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Everything posted by Charmugen

  1. Hmm, seems like you removed too much? Why did you remove Hoshikuro, The Fighter, Reeyou, Akumeme, Shotoclown, Spin To, Captain Ameriken, and Cool?
  2. So, you want the real Len edited MOMO-LEN? Here it is. Super Ultra Rare, saved by me. Version 1.05. @Moʋniƭorirɲ @DartzPie Preview: Download: MOMO-LEN ver.1.05 by sakura. Compatible with Winmugen, 1.0, and 1.1. https://www.mediafire.com/file/cxs5b9r2o9gx1iv/MOMO-LEN.zip/file MOMO-LEN ver.1.10, latest of the old ver. Missing. Note: Unfortunately, this is not the latest ver. of the old ver. The latest is ver. 1.10, apparently released in March, 2012. The next update in October, 2012 was when new MOMO-LEN replaced the old. Ver. 1.05 is second to last ver. of old MOMO-LEN, so not too far off. For some odd reason, Grayeyes2020 does not have ver. 1.10, and Grayeyes2020 is responsible for this huge mugen list, usually able to collect all versions of chars when he was active. Character by default is AI only. How did I get this character? Long time ago in 2012, I downloaded MOMO-LEN from sakura. Kinda weird I got ver1.05, which could mean that I downloaded her sometime between February to March of 2012, which apparently is a lot rarer than ver. 1.10! I don't remember exactly when in 2012, but it could be possible ver. 1.10 was never released, and that would explain why Grayeyes2020 and myself don't have the version. But, apparently according to sakura in the read me file in a later version, ver. 1.10 got released. Well, enjoy, and you're welcome.
  3. Oops, I figure that would be the case. I posted that right before bed, but please do add the rest that belong here. Post Update: As for Neco-Misaka, I got a later version from 2014, ver.2.1. Post Update: You want the latest Spera and Destrud by MichaelArmaros. Destrud got updated few days ago on 5/3/2023. Get them here: http://michaelarmaros.web.fc2.com/ Shortcut: https://ux.getuploader.com/michaelarmaros01 While looking at Snowy's last post... N by NoName https://ux.getuploader.com/mura4mo/download/51 Holy Seven Night aka Holy Night Nanaya by Eikouya -Night of Glory- https://ux.getuploader.com/Aosame_NoG/download/106 In there, Eikouya -Night of Glory- has a ton of Nanaya edits. Senkou Nanaya, Taima Bananaya, etc. Dank Meme Nanaya aka DM-Nanaya by p0008874 https://mega.nz/folder/oUZCRY4Y#tgFEqM7uHF8pVtuSIPBYrw/file/xYxjAYaa And Persephone is by unknown author. It is an edit of Destrud by MichaelArmaros.
  4. Nico by ju https://web.archive.org/web/20130615092712/http://big.freett.com/shinnyoukibako/ju_nico.zip Nico AI by 通行忍 https://web.archive.org/web/20130830012215/http://big.freett.com/shinnyoukibako/ju_nico_AI.zip SCP-3812 by CESARSOMBRA and Mighty Stymie https://www.mediafire.com/file/azl1qj97a4eler0/SCP-3812.rar/file SCP-3999 by Mighty Stymie https://www.mediafire.com/file/rzhok1ir9nxzddo/SCP-3999.rar/file Dark Arcueid by 586 https://web.archive.org/web/20081004230354/http://members.at.infoseek.co.jp:80/solomon1862/date/d_arc.7z cmd patch by レイス aka Wraith https://web.archive.org/web/20080127173623/http://members.at.infoseek.co.jp:80/solomon1862/date/d_arccmd.7z Masurao by Gab https://onedrive.live.com/?id=CBE7B10D2FF1AA7A!258&cid=CBE7B10D2FF1AA7A M-PrincessJade by Gab https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=CBE7B10D2FF1AA7A&id=CBE7B10D2FF1AA7A!274&parId=CBE7B10D2FF1AA7A!258&o=OneUp Meta Jade by Jurica https://onedrive.live.com/?id=DE16BEABD108FA24!121&cid=DE16BEABD108FA24 Neco-Misaka by Mob7 https://www.mediafire.com/file/876fn697bht6lkx/necomisaka.zip/file Psycho Ciel by BluishCat https://www.mediafire.com/file/3ds17esow1s5vhn/PsychoCiel_2_00.zip AI by 蓬莱 https://www.mediafire.com/file/d5rduucrm13zddq/PsychoCiel_maoAI.zip Shadow Kouma Kishima by The None http://www.justnopoint.com/lbends/index.php?location=chars&page=2 Shiki Kageya by Epsilon https://www.dropbox.com/s/5p7dumzlo1h8oh9/kageya.rar?dl=0 Shiki Nanaya Reaver by Bunshi & Rouge Noir & Slayer & ƒÃ https://web.archive.org/web/20120605135555/http://titose.6.ql.bz/d4/Nanaya_Reaver.GCA Unzipped by me, but garbled. Alt link. https://www.mediafire.com/file/clgbpze9zncxb1g/Nanaya_Reaver.zip/file Toko Aozaki by Shiroto https://web.archive.org/web/20070715013308/http://big.freett.com:80/elemental_t/toko.dgc Unzipped by me. Alt link. https://www.mediafire.com/file/t7tcetzna5zsxsi/toko.zip/file Zagan by Nankotsu Curry https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AP-BgJ39RpVEVlI&id=7AEE2075BB67710D!302&cid=7AEE2075BB67710D Elya by Azrel. Idk about this one, but Mugenguild Database listed this char as a special edited version in melty blood section. https://www.mediafire.com/file/4wndzuimwuj/Elya.rar/file Illusion Nº17 by Ark https://www.mediafire.com/file/0qew7o0ms3h7tvv/Illusion_No17_v1_09.zip/file Nayu Mizuhara by Ohgaki. Idk about this one, but Mugenguild Database listed this char as a special edited version in melty blood section. https://onedrive.live.com/?id=6E75371007E5D7F9!517&cid=6E75371007E5D7F9 Shogun by KFC? https://www.mediafire.com/file/mqq035wwo2ejq1c/shogun1_1_7.zip/file White & Blue Ver2 by D-Destruction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMiYVmIezKI Blossom & Pink by D-Destruction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEkEHNC2yh8 Ozoi-San by woman https://www.mediafire.com/file/n0l4o959yay93jm/kozoi.zip/file Nuwan Nuwan Sya Sya! by Konton NO kotowarI. Password is mugen https://ux.getuploader.com/KonTon_KoToWaRi/download/236 Correction: Calypso should be spelled Calypso. Pre-to's Type Moon style chars: kilyousuke edited by nipa3008. Gif output same as original. https://www.mediafire.com/file/zkd4qwc84qtmysx/Natsume_Kyousuke.rar/file Aleti, and youhei. I don't know about the rest if they are Melty Blood edits or not. Aleti looks like an Aoko Aozaki edit, while Mugenguild Database listed Youhei as a special edited version in melty blood section. https://mugenfreeforall.com/topic/7775-creators-collection-pre-to/ Nanaya_S by Pre-to https://www.mediafire.com/file/obsichsmuqs4hl3/J_nanaya.zip/file Zeroko by FenNes & 5667 & Chiyuri & E's. The latest version is missing... old ver. Gif same as zeroko_w. https://www.mediafire.com/file/y4gq2qcr5y2e97t/zeroko_w.zip/file Edit of an older version. Gif same as zeroko_w. https://www.mediafire.com/file/8bhmats12187772/zeroko_w.zip/file Dark R by DR https://www.mediafire.com/file/6s0a76b660goan3/dark_r.rar/file Final Zeroko by ONI-MIKO. Modified date was changed to 2015, so it could be an edit. Originally from mugenarchive. https://www.mediafire.com/file/jdom9san7isenlo/Final_Zeroko_B.rar/file Boss Zeroko by ONI-MIKO https://mugenfreeforall.com/topic/9002-boss-zeroko-by-oni-miko/ Boss Zeroko edited by Duracelleur https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NICCPqHX8AEaNdvqTQEOF8beA2eoX-6S Zeroko by The Paper and Glasses. Gif same as zeroko_w. https://mugenfreeforall.com/topic/24926-zeroko-by-the-paper-and-glasses-official-released/#comment-260494 Yage Zeroko https://mega.nz/folder/oUZCRY4Y#tgFEqM7uHF8pVtuSIPBYrw/file/BZR2xQxD Running Zeroko https://mega.nz/folder/oUZCRY4Y#tgFEqM7uHF8pVtuSIPBYrw/file/ABgXTYpT Zeroko_w AI patched by ヅァギ aka Duagi. Gif same as zeroko_w. This has the latest version of zeroko_w, but one file was modified apparently, or modified date changed from original date... https://onedrive.live.com/?id=BAD2B9A17ABA3868!4131&cid=BAD2B9A17ABA3868 Zeroko White AI patch by ヅァギ aka Duagi. Gif same as zeroko_w. https://onedrive.live.com/?id=BAD2B9A17ABA3868!4131&cid=BAD2B9A17ABA3868 And there are still a lot more to add. Well, I think I'm done... for now.
  5. Here you go: http://www.trinitymugen.net/forum/index.php?action=tpmod;dl=get411
  6. YouTuber: Hikakin egg by dokkano sub https://ux.getuploader.com/up_sub/download/95 YouTuber: Pewdiepie Pewdiepie ver.p0 by p0008874 https://mega.nz/folder/oUZCRY4Y#tgFEqM7uHF8pVtuSIPBYrw/file/8dIXQYJA Pewdiepie With shopping cart by p0008874 https://mega.nz/folder/oUZCRY4Y#tgFEqM7uHF8pVtuSIPBYrw/file/gYhQmQBD YouTuber: Missasinfonia MissaSinfonia by Mige208 https://www.mediafire.com/file/xxrrajxv9q877ey/SMvC-EoH_Template.rar/file Missasinfonia by Spider YT 2017 https://www.mediafire.com/file/u49v31givxi8cds/Missasinfonia.rar/file YouTuber: CristianGhost cristian ghost by Manny Lingle & Untruthful Dragon, edited by Mige208 https://www.mediafire.com/file/06s3vjuiw8gtv7x/creste_7000.rar/file Edited ver. by Pisco Man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnRbeQ_-xYc
  7. Bin Laden by Deciderio aka Deciderio.cjb.net. Latest, unedited version from 2004. https://web.archive.org/web/20070312112525/http://deciderio.web1000.com:80/mugen/char-binladen.zip Bin Laden edited by Unknown. From 2006. https://www.mediafire.com/file/8ccn9kb22iwqjck/binladen.zip/file The Bin Laden version you have up is an edited ver. by Unknown. From 2013. Love Of Z by NoName. Original char. https://ux.getuploader.com/mura4mo/download/88 Bunny Girl by Actarus. Original char. http://fanaticmugen.free.fr/tmp_dl/chars/BunnyGirl.rar Johanna O'Malley by Actarus. Original char. http://fanaticmugen.free.fr/tmp_dl/chars/Johanna.rar Yang Tze by Actarus. Original char probably, or maybe he's Bolo Yeung. http://fanaticmugen.free.fr/tmp_dl/chars/YangTze.rar Post Update 5/13/2023: Honey Boo Boo by unknown author. Original char. (3/10/2024 Update: Actually belongs in adapted char section because char supposed to be Alana Frances "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson) http://www.mediafire.com/file/z9d7o4570zjuyva/Honey+Boo+Boo.zip Saggot v2 by CrazyKoopa. Original char probably. https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/saggot-v2-137588.0.html Roveloce by Mulambo. Original char. Yep, gray screen in game too. No idea why, maybe it was intended as a joke/parody, or Mulambo didn't know it was there. https://emanuelepepi.altervista.org/ Slamgief by blazemanxd. Original char. https://www.mediafire.com/file/l2fs0lmfqo6gwy0/Slamgief.zip/file P.O.T.Sucks by ShinDan. Released on April 1, it is an April fools joke. No hate... I think. https://www.mediafire.com/file/ij76n07wqwcbjni/P.O.T.Sucks.zip/file Gaseous Clay by AdamD. "Gaseous Clay" is a slang that means someone who farts a lot. Not sure where this comes from. https://www.mediafire.com/file/n5595hkuy58aucm/Gaseous_Clay.rar/file Balrog Popinski by AdamD. https://www.mediafire.com/file/wpfn3k7okttnrzm/Balrog_Popinski.rar/file Post Update 5/14/2023: Kratos by Legend of Sebas. Latest version. The one you have up is dead link. https://www.mediafire.com/file/mmmdyirzovj1s6b/Kratos.rar/file Shin Bison by B.Skryo-Rextrion https://www.mediafire.com/file/s5p7blge1oza5ax/shinbison.rar/file
  8. I am trying, but nanaya shiki edits come up alot. Just how it is. Since this is a "Melty Blood edits" and you have a Shiki Tohno/Nanaya edits section, you will add these, right? If not, plz update your rules. We don't understand due to lack of your rules. Why do you have a, "edits that arent well made" section then? Might as well get rid of it. Plz update your rules in your first post. You should add Recitativo there because you have Einsatz included, and they are both made by the same author, MajicCD.
  9. Oops, no you haven't yet. You forgot this:
  10. Oops, that's the old version of Jeff. You want the newest, or latest version here, which I provided before: https://www.mediafire.com/file/84noxfy6rbajglz/Jeff_The_Killer.zip/file And I already archived this link. More edits coming soon! I'll get you more edits from https://network.mugenguild.com/guild/mugenwiki_mb.html From the special versions and special edited versions.
  11. As expected, which I'm totally on board. Totally understandable. I can wait. Take your time.
  12. I think you should because you have AVGN here, and AVGN is technically not a YouTuber, but a fictional character played by James Rolfe, who's a YouTuber. And since you have AVGN included here... Annoying Orange by arcadboy and alicechan49. First Annoying Orange for MUGEN. http://www.mediafire.com/file/tbkldenn0utk522/annoying_orange.zip/file Annoying Orange by a487561 https://www.mediafire.com/file/9hed8ij1d9lk5so/Annoying_Orange.rar/file PewDiePie by 2010LifeGame, edited by luketheemewtwo https://www.mediafire.com/file/wq1ice8vkr6u4a0/PewDiePie.zip/file AI patched ver. by BobaFett https://www.mediafire.com/file/7l6u543msd6oe2l/PewDiePie.zip/file PewDiePie by 2010LifeGame, edited by Mega X. For Smash Mod. https://www.mediafire.com/file/nyvdxvtx9jrzo38/PewDiePie.zip/file GreenScreenPewdiepie by Emmanuelmugen1331. Display name is Pewdiepie. https://www.mediafire.com/file/jzaia0wn3jfgzc3/GrnScrnPewdiepie.rar/file Brody Foxx by joeythemarillfan https://www.mediafire.com/file/6wwbd803ftlu9gd/BrodyFoxx.zip/file DarksydePhil by MP-140 https://www.mediafire.com/file/z9nf3btertp2gg7/DSP.zip/file Edited by Proud of Ragequittin https://www.mediafire.com/file/3t3qiy60md7k8yq/DSP_v1_09_.zip/file older ver. https://www.mediafire.com/file/uzlw00r5b1xfkte/DSP_v1_055_.zip/file Hikakin Mania by mega(目が) https://www.dropbox.com/s/czkqt7t5i35ddpu/Hikakin Mania.zip?dl=0 AI patch by ピコビィ aka KinopicoKirby https://www.mediafire.com/file/hh6hhrmsnm6hbyd/Hikakin_Mania_AI.zip/file Edited ver. by dokkano sub https://ux.getuploader.com/up_sub/download/113 MISSING: Chris Crocker by ChaoticComics, from 2007. Punching Bag char. Probably the first YouTuber for MUGEN. PewDiePie by 2010LifeGame. Original version. Post Update 4/20/2023: MrBeast by Ryan aka RyanHam111 https://www.mediafire.com/file/ianx3w2o359fr59/Mr+Beast+by+RyanHam111.rar/file
  13. Donkey Kong by ROBO Z. Unedited, original. The one you have is an edit of ROBO Z's DK done by unknown author, which I also had too. https://web.archive.org/web/20071113093237/http://www.ineffabile.it/games/mugen/ZIP/chars/dk.zip And, ROBO Z's Donkey Kong came before Infiinma's version, so it's not an edit of Infiinma's version. ROBO Z's site where he hosted DK: https://web.archive.org/web/20010128235800/http://www.capcomente.na-web.net/spriterip/main2.html It should be, "A.T", not, "A.M" for A.T's edit of Infiinma's version. Last, but not least... Donkey Kong by Unknown Creator (the one beside ROBO Z's edit) https://www.mediafire.com/file/7rl914vb0nlhq23/dk.zip/file A requested DK by @HappyDappy666, saved by me. Where did I get it? I don't remember, but it was a long time ago. Maybe it was through that video that showed the unknown author's DK, or somewhere at 4shared. The unknown author's version is another edit of ROBO Z's version. Post Update: Stage: Donkey Kong by DAMOU http://fanaticmugen.free.fr/tmp_dl/stages/DonkeyKong.zip
  14. Got it. Here you go, and enjoy! https://www.mediafire.com/file/7rl914vb0nlhq23/dk.zip/file
  15. Just random weird/cool stuff I found, and there are still a lot more to add. Donald Nanaya by EJUNHO https://www.mediafire.com/file/t7lm32hrwd0f293/Donald_Nanaya.zip/file Ashes of dreams by 3104 http://mugenauthor3104.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-9.html BW-bananaya by Soiux http://sioux.blog.shinobi.jp/ R_B_S by Soiux http://sioux.blog.shinobi.jp/ Elasia by googya. Display name is Ciel though. https://ux.getuploader.com/charakoukaibashodesu Elasia_Another by googya https://ux.getuploader.com/charakoukaibashodesu Post Update 4/17/2023: Nanayario by inetenional trak. Password is ヤホオオオおおおお!! https://ux.getuploader.com/kyouakuchar19/download/75 Falling Night by compressionbox https://ux.getuploader.com/hakohakohako/download/106 Nanatuya Shiki by kamui https://ux.getuploader.com/kamui_mugen/download/12 Dracul_Anchor and Dracul_Anchor-G by kamui https://ux.getuploader.com/kamui_mugen/index/date/desc/1 Tri-Hexa by kamui https://ux.getuploader.com/kamui_mugen/download/10 Post Update: Sika by ganva https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=DFFACEDE0FA7C94C&id=DFFACEDE0FA7C94C!170&parId=DFFACEDE0FA7C94C!137&o=OneUp Imagine-Ancients by Ignacio Martinez aka Kingdemonic666 https://www.mediafire.com/file/wv64wnlexkwp0h3/Imagine-Ancients+(Update).rar
  16. Here's the latest version of Jeff the Killer https://www.mediafire.com/file/84noxfy6rbajglz/Jeff_The_Killer.zip/file Mighty Stymie aka Allyallea aka TediousAgadided. Link archived, so if the link goes down, use internet archive. And Jeff can be found at Creepypasta Collection. Post Update: SCP-106 by Mighty Stymie https://www.mediafire.com/file/06ax603djhl98t7/SCP-106.rar/file
  17. Preview: Download: 55% version: https://web.archive.org/web/20100613132035/http://www.mgbr.net/upload/chars/SAkuma.zip 75% version: Missing. Note: This is a DOS char from 2001. Can be played on Win, 1.0, and 1.1. Recommend to use Dos2Win to convert this char. A lost char listed in the pastebin, now found by me. Post Update: Oh... I think I have a previous version since I just checked the txt file and it is 55%. Here in this site, this later version is 75%. Aw...
  18. Preview: Download: Compatible with Win, 1.0, and 1.1. https://www.mediafire.com/file/5g3xhrsr03njr8j/God_Krizalid.zip/file Note: A wanted lost char from the pastebin. God Krizalid by unknown author, an edit of Nyankoro's Krizalid. I found this char in fus.ho's mugen 2015.zip pack at 4shared. Thanks to fus.ho for preserving this char. P.S. There is another God Krizalid which you can see in this YouTube video. It is missing I believe, and I can't find it. Post Update: I should have read the comments first. galdo said, "the correct name is krizaldo By Yaquimx and not God Krizalid, and i know because i am the creator YaquiMx, Im working in a new actualization to High Resolution with new moves, combos and super powers, wait for it to middle of this 2010", and Leo Plaza responded. So, either God Krizalid in the video is either an edit, or a rename because Leo Plaza didn't say it was an edit. I went to galdo's channel and found 1 video, which was his Krizaldo. He released KrizaldoHR in 2010 with a mediafire dl link, but the dl link is dead. KrizaldoHR is missing at the moment...
  19. Does this one count? Marumain aka マルマイン aka 丸ちゃん aka Electrode by DRM https://mugenfreeforall.com/topic/49406-marumain-aka-マルマイン-by-drm/ I guess it does. You can put it in the "Misc" section if it seems right. Winmugen only.
  20. Preview: Download: Winmugen, and MUGEN 1.0 only. Old: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ilo43e2ie76qd5w/MARUMAIN2.zip/file Old 2: https://www.mediafire.com/file/s5cx8ysm524s0lu/MARUMAIN.zip/file Latest: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6abhd1tlrwbwtir/MARUMAIN.zip/file Garbled ver. of Latest: https://www.mediafire.com/file/b8ihdhktw22l2h8/MARUMAIN_garbled.zip/file Note: Marumain aka マルマイン aka 丸ちゃん aka Electrode, by DRM. The original dl link at Axfc has the snd and sff file corrupted for some reason. I got the full working version... and I don't know how. It was a long time ago since I downloaded Muramain, and I got older versions too. Perhaps DRM reuploaded a fixed version, but I couldn't find any dl link than the one at Axfc. So, I decided to reupload this very rare char, Muramain by DRM. My video on DRM's Muramain is the only video of DRM's Muramain in the entire internet at the moment. In the garbled version, I probably renamed the files to match the text found in the def, or maybe it was like that when I unzipped it a long time ago. I'm not sure, but nothing else was edited. Post Update 5/8/2023: Tested and works on MUGEN 1.0 too.
  21. Preview: Download: 50% version. Compatible with Win, 1.0, and 1.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/clc5nlj10wq2pql/STGreimu.zip/file Note: I got her from a Chinese Touhou Project MUGEN pack. A wanted lost char in the Missing Mugen Data pastebin by BADDO_BAARON0123, now found by me.
  22. Preview: Download: Original link. Password: mugen. Semi-compatible with 1.1, but works in Win. https://www.axfc.net/u/1949746 Reupload https://www.mediafire.com/file/ubsy0xwftm8n0m8/TMrock.zip/file Note: Another wanted lost char from the pastebin. I found this guy while searching in Axfc UpLoader. This was the only result, just one. As of now, this char had 21 DLs including mine, so you can tell not a lot of people have it, and this char is from 2011. I just made a video about this guy vs. STGreimu, but before, there was only 1 vid about him on Youtube, and in that video he had golden glow effects. The one I have doesn't. I don't know why, maybe a different version or a glitch or something, but this char does have more act files which wasn't set in the def. So, you have to manually set it yourself in the def file. Just 4 act files. His 1-hit KO moves doesn't work in 1.1, but it does in Winmugen. I think that's it, well enjoy. Post Update: Oh I see. TMnoelTM's video was published June 27, 2011, while TMrock found at Axfc got uploaded in July 30, 2011, which is a later version. That means apparently there is an older version, and it is missing.... oh wait, TMnoelTM could be TM! Lol, so it is unknown if an older version was released or not. Post Update: Yep, I think so. TMnoelTM is TM. Grayeyes2020 has TM aka noelchanhaseigi.
  23. God KFMan by jjong1917 https://web.archive.org/web/20091130191500/http://mugensh.kr/?module=file&act=procFileDownload&file_srl=4119&sid=80c40228f29380f348cbe51f63ba51ea Post Update 5/8/2023: Mr.KungFu&Watch by 3104 https://ux.getuploader.com/Author3104Uploader/download/11 H-State-Return_with_Var-Check by 3104 https://ux.getuploader.com/Author3104Uploader/download/7 bring it on by 3104 https://ux.getuploader.com/Author3104Uploader/download/6 kfm_CA by compressionbox https://ux.getuploader.com/hakohakohako/download/127 MFK by oromizudaisuki https://ux.getuploader.com/kyouakuchar12/download/11 Ice KFM by ElJosho1000 https://www.mediafire.com/file/yll0l066fan48c2/icekfm.zip/file
  24. Another rarity found by me! God KFMan by jjong1917 https://web.archive.org/web/20091130191500/http://mugensh.kr/?module=file&act=procFileDownload&file_srl=4119&sid=80c40228f29380f348cbe51f63ba51ea Post Update 4/10/2023: TMrock aka G Knuckle by TM https://mugenfreeforall.com/topic/49393-g-knuckle-aka-tmrock-by-tm-aka-noelchanhaseigi/ STGreimu by satosi https://mugenfreeforall.com/topic/49394-stgreimu-by-satosi-aka-悟史
  25. @Basara-kun Oops, you got GGN's name on there for Guile, twice. Also, Soul Gen is on this list which is an edit of Gen. Should be removed since Soul Gen is now at the alpha edits. Or you can update the link since the Soul Gen link here is dead.
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