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Posts posted by Glisp

  1. why would you sit around in a chatroom and not do anything for 30 minutes?




    thats a long time. Obviously if your not gonna participate in the conversation, You probably shouldn't be there.

    so (not like we need to) it frees up 1 spot so someone else can get it.

    you obviously don't know how chats work. Some people DO go afk for long periods and occasionally peek in to talk then go back to whatever they're doing and repeat. Also, 10 minutes isn't long enough for me to go take a shit and come back. If the chat kicks you in the time it takes to go take a shit, then it's too short.

  2. I originally got my hands on a Wii U as a christmas present for one title: Bayonetta 2.  However, E3 revealed a number of interesting titles for the Wii U as well, not just Bayonetta 2. I'm definitely going to be getting Sonic Lost World and I'll be getting Resident Evil Revelations U once I raise enough money to purchase it. (which I'm close.)

  3. 6 , And The best Versions Are Mega Shocks And OmegaBros (in My Opinion)


                 The Worst Version is Monday_Night_War's . NOTHING And I Mean NOTHING Of KFM (expect his sff.) Was Changed 

    Don't forget the shitastic edit of Omegabros Mewtwo I made. It's a bit more balanced... but still crappy. Also has flamethrower... Not that that's really of any value. It should be in the releases section somewhere.... hell, someone may have put it in the files already. Not that I really care either way. It was cancelled because of the fact the sprites were horrible and also people saying "NO DON'T DO THIS" so I just gave up and said to hell with it and released it unfinished.

  4. The Guild has started protecting his stupid ass. That's where the problems come in. You can't call him an idiot or tell him to quit making characters because of that. Just a heads up, if wlan joins here, nobody post in his topics. (which probably won't happen because we won't protect his stupid ass like the guild does. Well, actually we will but only to a certain extent.)


    It's backwards, These guys use pillow shading because fucking Wlanmania uses it.


    The feedback from my Guild Post:

    lots of words that Wlan won't even read.


    You're wasting your breath. Wlan doesn't listen to any feedback. No matter how hard you try. Omegabros used to be like that as well actually but then all of the sudden he changed. He's actually starting to improve as well. Unfortunately, it seems he's having a hard time escaping his past. I kinda feel sorry for him actually in that regard.


    I'm not a fine one to talk about making shitty characters though. I've actually made one. However, I was smart enough to only release it to a limited audience here. I told them it was horrible too and they could use it for anything they wanted.  I wouldn't care. Though that was an edit of somebody else's character so it probably doesn't count.

  5. Anyway, I provided him with feedback... If he ignores, I won´t do it for him again... :fuckyea:

    Staubhold, you should know by now that giving feedback to that retard is a pointless endeavor. I don't even know why you volunteered to help him when it's been made clear SEVERAL times in the past that he doesn't listen. If he asks again tell him "I'm not going to do it. What's the point of giving feedback if you're just going to ignore it. Piss off you little shrimp" In those exact words. 

  6. Fighting Vipers. Also fun fact, there's a version of her in the Sonic the Hedgehog series as well. In that version, she's a yellow cat. Originally, she was an unused character in Sonic the Fighters. In the XBLA port of Sonic the Fighters though, she was made playable, along with a few other unplayable characters, Eggman/Robotnik included.


    As for Sonic the Fighters itself, it was actually built off of Fighting Vipers' engine.

  7. Well, I know programs like Gimp have an option that allows you to select pixels of a single color. While they're selected, you can recolor anything else. You can then do a flood fill and the "fill selection" option to clean the sprites up more quickly. Though be careful, pixels with similar colors will be colored in which means any other pixels of the same color may be filled in as well.

  8. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers the Movie. They like give you almost no health at the start of the game and just jumping on top of an enemy is enough to damage you. If you die, you begin at the start of the level. One of the reasons why I prefer the Genesis MMPR the movie game since it doesn't have this problem. 

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