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Arklegend Zinesis

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Everything posted by Arklegend Zinesis

  1. I still need to transfer this chars to the new sp, anyway can you guys tell me if I miss some bleach chars thats already in mugen
  2. Nice I'll get her now btw why is there a shadow on the lightning?
  3. I've been trying You mean the sp design or the chars?
  4. WIP's status Guilty Gear Accent Core Plus UM - done private (reverted some images due to some difficulties in animation) Guilty Gear Rize of Zinesis - Lost sorry Alpy I couldn't find the images I used before but I'm trying to make a new one(Title Remake - Blazing Gear : Calamity Breaker) Disgaea Mugen Editon - done and released Disgaea Ultimate Mugen HD- pending Persona Ultimate Mugen - pending Drive of Honor Fighters 2 Upper - done (Drive of Honor FighterZ - discontinued) Kingdom Hearts : The Never Ending Tomorrow - done private and more private works Check here for the pics http://zinesis.deviantart.com/
  5. @DS I will make them once I find a nice pic for each game.
  6. I had the earlier version of this before and its really a fun game to play.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPBkP6l8nBM
  8. Jade Cocoon is set in a world where most of the land is covered in dense forest; populated by bizarre, mostly bug-like monsters called Minions. The only safe havens are small villages, one of which is the home of the protagonist, Levant. Levant is a young Cocoon Master, whose job is to capture and purify the Minions. The Minions can then be used to fight and defend Levant, spun into silk for money, or fused with other Minions to form more powerful combinations. Fused minions take on physical characteristics of both its parent creatures, allowing the player to customize the appearance of each one, as well as its abilities. Each minion has a collection of elemental attacks which can be passed from generation to generation. Strategy generally follows a rock/paper/scissors pattern (Wind beats Earth beats Water beats Fire beats Wind), as each wild Minion has an element (although fused Minions may have more than one). Re-releases Jade Cocoon was re-released in Japan as part of the PlayStation the Best series in 1999, and again in 2002 as part of PSOne Books. In Europe, it was republished as aUbisoft exclusive in 2001. It was later released on the PlayStation Network for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable in June 2008 in Japan, but not in other regions. It was released the same day as Crash Team Racing and other games.
  9. is there an alternate link to this? cause I can't dl anything from rapidshare
  10. Nice desktop guys I'll try to up some pic of mine later
  11. Nice I may up some vid of them later on as soon as I finish remaking the char select font and victory screen, I'll include the new intro vid :)
  12. looks like bloody roar 1
  13. yeah, I actually dled all of them and I like vids part 1,2,3,5&7 can't wait for the HD ver of part4 :)
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