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  1. As far as searching unfortunately not everyone clarifies specifically which version will work where. Typically you can tell just by looking in the def file and looking at versions.
  2. Greetings all, I have a screenpack that I really enjoy and don't wish to part with as I have put a lot of work customizing it. One of the things I have had players notice at the cabinet is that the stages seem to be "zoomed in a bit" during play. As in the whole camera is a bit closer to the fight, causing the most upper and lower parts of the stages to be cut off. I don't think this is so much an issue in the individual stages (though I may be wrong) and would assume this has something to do with the screenpack itself, perhaps in the system.def file. Any ideas?
  3. For someone who has been playing around in Mugen since 2006 I am embarrassed to say I don't actually know what this means. I have seen the designation "POTS" after characters in directories, either as a author or as a play style. Per example, what is the difference between POTS style R. Mika and SFA3 R. Mika?
  4. Atrium Carceri, to help me chill out with the night and breathe all the fire out of my lungs.
  5. Hey FarHarborButcher, You should check out William Birkin the Resident Evil character. He changes into a different character, or "evolves" like 4 times. Personally, I increased the requirement for him updating his form. I believe its by "Choiyer"
  6. Welcome! Yes... the mods at Archive are super ban happy... I attempted to log into there recently only to find I was banned haha.
  7. Noahshines Arbok is marked as NSFW. Am I missing something?
  8. Ademskie's T.Hawk should be labeled yellow/WIP since its not done Sepp's T.Hawk link is broken T.Hawk is not found in N.Mario's site link Rolento by GouSan's link is actually for the character Sakura
  9. HI! This thread seems super useful, and though its a few years old hopefully I can get a response or pointed to a new more current thread. I have attempted to input the concept behind the code into my game starting with Kung Fu Man (720p version). It appears I am missing something because it does not effect the way he plays. Per example, I tried to stop him from spamming his taunt (bow) as an AI by doing the following: [State -1, Taunt] type = ChangeState value = 195 triggerall = var(59)>0 ; use only if AI is on triggerall =abs(P2Bodydist X)>50 ; only taunts when enemy is farther triggerall = life>=.05*Lifemax ; only taunts if over 50% life trigger1 = statetype != A trigger1 = var(59)>0 ; use only is AI is on My confusion comes in a bit as to where to place the var(59) check, in the trigger, or in the triggerall as I notice in the original post it switches between the two. Though it is also possible I am not placing the AI activation code in the correct section. It notes to put it in one of the minus states. Can I get a little more clarity then that?
  10. Hello all! I used to be a member of the "mugen community" back in.. idk.. 2008 or so? Its been about 8 years since I have interacted with the game. Some stuff has changed indeed. Much easier to find resources and a far friendly community! I recall when people would ask for help it usually would result in rage attacks. Current Projects: Making a mugen arcade cabinet for my house, ideally with a clean error free version of mugen. Skills: Graphic design. Trained in Unity, C#, and GML languages. Going back to working in mugen has been... rough to say the least. Favorite Characters: Akuma, Jade, Kula Diamond, Juggernaut
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