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~❤Flanya Scarlet❤

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Everything posted by ~❤Flanya Scarlet❤

  1. Welll Theres Your Problem Leon She has a weak AI AND Bad Coding You Like the 3 button Code ones Im gonna keep her just for kicks.........
  2. mmmm Nice Leon Tested her out Not Bad ^^ Thanks
  3. LOOOOL Thats Funny XD He does though Ummmm Spidy Yes A Spider.......He can Use His webs And deal A TON OF DAMAGE OVER HALF HES CHEAP..........
  4. LOL IT WASSSS BOOOORING XD That part I was Like WTF the next day THE SAAAAME THING I was Like oooook Its A TIME LOOP
  5. wellll That Annnd Something else IM NOT SPOILING IT Annnnd Also RIS in the Season Theres this Loop..................Where Kyon Wakes phone calls And She says Come on over Grab your bike And Lets Head to the Beach......... NEXT DAY same thing BUT Nagato Says Something Diff EACH TIME she says We Have Travled 46,762 Times THEN EACH DAY Passes The number goes up by 1 I KNOW ITS WEIRD BUT you gotta Understand the series............ IT REPEATS 7 TIMES IN A ROW
  6. Actually I Think theres Already A Dark Ash BUT not This version Soooo I Do Hope for one ^^
  7. mmmm I Got Finished with Kanon VERY SAD IN THE END AYU CHAN D: But idk what to watch..........
  8. LOOOL XD NO ok ok I get it mmmm Ohhh heres one One that CREATES CLONES and ALL OF THEM ATTACK YOU AT ONCE v.v
  9. That would be nice RIS and I cant watch I get Glued to it Im Trying to Watch other Anime eps........
  10. Bingo I got some That do that ugh Its Annoying...........EVEN WITH NO AI It STILL Controls itself im Mean WTF
  11. Preety Much Kula Edits That Do Super Cancel God their Combos Are AMAZING.............
  12. MBAA Type people In My Field Are Nice haha I Can Handle them well
  13. HAHAHHAHA My own Name My Flan Chan She NEVER DIES XD She Revives Herself Useing her Spell Card
  14. mmmm I Think I watched this Before AND YES I AM A FAN OF HER TOO BTW ^^
  15. Ohhhh Niiice Im Gonna Try her Later ^^
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