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Everything posted by gui0007

  1. A video demonstration of this awesome char! :D
  2. Added them, thanks DK! :D Thanks bruh, i hope too. :) Also i reorganize the topic and added some more chars. And i need an alternative link for QK2Key's Witch cause the VDisk link that i found contain virus.
  3. She gains a sightly update yesterday. Glad that she's MvC2 style! :D Surely i'll do a video of her.
  4. Added them and added Perfect Select stuff. I found some of them: - Genjular chars (Kyo, Iori and Jhun) - Benimaru by Deuce & Sander71113 - Shingo by NeoGouki - Leona by NAO&M - Ralf by Vans - Clark by OrochiKOF97 - Mary by TESTP, MAR and ActJapan - Kasumi by M.M.R. - Jhun by Zolagun - Kyo by K-17
  5. Collection remade. Click in the author name to download. Thanks Ryoucchi for the portraits. :) Note: Neo's chars are auto AI. CHARACTER SELECT Slayer Class Asura / Mahakala: Serika || Berserker / Hellbenter: GoukaSoshina (1st - 2nd - 3rd) || Omake (Edit): Dadio(Oniken) || Ghost Knight (Arad Senki): Neo Fighter Class Female Fighter: Antagonist / S.Y.D / Ikaruga(KOF'98) / Zephhyr(KOFXI) / P-Tan(Ryunmei/KOFXIII) / Felicity(Lumine/Custom) / BlushCat(RinRin/Custom) Female Fighter (Arad Senki): Neo || Grappler / Tornado: Dadio & Neo || Male Grappler / Giant: GoukaSoshina || Striker / Champion: Dadio & Neo Gunner Class Launcher / Blaster: Sdc || Female Ranger / Bloodia: QK2Key Ranger / Desperado: Sdc & QK2Key (Old - New) / Sdc / Sdc & GoMyungGook / Dadio || Spitfire / General: QK2Key Mage Class Battle Mage / Bellatrix: Serika || Witch / Trickster: QK2Key / Dadio & Neo || Magic Scholar / Madō Gakusha: BlushCat || Sword Mage (Arad Senki): Neo Priest Class Monk / Godhand / Infighter: Dadio / White Hair Knight / Y || Exorcist / Dragon Fighter: White Hair Knight (1st - 2nd - 3rd - 4th) Thief Class Rogue: QK2Key || Silver Moon (Arad Senki): Neo (Old - New) Enemies & Bosses Michelle Monaghan: Sdc || Congcong: Dronekiller || Tomboy Becky: Dronekiller || Hammer King Borodin: Sdc Moussambani: Dronekiller || Fanto: Dark Ruler || Masaccio: Sdc Shisuke: Dark Ruler || CamelCricket Dungeon: Dark Ruler (Old - New) || Mushroom Mouse: Dark Ruler || Aracloso: Dark Ruler (Old - New) Tarantula: Dark Ruler (Old - New) || Dream Ant: Dark Ruler || Combine Tentacle: Dark Ruler Diregie: Dark Ruler / Dronekiller (Wicked - Phantasmal) || Black Moth Scorpion: Dark Ruler || Madness Ant: Dark Ruler || Jillian: Dark Ruler Pikaral Worm: Dark Ruler || Lodingrow: Dark Ruler (Old - New) || Giant Nugol: Dark Ruler (Old - Hard Mode - Old2 - New) Exodus Golem: Dark Ruler || Golem Dungeon: Dark Ruler || Bonanja: Dark Ruler || Clown Fungra: Dark Ruler Great Fungra: Dark Ruler || Infected Fungra: Dark Ruler || Headless Horseman: Flávio Camarão Tau Beast: Dark Ruler (Old - New) || Tau Warrior / Tau Army: Dark Ruler || Tau King Shauta: Dark Ruler Mech-Tau: Sekkaku || Hyper Mech-Tau: Sdc || Botticelli: Dark Ruler (Old - New) || Iron Aim: Dronekiller Samuel, the Deep Breath: Dronekiller || Fuhrman, the Futility: Dronekiller || Atlas: Dark Ruler Goliath: O Ilusionista || Namulrun's Champion: Dark Ruler || Lakius: Dark Ruler (Beta) G-0 Battloid: Sdc || Metal Gear: Dronekiller || Dorniar: Dark Ruler || Spirazzi's Dead Head / Drake: Dark Ruler Dragon King Bakal: Dark Ruler / Dronekiller || Young Skasa: Dronekiller Giant Bosses Death Dragon Spirazzi: Dronekiller / Dark Ruler || Skasa, the Ice Dragon: Dark Ruler Lotus: Dark Ruler || Quattro Manus: Dronekiller Bonus Stage Enemies Chars by Dark Ruler Character List: Bandits / Dogs / Goblins / Kobolds / Lizards / Mouse / Serimalion (Old - New) / Shark (Old - New) / Tower of Bloodyfight STAGE SELECT Stages by QK2Key || Stages by Demonic Juliet Nao 3 || Stages by Genesis || Stages by Ghost Killer: Mythological Bridge / Frozen Luteon / Fiery Luteon Stages by Dark Ruler || Old Stages by Dark Ruler: Underfoot's Cave / Ice Palace / Middle Ocean / Seatrain Retaking Gran Floris / Salif, City of Spores / GBL / Pirate on the Train / Forest Party / Decay Area Stages by Dronekiller: Seatrain Top / Bakal Castle / Time Gate: Skasa's Lair / Castle of the Dead: Metal Brakium / Hanging Watchtower / Blazier of Salamander OTHER STUFF SELECT Full Game by Dark Ruler Lifebars by QK2Key
  6. Also the MFG Database could help you well too. ;) http://network.mugenguild.com/guild/mugenwiki_kofe.html, search for "Special Kula Edits"
  7. clconn1988, you did well so far man, nice job! Keep going and thanks for the collaboration! :D
  8. Ryou, the Altered Beast collection leads to the old one. :P Also i started the remade of the DFO collection.
  9. It really will be great if Nintendo join Sega, Capcom and Namco. It'll be the greatest crossover EVER!
  10. It's Ton Pooh incarnation from Strider manga series huh... Seems interesting.
  11. UPDATE!! Sorry for the long delay with the update sharing, solving some real life troubles. XD Well, here is the Update Log: - Color of the name fonts in the character and versus screens changed and fixed. - Some minor bugs in the lifebar fixed. - Now we have FOUR Announcer options (maybe i'll add more in the next update :P): * Vampire/Vampire Savior * Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter * Marvel vs. Capcom * Super Street Fighter IV - And finally we have a VICTORY SCREEN!! (it's not kinda complete, but here it is!) Download in the first post.
  12. THIS DOLL FACE KYO AGAIN!! Anyway, Kim and Vice looks awesome and that Sylvie... LOL!
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