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Drunk Ryu

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Everything posted by Drunk Ryu

  1. Bitch doesnt look 37. She looks like she got mauled by Zombies. That, or she just got done murdering somebody. This shit was on youtube on the side..... Fucking fail.
  2. LOL your right. But he will get updated soon im sure. This is the first release.
  3. LOL 3 pages deep and nobody noticed that quote was misspelled. Fixed for great justice
  4. You know what the joke is? That you couldn't navigate a skydrive folder.
  5. Im pretty sure I did this once before on an older MFFA..... But here it goes anyway.... Jimp_Argon: I made up this name in 6th grade while playing Quake II (N64) with my friend. Anyways, while playing, I messed up and died. I said "SHIT! I ment to jimp" there was a moment of silence as we both listened to what I said for a second. And LOL'ed. The name Argon came after 6th grade and sometime while I was in 7th grade. Thats when I saw the elemental Table and saw the one called Argon. Stuck with it ever since. Drunk Ryu: This is a name I came up with shortly after I joined the Mugen community. It was my Infinity/Mfg/MI user name at the time. After I was banned from all those sites with the name Jimp Argon (Warehousing/other reasons.... Probably being a dick) I started realzing my words and thoughts get me into trouble. That, and my rep for posting characters here at MFFA as Jimp Argon. Even now my name might say Drunk Ryu over at MI. But that isnt what I had registered with as a user name. It was Insane Ryu. LOL Shadow Dio: Made this up after I got a new IP adress and registering back at the 2 forums I was banned from. Stayed under the radar too, but in the Warusaki3 topic over there... I was called out for being Drunk Ryu. I didnt deny it. And tried to explaion with reason that I had learned my lesson. And that I went with this name so I wouldnt be persecuted.... But I was banned anyways. Although, today I am still able to visit. I just cannot post. But at least I can visit.
  6. This is what we are seeing. (I also used the link you provided today. Not top link) Try using sendspace?
  7. I know.... I have most of their CD's I thought this needed posting due to a certain someones status updated.
  8. ^ That shit was tight! And funny as hell.
  9. Im sure you can find the right file on your own.
  10. Is that a black ops 2 stage? I know another member of the forum was working on one as well.
  11. What do you mean full release? The one Phantom uploaded a few days ago is by a different author. That. and it was 1.0 only. This character is for winmugen
  12. Would you mind uploading that wind edit?
  13. This is like a 3 week old thing just so you know....
  14. Character: Scorpion by Mike Obrecht Defeated by: V-Element
  15. You will eventually fall under the peer pressure and become one of us as well!
  16. I really like those lifebars. Are they public?
  17. Im just saying the story has no substance. Just cause you put yuri in mugen characters..... That is juat a whole different level of sadness. You need a girlfriend
  18. Its up to you. I just think a darker orange sky would enhance the stages look.
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