu by IF(Mystic Chain): http://ux.getuploader.com/mugen11/download/20/MCXANADU-IF.zip
  9. Is that from Mario Kart? Or is that one Japanese Konami Parody game?
  10. Post Your Favorite Video Game Special. Example: Charles Barkley's Chaos Dunk.
  11. I wonder how he'll do against Demiurgos.
  12. I had another question about the project. How many characters are there going to be in the Roster? Or is it still to be decided?
  13. [Preview] http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_Stj28BmRk&feature=relmfu [Download] Touhou Seirensen - Stage 6 (Hijiri Byakuren's stage): http://page.freett.com/nenmintei/index.html Under ステージ音楽適当(D4stage) > Stage 6 [Comment] Made by Nenmin
  14. [Gameplay] [Description] Tales of Game's Presents Chef Boyardee's Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa is a freeware role-playing video game developed by Tales of Game's Studios, presented as an unofficial sequel to Barkley, Shut up and Jam!and Space Jam. It features traditional JRPG-styled battles and dungeons. [story] The game takes place in 2053, in "post-cyberpocalyptic Neo New York City. Twelve years prior, Charles Barkley performed a powerful dunk called a Chaos Dunk at a basketball game, inadvertently killing most of the people in attendance. As a result, basketball was outlawed and many basketball players were hunted down and killed. In 2053, another Chaos Dunk is performed in Manhattan, killing millions. Barkley is blamed for the Chaos Dunk and is hunted by the B-Ball Removal Department, led by Micheal Jordan. Barkley is rescued by another outlaw referred to as the Ultimate Hellbane. Hellbane leads Barkley to the tomb of LeBron James, revealing that Hellbane's real name is Balthios, the great grandson of James. The ghost of James tells the two to seek the Cyberdwarf, who is hidden in New York's sewers. While searching for the Cyberdwarf, they are joined by a cybernetic Vince Carter, who has lost his memory. Upon finding Cyberdwarf, the four of them rush to a nearby church, where Barkley's son Hoopz is hiding. In the church, Jordan is holding Hoopz hostage. Cyberdwarf, looking at Hoopz, comments that Hoopz may be “The One”; this comment restores Carter's memory. He was killed along with many other basketball stars, but was rebuilt by the terrorist organization BLOODMOSES to kill Hoopz. Carter joins with Jordan, but the two are driven off by Barkley and his party.
  15. Try this one then: http://page.freett.com/doudemoiiHP/index.htm Third Link> First Download If it still dosent work then idk.
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