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Arklegend Zinesis

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Everything posted by Arklegend Zinesis

  1. Final Boss and stage of Metal Slug 4 and 7 - I hated the beam attacks on 4 its almost impossible to evade it but I like the alternate endings as for 7 last stage was hard not only your dodging enemy fire but you also need to watch out where you step and not fall into the lava
  2. Already started it with the Naruto Sp, Sasuke Sp, Bleach Sp, Saint Seiya ME(which I deleted a few days ago), and JJBA UM.
  3. I already know how to its just that I find your coding much cleaner and easier to understand so I really prefer yours Ry. Yeah DS but I don't know if I can share it cause I can't up big files anymore most of my remaining gald is going to my medication so I can't get a good net connection :( and gain new income atm. Which is also the reason why I'm not always around here anymore but my brother sometimes logs in using this account.
  4. Nice Alpy my fave on the game is the drunken master.
  5. Glad you like that :) yeah I wish I could up full games again.
  6. [Preview] [Download] Download [Comment] PERSONA UM, FOR MUGEN 1.0 640x480 CREATED BY RYON - Modified by Zinesis This is a Persona 4 Themed Mugen Screenpack Included here are 3 Persona 4 stage modified 2spicybar and 2 Persona chars CREDITS RYON - for the Persona 1.0 Screenpack and most of the coding www.mugenfreeforall.com CYBASTER - for the ASCP - Automatic Stage Creation Program www.mugenguild.com/cybaster ZION - for the 2spicybar lifebars and fonts http://muaythaimugen.webs.com ZINESIS www.mugenfreeforall.com - username/Arklegend www.mugenguild.com - username/Izin SPECIAL THANKS TO ULTIMECIA - for the Shin Megami Tensei Collection www.mugenfreeforall.com ELECBYTE - for creating mugen www.elecbyte.com PERSONA 4 and SMT - for everything else
  7. Megalomania I-no/Boss I-no - [GGXXAC Plus] Justice was much easier than her. Cyber Akuma - True Lotus Master - [Martial Masters] cheap always on full power bar and spams special.
  8. Nice, I hope you'll do more bleach chars in the future :)
  9. I'm using my MFFA VZ sp for now but I'm planning to make a themed sp for it. I'll try to up a vid on youtube later. Vids up now check on my video thread
  10. What I don't know is their names, I already have the last blades stages and some samsho stages (I'm choosing new bgms for them atm).
  11. Nice I like his special on the first screen shot (I failed on my first time facing him on the ps2 game cause I didn't know how to counter that attack properly lol)
  12. Well the good thing about it is that I can add more samurai related chars. I'm currnetly looking some samso stages atm since I don't remember where I saved its rar files.
  13. Wow very nice wip I'll add this to my jump themed mugen if this gets release.
  14. Currently updating my win mugen Samurai Showdown fullgame to 1.0
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